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Posts by MoOli  

Joined: 25 May 2012 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 19 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 479 / In This Archive: 387
From: Warsaw/NJ
Speaks Polish?: trokhe

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26 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

200% AGREED!

but how many of those cars do you see on the American roads?

More then i see in Poland,dude you sound your 10 year visa is cancelled:)) dont worry one day there will be NO visa for you !
25 Oct 2012
Travel / EU Driving Licence - valid for only six months in Poland? [8]

remain valid until the expiry date indicated on the document'

The polish license I got never expires:)) but my us license they took which expired after 1 year so they first issued me apolish license with the date till my us license expired but after a medical test I was issued a license that never expires:) I came back to the states paid 5 bucks and got a new license to drive in the states.
25 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

I have a great insurance and many people I know, have it too

You must have been working for a good company dude average good insurance costs around 3500 per person per month,and average person cannot afford this a month as it can be ones mortgage.I pay 1600$ a month for 3 people as a group in a small company with heavy deductable and co pay.Imagine individuals who do get treated and then the medical bills take over there house.In states either you pay or you dont have anything to pay is the motto.
25 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

I haven't met too many Poles here that hate Americans.

I have in Poland though,esp when the $ was almost 2 zlotay Poles morale was so high that they would BRAG there earnings in $
25 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

You can pay that much per month here and still have to pay a great deal out of pocket

Tell me...I am paying 1600$ a month with 1000 major medical deductable and co pay of doctor visit with 30$ and 35 for medication for 3 members that too with a company group by blue cross blue shield,one good reason to immigrate to Poland:)Talk about fuking OBAMA care!who build us our business.
24 Oct 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

WTF u talking? its NY and he means a litre not a gallon...1 gallon = 4 litres go figure missy:)In Nj we get 3.47 a gal meaningless then a buck for litre so almost half the price:))
24 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

6403 zł/m² September 2012

Dude where are you living in practical?even in suburbs you cant find for that price,I expect them to go down but not that steep maybe till 8500 psm in centrum max...and I dont fuging consult the links posted here etc but by practical knowledge
22 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

eye on retirement

exactly what I had in mind and started working on it years back,things like heavy property taxes,insurance,maintence fee etc ,health insurance and general cost of living.Another thing I like is you can travel europe in hours and be in a whole new world.Some things like car insurance, electronics are quite expensive but so what can be got from the states(electronics not insurance).Where the hell a doctor will come to your house for a stomachache or toothache for 120pln:)

Perk, you will have to apply for a 2 year residency card,since you have your marriage and birth certificates registered,Oh also that your marriage certificate should not be older then 6 months of the date of issue,but one can get a new one easily from the same office that issued you also be sent to you by mail or expedite it,after 2 years you will have to get another 2 years card and after total of 31/2 years you can apply for your permanent resident card,also within issue of 6 months you can apply for citizenship which they have to repond with decision in 60 days or after 6 months you will have to apply for citizenship to the president which I have heard can take well over 2 years ,and with new law this year you will have to pass a polish language test to become a citizen(luckily I didnt have to) after all done 30 days wait for your id card and another 60 days after that for passport.These are the current rules.

About health card there is nothing,just like in the states hospitals will serve you and bill you afterwards,one can also buy a cheap insurance for 300Pln a year per person and a good insurance for almost 150$ a month.I suggest both as it is safer and you are covered for any major medical as well minor day to day.
18 Oct 2012
Law / Famous brands which had to give up Poland [11]

Yes they were in warsaw also I used to go there everyday in morning ,i think till 2004 and they shut down I bet if they came in now poles changed habbits,never did I see a pole walking with a paper cup of coffee or sipping in car which now is a common sight.c stores like on BP,orlen,shell stations are lined up in morning to get themselves a cup o coffee.Like burger king left and is coming back also.Starbucks doing great with free wifi and 1.75 refills of coffee:))
17 Oct 2012
Travel / Bus and tram drivers in Poland are hated [4]

lol try some NYC cab drivers:) sit in the back seat holding the armrests and hand over your head hitting the roof esp if you take a ride at non rush hours!
17 Oct 2012
Law / Was married in Poland and now I'm looking for a fast divorce [4]

I dont know about UK but one can file a case in Poland and after the courts trying to contact her and no response from her they will grant you divorce but do it with an attorney and placing ads in the newspapers in poland and to cover urself more also in UK,in case of USA I could register my marriage in here and then file a case from here advertise in Polish papsers,send her certified letters to her last known adress and the divorce can be completed in absentia on grounds of abndunment,I know someone who got it done here like that then again I am not a lawyer better consult one.
17 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

location part agree but certainly not the CASH part as the owner will get cash all the time until you wnt to save on VAT which the tax department will catch on after 2/3 years so what if you have loan from the bank owner still gets all cash:)
17 Oct 2012
Law / Open a little cafe in krakow ! Any tips [14]

You might have a point! All kebabs here are Polish'd up

200% true,there is no good orignal ethnic food available in Poland,saigonki with salatka,samosa with salatka,tacos with salatka,and california maki with salatka...gimmi a break...only ethnic food u get best is Polish and viatnamese that too where viatenamese eat:)
17 Oct 2012
Law / I am married to a Polish citizen. How can I get residency? [36]

are buying it, hook, line and sinker.

You forgot the Float and the bait:))) thats da point!

I remember what it was like to try to get my wife a green card at the embassy. Sir, you have to prove you have been living and working in the USA for 3 years earning a minimum of $30k per year. Otherwise, you have to get a sponsor

KABOOM~~>Buddy totally wrong...to begin with one dont get a green card in the embassy! aNOTHER FACT THAT YOU DONT NEED 3 YEAR TAX RETURNS TO PROOVE THAT:)

Common bud admit the facts and you might get a advice.I have got Polish citizenship through marriage, took me almost 41/2 years after applying even though I got her the greencard and she got citizenship by her own self we are almost together 27 years now.So i do know the practical laws..which may vary in Poland but in states they same in every state..oh just for yur info do you even know immigration departments legal name now?if not google ICE!
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

[quote=RevokeNice]Its 13 euro a day.I spend that on magazines and papers[/quoteDude you read too much! try getting a kindle:)
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

Why? It's his child too, and if he's got 50k to blow on a car, he can afford a decent nursery.

Honestly the bugger is lucky if he was in the states he would have to pay for the kids collegge too which can amount to 200k either or till the age he/she studies till 24or 25(i forget)(even if he had to take student loans)or the judge would put him where a bigger bro would make him his wife atleast for a while.....:)