9 Jun 2012
Love / Dating in Poland not able to speak Polish [24]
I think you are being very harsh on some people. I sense that you are referring to speaking language well, which not many people do (even their mother tongue). What I'm talking about is being able to communicate, make oneself understood. You don't need sophisticated wording and perfect grammar for this. The way I deferentiate this from speaking phrases is that you can make sense if you hear words in different context, and you are able to express yourself beyond the wording context used in language books and cd's, still using limited vocabulary. And yes, I also think it's unfair that people don't make that effort to learn even few words of a local language, but to me it's more to do with respect of your hosts than effective communication.
I think you are being very harsh on some people. I sense that you are referring to speaking language well, which not many people do (even their mother tongue). What I'm talking about is being able to communicate, make oneself understood. You don't need sophisticated wording and perfect grammar for this. The way I deferentiate this from speaking phrases is that you can make sense if you hear words in different context, and you are able to express yourself beyond the wording context used in language books and cd's, still using limited vocabulary. And yes, I also think it's unfair that people don't make that effort to learn even few words of a local language, but to me it's more to do with respect of your hosts than effective communication.