are you a spurs supporter by any chance?
Oh God no chance. Celtic if you must know. Naw, TCR is next to Oxford Street and pretty much all year round its packed with tourists, students, shoppers, etc. I used to work around there and getting on the tube at 17:30 means risking a few broken ribs, asphyxiation and having your nose shoved up somebodys armpit until you reach Stratford.
Had some Shaws bacon for breakfast this am......can still taste it.....did the aroma reach Poland yet?....:)
Yeah the aroma must have arrived over here last night . . . cos I work up this morning with plans for the next door neighbours pig.
Plus nobody can slobber like the Irish
Naw, we're the best at slobbering hands down. After 35 shots of polish vodka, I can speak fluent pigeon Polish.