UK, Ireland /
A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]
Sorry, I guess it's obvious I disagree with you. I need to chill out, I know..
I gathered that ;)
Although, I'm not talking about all Brits, I am talking about those who whinge that their jobs are being stolen but who wouldn't work anyway. I am aware there are unemployed British folk who would take any job to get themselves started on the career ladder. It's not them I'm talking about at all.
I didn't say Poles work harder, I was talking about the low-paid jobs that previously weren't filled but are now filled due to Polish people. For example, my company advertise some of these low paid jobs and truly, it's not British people who are coming for the interviews...(others may advertise these posts and have many British people for interviews but that is not my experience).
'fraid she seems a bit self loathing to me,doesnt seem to like "her"fellow countrymen but absoloutly adores all Poles....
Because you come out with the same sort of ill informed knee jerk garbage they do,only your targets arnt Eastern Europeans but British people,whats all that about?
Yes, I get what you're getting at. I'm not against my own countrymen but there are certain elements of our society that really make me wonder...if it came across that I dislike all Brits, that was not my intention. :)