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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / In This Archive: 42
Posts: Total: 4430 / In This Archive: 2220
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off road..photography..countryside..Polish beer..

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8 Dec 2007
Love / My Polish wife doesn't want to move to the UK with me - what to do? [96]

Hello Britguy....Its a hard life over here if you don,t go with the flow....I too am a Brit living in Poland , and not a million mls from you....Life in Poland can seem very strange compared to the UK....You should try to be more a part of Polish life , try to find some good Polish friends that speak a little English....Its not easy , i know mate , i had the same problem when first got here , and i didn,t have a Polish wife to help me get through it Even now life is not easy for me , but i have made my mind up i am staying , so mentally i am a Polish resident...Give it a bit longer before you give up on it....PM me if you want , and i will give you my email address , we can moan about Poland together.....Jan.....
26 Nov 2007
Travel / What do you know about Torun, Poland? [30]

A nice historic city , and there is a really great night club in the cellars of the town hall......Too drunk to remember much else.....
22 Nov 2007
Travel / Hometown / Vacation pictures Poland [201]

Its zachodniopomorskie....but i know what you mean....I live in this area , and have lots of oics....What do you want , forests , lakes or towns....Its a very pretty area , i live in Drawsko national park....
1 Nov 2007
Life / Prices of cars in Poland? [88]

have 8 airbags in my car

In Poland you carry a box of ballons which you hurriedly blow up if you suspect an accident is about to occur.....Unfortunatly , the blowing up of the balloons has been the cause of several accidents here.....
9 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

still black and white television

I regret that my fellow countrymen are so ignorant about Poland , but you have to remember that we have had a lot of years of anti comunist propaganda in the UK...We were told over and over what terrible people were on the other side of the Berlin wall , what terrible lives they had , how lucky we were to be born in a free country....A lot of us believed it....When i was a soldier i stood on the Berlin wall and never in a million years did i ever imagine that one day i would live on the other side of that wall...Don,t be insulted when people say such things , just try to educate them , invite them to Poland , they will love it as much as i , and all my friends from the Uk that have visited me do.....The most common question i get is....Poland...where is it exactly....???
1 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

I have had English people ask me if the Russians still arrest you for taking photo,s , the Russians in Poland that is...I have been asked if they have telivision in Poland , how many people have cars , does it snow all the time...But the most often asked queation is...where is Poland...?...Makes me ashamed to be English...