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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
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wielki pan   
17 Aug 2011
Life / Have many Poles had enough of one another? [198]

You see more Poles with big suv's and name brand clothing and all done up- compared to the foreigners who work here, who keep a relatively low profile.

Pip I think Seanus is talking about life in a small country town, not in a major city. People may view Seanus as some sort of rich guy etc, where money is no problem...
wielki pan   
17 Aug 2011
Life / Have many Poles had enough of one another? [198]

I'm hearing more and more that Poles want to leave.

Seanus, you are having a cheap shot at the Poles, one fully understands the average Pole earning the basic wage and then having salt rubbed in by the likes of you (no offence) they see people from GB and Ireland walking around with fist full of zlotes and they ask the question why they have and I not have... I can understand the mood of the day... Everyone is happy when the have a belly load of booze and plenty of good food, car, house and money.... get the point?
wielki pan   
16 Aug 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

under australian tax law you get a deduction for interest and other property related expenses on your rental property. ideally works the best if you're on a higher tax bracket.

In Poland negative gearing, well King Sobieski!!! You miss the point, you cannot include business loss with personal income... In Poland homes/apartments are NOT increasing... if you borrow say Zlote 400,000, interest say approx 25,000 zlote, income from property 24,000 zlote, you come out even, but property is no increasing, you still have to pay for repair to property, you still come out at a loss... I make the point that Properties in Poland in the last 2 years have lost a lot of value.
wielki pan   
11 Aug 2011
Law / Permanent Residence in Polska: procedures, list of documents, etc. [59]

To have health care on a voluntary basis, it's about 220zl a month. Perhaps it would be better to say that "NFZ cover is available for 220zl a month".

Mr D once again where do you come across a figure of 220zl a month for private insurance???
wielki pan   
8 Aug 2011
News / Andrzej Lepper committed suicide [98]

Lepper was a colorful Polish politican who had a similiar style to the famous Russian politic Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Lepper was a old communist thug who changed his beliefs after the fall of communism, like all of the communist who became overnight capitalist and then continued robbing the system. Lepper was good at making promises, and playing to public opinion. Sorry about his death, but people who live by the sword in classical style die by the sword. It will probally all come out in the wash when we find out what was behind it.
wielki pan   
3 Aug 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

SO i would say a deluxe way of life costs 18 000 zl per month and a simple way of life would be 3000 zl to 4000 zl a month. Would you guys agree?

Thanks for your post, you suggest that a lot of people in Poland earn 18000zl a month (216000zl a year)..well I'm scratching my head and thinking where are these people, I doubt if the President earns that sort of money.. it seems to me that only forum members boost of earning this sort of money..lol

whether you shop at Alma gourmet or biedronka for a pound of sugar I don't think it makes much difference. Lets come down to ground level and agree that most poles earn around the 3000zl mark (gross) and can only dream about earning any more... Can I ask you where you shop LK?
wielki pan   
2 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Deed Poll - do I need an attorney to sign it? [8]

You are asking if you need an official confirmation to this? If so, then the answer is yes. Legal and official authorities may not recognise a deed poll as a valid document, therefore an official declaration should be made. This is not a "real" decument in these respects, although it may be accepted sometimes - it just depends where (be more specific).

Olaf that is incorrect, stop misleading people who want advice... If you have a pesel number all you need is to fill out a application stating you have changed your name stating the reasons why..this will be endorsed on your pesel... good luck
wielki pan   
28 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

yes of course. I have lost so much money in Polish real estate, that money invested in Banks give better return.. The problem I had with renting properties was that payment was not on time and the damage to my properties.. there is no capital property growth in Poland..
wielki pan   
25 Jul 2011
Work / English teaching job offer in a medium Polish town. Is the salary sufficient? [30]

Still - if it's 2000zl net - it's not that bad.

Mr D you are at it again, what nonsense you talk, 2000zl a month is like a pee in the ocean! I don't think anybody in there right mind would come to Poland for 2000zl a month. If you take away rent and food you will have very little change... Mr D I don't think you would work for 2000zl a month so please don't impose this on other people. Ps living in a major town or country town the bills are the same.. ie gas/ food/petrol/water/electricity.
wielki pan   
20 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

you must be pretty wet behind the ears if you carn't work it out..you don't have to be boy genius to work it out that things are bad in europe at the moment. Poland will not be buffered from the economic downturn.. or are you suggesting that there is gold in polish soil. Lets not kid ourselves that a lot of people who purchased properties in the last couple of years have had there fingers burnt.
wielki pan   
18 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

How negotiable are the list prices? I would not need financing

Good idea... work out what type of apartment and location you like and if you are cashed up the sky is the limit.. as I mentioned in my previous post a big question mark hangs around the european financial markets and it may well mean that some properties will crash in the next couple of years.. Beware of people on this forum who masquerade as small time investors who in fact are in the business of selling land and properties. They have been wrong in the past as they will be wrong in the future.
wielki pan   
18 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

It isn't hard at all: week before last I applied for an unsecured loan of 53,000zl and was approved in less than ten minutes

Harry I was talking about a loan for 500,000zl plus.... 53,000 is peanuts... I bet the interest rate was about 22%?
wielki pan   
18 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

Prices in Wroclaw are expected to fall about 30 - 60% in the next 2 years.

I don't think they will fall so much, however the talk around town is that Germany may be facing financial problems at the moment, this is behind problems in Italy, America is bankrupt. I cannot see real estate in Poland increasing much in the future...(that is my opinion) btw just look how hard it is to get a loan from a Polish bank at the moment and if they lend its only for small amounts...
wielki pan   
18 Jul 2011
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

When I was in Poland a few weeks ago, I had a beer in Poland called Harnas, and it was great!

Hmm this is a cheap type of beer made by the Carlsberg Brewery....Give Lech a go and you will be surprised how good it is.... cheers
wielki pan   
7 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]

[quote=hague1cmaeron]Poland is expected to grow by some 4% this year, so it's not going to go into recession anytime soon, despite what is happening in Greece, the EU is still in upward recovery mode.

This is the same advice people were given years ago, everything is going hanky dory and just buy up...hmmm no thanks
wielki pan   
7 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]

In regards to "what kind of person mglaze is", firstly I guess the point I'm making is why does that factor into the equation at all?

I understand where you are coming from.... I would argue that if the banks were prepared to give you a loan they should be prepared to wear the consequences... It seems to me that you borrowed almost the full amount?

It seems to me that the property market has bottomed and looks to remains such for some time. To get a bank loan for 50,000zl is easy but for amounts much higher you need secure well paid employment.
wielki pan   
22 Jun 2011
Life / Moving to Krakow and in need of advice and pointers. [18]

Better bone up on English full stop before he starts his CELTA. Sorry, harsh and possibly a little rude. I'm just being honest.

This is a common problem with teachers from Ireland, they think because they can say a few words in English, they can then teach the language, those days are gone...Jack have you thought about setting up a bed and breakfast type of accommodation, give teaching a miss.
wielki pan   
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

There was and is no difference. It was just that the Jews controlled a great deal of the apartments and commerce. If the Poles did, they would have behaved the same way. Jews were an easy target because they were collected and identifiable.

Yours is a good post, thats right the jews owned the buildings and the poles the streets, if the muslims were the jews in this example the muslims would have been disliked. I's ok to dislike the arabs/british/us etc but its a no no to dislike the jews, political correctness is it.
wielki pan   
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

the uneducated classes have a huge, bitter grudge against them. As far as I can tell, it seems to be handed down within families.

Lol, this is just nonsense talk, talk from a person who doesn't know what he is talking about, why would a polish person hold a grudge agaisnt the jews.
wielki pan   
9 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Antek, I think you are all over the place in your arguments, firstly a lot of people in other countries took their own life as a result of the economic downturn what has this got to do with Hungary being poor, you say Poland survived the economic crisis ... so what... the banks didn't lend money full stop. There are rich people in Hungary as there are poor, more than likely the same percentage as in Poland.
wielki pan   
8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Move there, Europe is open.

Seems to me Antek that you have a attitude problem,like a chip on your shoulder, I admire you for being a firm supporter of Poland, peoples opinion on issues under discussion vary and no person is trying to be anti Poland, suggest you have a cold shower before you post.
wielki pan   
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I will tell you nothing on the cost because you are telling me nothing about yourself. Could you tell me how much you earn as the toilet cleaner, please?

let me just say that toilet cleaners earn more money than you...and by the way why pick on toilet cleaners? and this brings me to why people have to pay money to use a toilet in Poland??? thats why you always notice a strange smell near bus stops etc....Poland is very much poor in that regard.
wielki pan   
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Another Polish debt...you might to tell me where your students will find work and what are the costs associated with this course..
wielki pan   
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

Now you understand that Polish degrees are sometimes not worth the paper there written on.

Oh really , you`ve found such site , oh my ! I find you so narrow- minded , I`ve said in my post why Polish univ are not listed in such rankings , so now Sherlock go to my post quickly and READ

Perhaps you might want to enlighten your readers and tell them why !!
wielki pan   
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Your comment on this subject is made only to make Poles angry , as everybody knows that simple and obvious fact that an educational level of polish schools is much higher than of those western European

Monia your comments don't reflect published ratings of Best Universities in the World, Poland is not on the board!!!
Don't doubt Poland has a high standard of education, The point I was trying to make that where one is education is his trade mark for the future. Education is no the issue in Poland, its more a question of wages, so people would not have to go elsewhere ie Germany.