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Salary 14000 PLN gross in Krakow, Poland VS 50k EUR per year in Western Europe?

23 Nov 2015 /  #1

I was made an offer of salary 14000 pln gross per month in Krakow. The employer told me that is a good salary in Krakow. How does that compare with making 50k EUR per year in Western Europe?
23 Nov 2015 /  #2
FINN007 On 14000 a month in Poland you will live like a king (Just do not tell ANYONE) how much you earn" lie if you have to.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
23 Nov 2015 /  #3
I can't believe people are wondering if they would be able to 'survive' on amounts like this. Someone else posted something similar to this a while ago. It's an insult. The average salary in Poland is what? 2000, perhaps 2500 per month, and people still manage to live. 14 000 is more than enough. You should give some of it to charity.
23 Nov 2015 /  #4
He might give some to charity it would be nice if he chose to , The good thing is that a good proportion of his salary will be spent in Poland, which will be a benefit to every

I welcome you to Poland FINN007.
PolandBoy  - | 7  
23 Nov 2015 /  #5
FINN007 are you a programmer? Have I right? 14 000 PLN is very good salary in Poland, but it is maximum for IT specialists in Poland.
23 Nov 2015 /  #6
That's for sure the maximum for IT Senior devs.

You get almost 2500 EUR net a month, in Poland!

The comparison with that amount in West Europe is anyway hard, depends on the country and the city.
If you can get them (are almost 3000 EUR net a month) in Andalusia or another spot that is cheap and with good weather and party-like environment, why not.
28 Jul 2017 /  #7

I was made an offer of salary 14000 PLN NETT (not gross) per month in Gdansk. Could you guys help me figure out how much would I be able to save considering the fact I have a family of 3 including me. (My kid would be going to pre-school soon)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
28 Jul 2017 /  #8
Come on, there have been so many threads and posts about that on the PF that if you cannot find and read them, you're certainly not worth a 14000 net income per month at all!
28 Jul 2017 /  #9
I already went through some of the posts but those were related to Warsaw, Poznan, Krakow etc and I am really not sure where Gdansk stand compared to these cities and that's the only reason I needed some information on this.
mafketis  38 | 11083  
28 Jul 2017 /  #10
already went through some of the posts but those were related to Warsaw, Poznan, Krakow etc

There is not a tremendous amount of variation in cost of living in the largest cities in Poland.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Work / Salary 14000 PLN gross in Krakow, Poland VS 50k EUR per year in Western Europe?Archived