Levi 11 | 433 18 Dec 2015 / #1Hello All,I Have a doubt: TNV24 is Right or Left wing?Or Centrist?Thanks.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823 18 Dec 2015 / #2Centrist. It's accused of being against PiS, but they aren't aligned to any particular party, and it's popular among the older centre-right electorate.
Harry 18 Dec 2015 / #4Economically they're right of centre. Socially they're very slightly left of centre.
OP Levi 11 | 433 18 Dec 2015 / #6Gazeta Wyborcza is left wing. At least as much as Le Monde or The Guardian are.
Borsukrates 5 | 129 18 Dec 2015 / #7I just found out - there are also Sputnik News, lewica.pl but these are openly pro-Putin and want to join the Eurasian "Union". Mateusz Piskorski and company, those who set up the fake KOD facebook page. Thanks, but no thanks.
Polonius3 980 | 12276 26 Apr 2016 / #8Merged: Polish Radio won't support ex-SB congressPoland's public broadcasters regularly extend their patronage to various worthwhile culturual and civic initiatives which gives such camapigns more exposure and chance of success. Polish Radio thought they were doing so when approached by the 12th Congress for the Protection of Classified and Commercial Information and Personal Data. Upon closer inspection it turned out that innocent-sounding group was set up by former SB agents and others connected to the PRL regime who like many KODists are worried about two things: that files on them will be made public and that their pensions and other ill-gotten gains will get downsized or confiscated. Polish Radio immediately withdrew their partonage.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823 26 Apr 2016 / #9Complete and total Newspeak, as it turns out that Polskie Radio had actually agreed to support the event. Backing it doesn't change the fact that support was given, just like Duda supported the ONR event a while ago.
Wulkan - | 3136 26 Apr 2016 / #10Duda supported the ONR event a while agoFunny how you say that like there is something wrong with supporting patriotic event.
Harry 26 Apr 2016 / #11something wrong with supporting patriotic event.Supporting organisations which held pogroms while Poland was occupied by the Nazis during WWII is always wrong.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823 26 Apr 2016 / #12Funny how you say that like there is something wrong with supporting patriotic event.Can't you have patriotic events without the ONR and similar organisations involved?
Polonius3 980 | 12276 26 Apr 2016 / #13Polskie Radio had actually agreed...Yes, thinking it was an normal NGO. When they found out that like KOD it enjoys ex-SB backing, they pulled out. I wonder when decent folk still deluded into thinking KOD is about democracy will realise it's the last resort of losers and PRL has-beens. Oby jak najszybciej!
WielkiPolak 54 | 988 26 Apr 2016 / #14I'm not sure left and right is a good way to look at it as how do you define left and right. For example right win in the UK is not the same as right wing in Poland.I think it's more of a case of what parties to certain media like more and/or what ones do they severely dislike.
Polonius3 980 | 12276 26 Apr 2016 / #15which held pogroms while Poland was occupiedName some -- places, dates, people involved, Otherwise it's just more of your typical bombast and hot air?!NIE ?NIE is a porno smut-sheet, no less, no more. To make things worse, its pages are too slippery to use in the loo.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823 19 Sep 2017 / #16[moved from]and PiS does NOT control Gazeta PolskaHAHAHA, please.natemat.pl/28651,pis-inwestuje-w-gazete-polska-codziennie-naczelny-gazety-tomasz-sakiewicz-zapewnia-nie-beda-ingerowac-w-trescSakiewicz is very much in the pocket of PiS.
Intermarium 11 | 64 3 Jan 2019 / #17Merged: Liberal/Left-Wing Politics in PolandAre mainstream liberal/left-wing politcal views in Poland comparable to the SPD/Greens of Germany or to the Democrats in America?What are Polish liberals' stances on non-white immigration, gay marriage/gay adoption, ceding national sovereignty to the EU, gender parity, transgenderedism, etc.?
Lyzko 42 | 9524 3 Jan 2019 / #18I see the thread has miraculously been re-opened:-)As posted previously to you, Intermarium, Poland remains on average a far more conservative country than post-Wall Germany, especially since Duda took office.
bolek_tusk 3 | 156 3 Jan 2019 / #19Seems to me that Poland is very much in step with all of Eastern Europe. Conservatism is also increasing in popularity in Italy and Spain, not to mention France where Le Pen is overtaking Macron in the polls.
Slavictor 6 | 193 3 Jan 2019 / #21As Lyzko mentioned, a lot of old threads seemed to have been exhumed lately which is not necessarily a bad thing. Does Poland have a concentration of media ownership as does the USA, Canada and UK?
gumishu 15 | 6235 3 Jan 2019 / #22What are Polish liberals' stances-Polish liberals (at least theirr elite) parrot Western stances on these - but Poland is way more conservative than the PiS - total opposition divide might suggestjust look what the total oppostion's banner show : "Stop PiSlam" is one of the more common - not quite PC isn't it -as for immigration (let's forget the immigration of Ukrainians) - the stance of the leader of the total opposition changed three times in a scope of a couple of days - I can't be bothered with digging up the footage of these but it wouldn't be overhuman taskI don't know the public stances on gay marriage but gay adoption would drown anybody in the political field in Poland
Spike31 3 | 1602 4 Jan 2019 / #24TVN is without doubt left leaning when it comes to social and political matters. And when it comes to economy no one knows, even themselves, where they stand.Basically Polish left leaning media are more focused on cultural marxism than on economy. As long as you are a mindless drone supporting neomarxist "cultural revolution" they would not give a damn about your economic situation.And if you happen to be rich and donate a substantial funds to the left cause you can even be a bloodthirsty capitalist in your private life, you can beat your wife and starve your dog, they won't care :-)
jon357 73 | 22663 4 Jan 2019 / #25"Polish liberal" is almost an oxymoron.There's a centuries' old tradition. The oddballs mouthing off on here do not represent the educated and urban population in Poland.
cms neuf 1 | 1749 4 Jan 2019 / #26I think a lot of Poles both urban and rural have a belief in personal responsibility, freedom to make money, low taxes, freedom to do what you want that is closer to Britain and the US than it is to say Germany or France. That is basically the camp I am in.But Its interesting to see the huge impact of the 500+ and it's many unforeseen knock on effects (like a huge increase in rural Poles taking their first foreign holidays). People have not really had any handouts for 30 years and now they have one they like it !Poles rarely think or talk about about gay marriage, transgender issues etc and immigration is not a day to day issue here. The biggest political questions remain around health, education, childcare, infrastructure and corruption. It is sad that so much of the debate about identity issues is merely an excuse to stir up hatred and deflect from real problems
mafketis 38 | 10856 4 Jan 2019 / #27The biggest political questions remain around health, education, childcare, infrastructure and corruptionVery true.identity issues is merely an excuse to stir up hatred and deflect from real problemsI want to like this comment 487 (or maybe 514) times. The important thing to note is that both sides do it (for different reasons). No political party in Poland has a good grasp on how to deal with the issues that matter to voters and so they rile them up with marginal issues (similarly the diaspora doesn't have any good ideas for actually improving things on the ground and so they get themselves hot and bothered with issues that just don't matter much in Poland itself).
bolek_tusk 3 | 156 4 Jan 2019 / #28@LyzkoIt looks as though a new Polish-Italian political block will be forming ahead of the EU elections this year ...Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of the France-Germany domination we have had to suffer up until now.
bolek_tusk 3 | 156 4 Jan 2019 / #29I think what counts most is how much money you have in your pocket and what you can buy with it.So far, over the last three years, the average Pole has done a lot better than in the previous eight.The opinion polls reflect this.I just can't fathom how a political party can campaign without any program and ask for votes on the basis 'Together we can get rid of PiS'.
cms neuf 1 | 1749 4 Jan 2019 / #30Yes that is also important- though increases in disposable income have been fairly strong each year since 2001.Many of the people who support PiS are not working - either retired or on KRUS