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The Jewish Media in the U.S promoted ANti polish jokes which these polish jokes were done by Nazis (Hypocrites much?
Alot of Jews seem to blame Poles for the Holocaust.
When as much as 100,000 Poles died trying to save Jews.
Of Course without Poles the Jews would have gone extinct Because Poland was one of the only countries in Europe to constantly accept Jewish Refugees.
It is sad how Jews betrayed Poland so much.
Even Jews in the Media have gone against Polish people till this day like in Borat who Borat is played by a Jew who speaks Polish & who is made out to be a dumb anti semite.
Which is pretty much Jews keeping the dumb polak jokes going on.
But, Most Anti Semites have been smart. Especially the most wise man to ever live Friedirich Nietzshe who had Polish Roots & he called the Jews & Germans out on their non sense.
Nietzsche said that Polish people were great & That Polish blood in Germany made Germany what it was. The man was a genius.
Everything he said was brilliant.
The guy is a true patriot to Polish people & Mankind.
Jews created Communism & The Soviet Unon.
Marx was a jew who invented Communism & Lenin & Trotsky were Jews who helped setup the Soviet Union & 95 percent of the Bolsheviks were Jews & Jewish Bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution.
Of course millions of Poles were deported to siberia & many died & mllions more POles went to Gulags & Died.
a Jew Yagoda setup the Gulag system.
ti is sad that a Jew Lazar Kaganovich setup the Holodomor Ukrainian Famine where 10 million Ukrainians died. 62 million Slavs died in Total in the Soviet Union.
Yet, Jews ***** about 6 million Jews dead? When they are largely behind the genocide of 62 million Slavs????
Jews were largely behind Katyn.
I think that Smolensk was done by Jews too.
Polish Bankers denied a IMF loan just about 2 weeks before Smolensk & The IMF is run by Jews & the Polish Banker who denied the IMF loan was killed. Also Poles denied the Swine Flu Vaccines & That is run by Jews too.
So Jews have had alot of Control over Poles but much of it from abroad Which is how Jews Operate.