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Posts by Rysavy  

Joined: 25 Sep 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 7 Jul 2014
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 306 / In This Archive: 201
From: United States, Payson
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Varied and ecclectic

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25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Polish women in UK caught involved in prostitution scheme [39]

where the crime is

If not illegal technically...
Maybe it was not paying taxes..or not having a business license?
Though cross border and release of potential victims of trafficking sounds ominous
24 Oct 2012
News / UN names Warsaw world's 19th most prosperous city [6]

SO .... criteria:if you had large immigration influx, have a settled, modernized city, have some growth and employment available and finally everyone is equally able not not afford overhead and draw benefits..you win? 0_o

If it was growth and employment alone, they woudl have to explain why native people go to work in other countries.

Okay; that is pessimist view, but I remember when Phoenix Arizona was a GREAT place until NAFTA. Not sure I'd wanna be on the list. Now it is near my broadcast time, so I take my grumpy self away.... throw some lime, vodka asn crushed ice in my lemons and make margeritas
23 Oct 2012
Love / I live in Holland and i never meet a good polish guy. [33]

OP: You are not clear what you define as "good" in your criteria

Even nationality aside....... it is hard for anyone to suggest best place to look without knowing-

Your age or a lil older?
Working or established in a career
Looks : don't matter? well enough or is very handsome
"pure" or halfer?
On his own or with family support local?
Classy or casual?
Marrying kind?

In the latter criteria you are more than likley than not to meet a "nice boy" of marrying kind at church. Catholic church probably, if Polish.

Even then you have to sift some..bad boys are everywhere...specially abroad. In my family (we are catholic Bohemians and Portuguese) it has been caught that "good catholic boys will sleep with non catholic girls but only marry a catholic...even in this day and age.

Otherwise especially if you are stuck on nationality..maybe go where a larger Polish community is or go to college/get a job in Poland?
22 Oct 2012
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

ever had Caribou or Moose

I've had Moose jerky but don't know if that would be fair representation of taste. Never had any caribou in any form.
Never hunted either. I did hunt Bison allowed to free range on my land in Texas before I had to sell it.
21 Oct 2012
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Not big fan of small game like squirrel, quail and the like. Squirrel and some rabbit is a bit gamey but I do like rabbit. It is very chicken like in flesh when good. I have had most of these in casserole or pie, but will eat rabbit as a meat. I like larger meat cuts but if I'm filing larder by hunting I will pick up rabbit for freezing and eating later.

I like venison. I loooove antelope. Elk is very good.
19 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

Put Prince Polo in his bedside drawer

Oh no..only Charlemagne Belize for my choco-holic (how did you know?) since he is susceptible to additives and dairy. Visiting trip abroad?Hmm. And I loved my bimmer but think he might wish a mustang

Cooking I have covered I think. I can make pirogie from scratch... to start. And crepes (omlete) He actually doesn't eat a lot of "Polish "food. Lots of chicken and Pizza when alone. I think I eat more "polish" dishes simply from cooking czech. He is a teetotaler as well. Bottled water & Tea (and chocolate).

As for the family, I hope time and missing him will make them relent. But I'm sure a few well thought gifts can sway the sisters (little one sneaks and talks to me on skype when he goes to kitchen already. Asked me why somebody pretty like me even talks to him...lol! , funny lil girl) and even the dad. Mum and set a of grandparents? maybe never *sigh*

And I'm catholic...though bowing and scraping to a husband's mother in law was already a given >_<

Rysavy: but ducking behind a corner every 5 minutes and being called back again|| one horny barstud u have :)

Aw geez I was just being saucy... I believe if that happened so, paramedics would become involved at some point!
I am sure that the excitement of such a long separation will settle to nice day to day living. Though I was looking for :"(as opposed to what men in general want)"
18 Oct 2012
Life / Poles and the temperatures they heat their homes [36]

Wait 27 degrees F or C.... I saw this and thought BRRRRR below freezing!
But 27 c is quite cozy. I keep mine at 75f because bill :(

I dont even use AC cold in FL. I am always cold and moving back to AZ asap! Honey will love it there, but better keep cover and sunscreen in Valley.
18 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

give him passionate oral:))) every time he desiresofcourse then get out of his sight till he desires again:))

Har-d-har-har wiesinheimer! He is male of course that would add weight to his anchor!
*blush* but ducking behind a corner every 5 minutes and being called back again...when will we have time to work? eat?

Heh, our plans went awry this year with the Visa delaying so long that he had to attend school again; so when we see each other this summer I dont' even think his chivalrous primness will save him from himself..or me...
18 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

Culture clash. Americans are athletic, "on the surface" (what you see is what you get) and optimistic, Poles are introspective and melancholic.

All Poles are stubborn

Heh... I often tease him as "emo" or a call him Byronic or ask him why is he giving the 'santo de caro" =^_^=. And stubborn can be good. I am stubborn as well , but I use different methods that direct clashing to coax my way if the point is that strong. Plus there is always MoOlis sugestion..........

This won't change unless he really wants to (he may want to)

naaw..I like him just how he is...though he is a happier person with a lot of color to his face, now that he isn't fretting since his decision he is even hopeful (least for him). Even gained about 5 lbs ( only change I can see wanting of him-i plan to put 10 more on him >_<)

We are actually both idealistic but his pragmatic, practical, common sense and his vanward long term thinking are foil to my emotional based, excitable and often impulsive and sometimes oblivious tendencies.

Yeah, I know it isn't money; his family is upper class with a lot of professors and professionals..though opportunity to earn more money in his degree a few years is surely a sweetner LOL

While he wasn't at school he was with family..... I've overheard and witnessed some guilt trippin first hand. Not my favorite tactic, but I teethed on it's use. I'm usually just too blunt to use the typical catholic old world techniques I grew up with. I am like this:


and THIS:
17 Oct 2012
Love / How can I make my Polish guy comfortable while in States? [12]

Here goes..original reason that I stumbled on board..

I am involved with a younger Polish man who is currently attending at University his last courses.
Since we went from best buds to betrothed we have planned a lot, but talk a little less, him especially so.
It has been decided for now, that it is better while my younger son in in therapies that stateside is part 1 of getting a steady financial base.

So we marry, stay here in States about 5 years then retire...most likely in Poland (5 years he may not wish return I have no strong position about where as long as it doesn't make us asthmatic wrecks)

Cooking is covered -and actually he has severe allergies that make his diet rather simple and similar to my son's (as it is I am going to have to scour over every thing I buy in ingredients...I am NOT going to be a widow!)

But........... he has lived in same region his whole life. Vacations elsewhere but still... all thing sfamiliar asn 'safe' wil be hasta!

And my worry is that he is going to be very cut off from family. With little exception he has had very harsh disapproval. Understandably, it nearly sunk us.

But he is stubborn and has decided what he wants (and I am course am happy with that ability put relationship in marriage first but to be made to choose... : ( ). That means that he won't have a lot of news from home, care packages or well wishes even via the net.

He is eldest and only son and his family leans on him. And they are important to him.

I am not sure what I personally think of them. I understand their reservations (I AM the trifecta of OMG why her?) but I do not like how deeply they have wounded him to try to MAKE him see their way.

Habit in my mostly Boheme family in cases like this is to rag the person with a couple of "are you crazy?"..then wait to say "ah-ha" /"Told you so". Most of us were quite jocular in adversity and mild in teasing. It was always supportive and warm growing up...even the black sheep were loved.

But as the case stands he has severe opposition and ostracization.

We have a good base in friendship for communication for the most part, but he tends to be stoic (has commented "it isn't manly" in occasions previous ), so I may not always catch signs he is hurting in time.

So are there any things that Polish men enjoy as Polish (as opposed to what men in genral want) that I can indulge him when he seems low?

Are there any things culturally done accomodate goodwill with his family?

We as people are fine...we have common ethics, morales, religion, views and traditions in ways uncannily synched.
Biggest personal difference? I was a jock(ette) and he never was. He is pessimist squared 3 and I am optimist.
17 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Rysavy,do you know how to prepare most Polish dishes and if so what do you like making the best?

Actually I prepare German and Boheme most ,which share a lot with Polish ones-same food different names with very slight variation of a single ingredient or spice set. A lot of Portuguese Basque and some Russian (and of course a lot of US Southern Fried & TexMex and what few unique cherokee dishes there are) Polish and German foods in Int'l delis are as close as I can find to my childhood comfort foods.I do prefer Polish prepared pork to German.

Am a foodie so I like everything and cook what I like; even what I don't like to accomodate a guest;
I am very fond of pickled items, sausages, farm cheeses and hearty combinations. I make a lot of casseroles, pastry based dishes, goulashes and meat /pies, as well as desserts. I like best one-two skillet dishes that take less than an hour, because I'm lazy as far as cleaning the aftermath and have cramped kitchen lately. So I make breads and pie crusts from scratch less often.

You need to come on the thread about what polish dishes would you eat.
Pawain is throwing mouth watering distinctly Polish dishes in there often! ^_^

Miles and miles of frozen food freezers:

Miles is right!

Fish sticks, french fires, fruit, ice cream and chicken fingers are all I acquire from frozen.
I try to stay out of markets like that.
Last time I was in a Super WalMart , I was sick, they had just finished another reset of the displays.
I couldnt find anything. I hadn't eaten and my meds were wearing off so symptoms up inluding asthma.
I realized that my list had things I missed on other side of store and I'd have to trek yet again all the way.

I started crying like a big goon in the middle of the canned goods.. I had already been wandering 3 hours.
One of teh few things I miss of WA state is the farmers market and small farms to buy produce at.
I walk to a market that is double+ Walmart price but I can't being my self to return!
16 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

I raised my children traditional and conservative way. I breast fed as long as I could provide with planning no less than 6 months. My family has habit of lactose problems, odd allergies.

My infants were in the same room (BTW someone said SIDS. The reason for that is changed every research paper. On belly-on side-on back-powder/no powder-bottle /no bottle Mothers have slept with children ages and no such thing as sids til end of 20th century) and bundled with me when feeding. I made sure they were secure and attended for. Eventually they self pacified as they were secure in knowing I would be there. It is rough first 3- months. Personalities impact neediness.

I never barked like a fishmonger, nor used false threats. I was quick to correct while they were small. I do not believe in packing whole hosue away until they dont touch things. THEY ALWAYS TOUCH THINGS. I used corporeal punishment for severe offense-specially on safety. I did not lecture them ... what good is telling your 3 yr old all the reasons. (Like your dog they hear "mwah mwah blah blah BAD mwah 'NAME" meablah). I complimented them on good behavior, gave them tasks to stay busy and out of trouble an always knew where they were.

I did bundle my children in wet climes like WA. Easier to strip than have nothing more to put on. I am cold here in Florida and if not for humidity would never touch the heat/ac pump.

We ate meals together, had family board game time, watches certain programes together and I taught my children to snowboard, XC ride. My children are popular with neighbors, teachers and freinds. Can cook. Can handle bank accounts (well one can..my daughter is spendthrift). They can play musical instruments .

Indulgent behavior is not just polish women, I was born in US. But I don't spoil. And I encouraged autonomy. I wish they had been babies longer, but my kids start out at 10+ asn 24in. No little dollies for me (sadpandapface). I was considered a 'cliingy" and spoiling " kangaroo mom. My oldest living child was born when I was 30. I wasn't like a kid dithering or worrying. I simly wanted them to feel secure in me. Rules are the rules. And my love constant as Polaris.
16 Oct 2012
Language / Polish Lessons Units [189]

Oh wonderful! This just rolled out of the tide like a coveted seashell!

I found one rosetta stone with a book my family had. Polstina pro Cechy. The phonetic comparison section was a an epiphany. With this I may drag my lisped Southerner accent out asn away from my start of polish! YAY!
16 Oct 2012
Language / What does it mean? - A Polish language game for foreigners [59]

I was thinking last night maybe like..Kase? then mash...

You added paper, so crumple kinda

But crumple and mash are specific actions..... so maybe means Crush? crushed?

edit: I liked it better when it as literally cabbage...yum
16 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

of course "it is hard" for people such as yourself.....

''Such as myself?WTF is that suposed to mean? dukshanee!

A person that fills paperwork to ensure that everything is done correctly and legal and they have access to the needed authorities; attorneys. Therefore ensuring they are tax paying citizens? Who turns in criminals that have records to be deported? That helps the ones who WANT to do it right, get the first steps?

I who still hold my Top Secret Security Clearance until Oct 22 2013? am what kind of person? am a military veteran? have exemplary record? Never had more than a single seatbelt ticket my whole life as a driver? You can say I'm an opinionated ass but you keep your mouth OFF my reputation! You DONT know me!

Instead of telling them to go marry some slut that will take any man that works and have a kid with her? Or go to some ambulance chaser that helps them become yet another ENTITLED minority?

And how does your very SNARKY and SLURRING innuendo change my point there was THREE TIMES MORE paperwork and 20 days more waiting time for a person that had no record, speaks english, intended return to native soil since he is in school, was not here illegal..not even here yet? yet My finnish friend was just in Seattle recent and all she had to do was throw the cash for her Visa and go though customs.

I also had to help a friend's Slovak wife get her papers in order becuase they were gonna deport her-a MILITARY MAN DEPLOYED's Spouse> Sh ealso had harsher restrictions asn 3x teh fokin paperwork til I want to scream at any document that wanted even signatures by the time I was done

There is a DEFINITE prejudicial system in getting Visas for former East block.. I just don't know why
16 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

On a different note of this song. I taught both my older children to cook as soon as there was an interest.
My daughter, alas only picked up mediocre skill. She can make Tbva, Stroganoff, Enchiladas, American Omlettes & pancakes. Nothing else from scracth sunk in . But her partner will be fed and not poisoned.

They also can make latte and cappucino
My son started earlier. My older boy can make pastry, pie, several ethnic dishes, he can make donuts, candy and cookies and journey bread. He makes sauces.. he does very adept Hollandaise. He can make most morning dishes. And can cook a Turkey other people will eat as well as proper handling for lamb and venison. Many casserole dishes. Beans proper cooked for uses. Chile Relleno,Carne adovado and Chili coloradoBeef tongue green tamales, and enchiladas. Also lasagne, ravioli asn spaghetti. All from scratch

My youngest is more restricted in kitchen for now. But can make sandwiches, and microwave food.
He is on a restrcited diet which is quite similar to my betrothed. But my kids all can cook.

He when in court with X... I was pointed at as "bad mother" for MAKING my kids cook for me and do chores, have bank accounts and take care of their own chosen pets. Irony.

Now THAT is a culture clash I would bet. That it can be cried 'foul' to give your children responsibilities as they grew past age 7 and teach them household maintaince and cooking as their ability allowed.Yet allow them to date as young as 12 (my x allowed while they were with him) and it not be considered any harm. Meh!
16 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

You been eating in wrong kitchens!

I've found Polish food fairly basic stodge

With all the smoked, pickled items and the sausages added in recipes?
and onions and love for spices..specially proper paprika. I've always though german and polish sausages more flavorful than Bohemian and much better than Anglo versions. Sooo many kinds!

And mushrooms...mmmmmm!

Pierogi. Why on earth boil pastry? It's just wrong!

That is Ruski styled. And you don't eat tortellini or wontons either do you

Polish make them like Bohemes, sauteed in butter topped with fried onions or garlic butted and filled with cabbage with sausage. And my BF says also fruit little little turnovers (I have to try that!). Rus use potatoes kinda plain but if like Bohem then it would be potatoe and strong cheese.

And "omlette" to them is ..YUM! Blintzes!
Dang..now I m hungry!
15 Oct 2012
Food / The Mystery of Polish Sausage - Interesting kiełbasa link [17]

Um fascinating discourse about grading systems (and percentages don't do diddly if you professor uses Bell curve)

But...the subject was kielbasa.. and a nice source to get it...........(for those of us in US food hell)
15 Oct 2012
Food / The Mystery of Polish Sausage - Interesting kiełbasa link [17]

OoooooooH ! I looove that site! I stumbled on it looking for Fleisch.
Article may not be interesting but the food sure is exciting!

It maybe simplistic because they have English version and Polish of each page?
Those of us in famine cannot be choosy >_<
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

That's Romanian ţuică stuff, right? In Polish transliteration it would look like: cuika, or cłika. This T up front is confusing, because it is T with cedilla.

Cherokee has ts/tsi/tso as s/si/so. It sounds harder.. so I spelt it tz, I couldn't get it to correct phonetically. I never saw it written just heard what it was. And it was said to be Romanian

As I was told, my friend's mother used to produce her booze in the most primitive still ever, made of: "..."

Wow. 0_o I bet you clean carburetors with that!
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Yes..i don't know about for breakfast, but I like them on a crisp melba with a bit of hot mustard and a strong cheese like goat or sheep or bleu. Specially with beer when I partook of it . They are strong fish, not everyone can enjoy them.

Definitely didnt eat them if I was gonna kiss somebody soon after >_<
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

"kippered" used to be just preserved fish..now applies to many things.

But kipperS usually means cured then smoked herring. Specially small 3-4 in ones split and laid out in a tin with or without an oil.

I think brits eat bigger drier ones for breakfast...?
15 Oct 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

The child doesnt necessary get the "best genes"

That goes for all children..racially homogenous or mixed.
Attractive parents are always a good start. Sad but true.

For every ethereal lovely child you see... there 4 x as many heartbreaking homely ones and then your generic average kids.
For every kid that dodged the family disorder bullet, will be 1-2 that got some inherited malaise.

(though I am pretty sure my 1/2 Polish kids will mix pretty nice results..... ^_^)
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

, he started adding prunes to the mash.

eeew..was he trying to make tzuica? Brandy has to be aged.. a long bit.

Good moonshine tastes like flavored strong vodka... Everclear is a modern commmercial moonshine.
cheap, fast or bad is having JP5 in your glass. Even good shine will put hair on the chest of either gender and burn off your eyebrows.
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

YAY! I am Westerner and I cook!
I got abt 6 recipes from ever grand /grt grand in families. (I had to cook -if dad was away mom was TERRIBLE cook and only cooked 4 things. Only thing she made I liked was liver.if that tells you anything. I learned to cook at age 5...in self defence!)

As well as some from in -laws (great chinse actually! My mum in law was born in Russian Enclave in Tietsien).
I can make Beof Wellington and chicken Kieve from scratch, I make pastry, pie, candies, fudges, divinities, pickles. all manner of Boheme, Basque, Portuguese, Spanish, Kosher, German and Scott dishes. I can roll sushi. I can make canapes all scratch. I can pat tortillas. I make cream sauces, chow chow, chutney, and salsas. I am a minor winemaker and have also brewed beer. I also know how to make shine. I prefer fruit to corn liquor. I also do a lot of Southern dishes (which are simply really imported German/Irish peasant food all fried).

I can't wait til I have a real kitchen again.... Mmmmmmmm!

Course when I cook only for me I am terrible(according to studies-I feel fine). I loooove butter. With everything. And true lard I use more often than Olive oil. Becuase flavor difference.

I fry my bacon in butter and what I dont saute' or braise in butter? I cook in the butter bacon grease.

An my physician in Army hated me because he has been to my house and KNEW what I ate. Nope I have LOW cholestrol.
Then and recent.. Bwahahha

On previous subject.... I have one man already claim I took his soul. But am redhead...it is in my job description. But would I make it so you don't miss it; does that call it even? I can feed him well too!