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Joined: 15 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2011
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15 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

Really? Which extermination camps were for Polish Catholics?

The best-kept secret in the U.S. about the Holocaust is that Poland lost six million citizens or about one-fifth of its population: three million of the dead were Polish Christians, predominantly Catholic, and the other three million were Polish Jews. The second best-kept secret of the Holocaust is the greatest number of Gentile rescuers of Jews were Poles, despite the fact that only in Poland were people (and their loved ones) immediately executed if caught trying to save Jews. The Yad Vashem museum in Israel honors "the Righteous Among the Nations" and Poland ranks first among 40 nations with 5,503 men and women, almost one-third of the total, honored for their "compassion, courage and morality" and who "risked their lives to save the lives of Jews."

Alot of people were in the Communist parties because of the pull. Alot of people were given security to be on the side of the Communists.

It took balls to be in Polish Solidarity. So not everyone who supported it did.
15 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

Actually, denying many crimes is against the law in Poland, not just the Holocaust. Try defending Communist crimes in Poland and see how long you last as a free man, sunshine.

Defending is different than Questioning or say it didn't happen.
15 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

Just shut up, seriously.

Plenty of people question the holocaust without being jailed. Nothing new, sunshine.

Holocaust denial is a crime in many places including Poland.
Holocaust denial also includes distorting or minimizing the holocaust.

Which is kind of sickening.

Also I think it puts into question why are the nations the Holocaust happened in so bent on jailing people who question the holocaust?

Kind of seems like there is something to hide.
15 May 2011
News / Poles not promoting their own country? [9]

Yes, I agree Polish people need to promote more.

In the West other ethnicities are so much louder & more ****** than Poles that they always have their voices heard.

But, Poles too often stay too quiet & this actually leads to alot of the prejudices against Poles because sadly most Westerners don't know the greatness of the Polish people.

We generally just here German propaganda in the west.

In the U.S we don't even learn about the Battle of Vienna in our schools. I don't think that is by accident. I think it is German propaganda.

They don't want us to know that we Poles were the heroes.

I mean Jan Sobieski is surely the equal of Charles Martel.

So why don't we hear about him? I guess because Poles stay too quiet & Germans are the ones speaking for us with their propaganda.
15 May 2011
Work / Holocaust and gender studies in Poland? [33]

What the hell is a Holocaust study?

If someone in Holocaust Studies "Questioned" how the Holocaust went down then they could be jailed by the thought police.

Why is the Holocaust the only 1930-40's genocide that we hear about most?

We rarely hear about the much worse Genocide on Ukrainians in the Holodomor or the Chinese ciivilians killed by Japanese or the Serbs who died in Jasenovac concentration camps.

Of course the Jews hog the holocaust for themselves, I mean just as many Polish Catholics died in Poland as did Jews & Gypsies, Retards & Homosexuals died too.

But, the Jew is the only one that really sticks.
15 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

On topic: Has anyone heard of "jolly Germans", "jolly Swedes" or "jolly Swiss" or "jolly Fins"? Are Russians easy-going people? Why pin everything to the Polish?

I don't really get why Westerners are much harder on Polish people.

Westerners are way more criminal oriented, the women way more slutty, the people way more unhappy & uptight.

yet, they blame it on Poles?

I don't understand Westerners LOL I think they are idiots for the most part.
15 May 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

We all know how well Arabs treat women.

I think most people want Polish women to be easy. Because they think they are hot.
They wish they were easy.

My friends came to America from Poland & Said American women are much more easy. I agree.

Just Polish women look alot better so guys start "Fantasizing" about them being easy.
14 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

If Poland wasn't so devoutly Catholic, they may not have been invaded at all.

Hmm well why did Poland beat the asses of Orthodox Russians & Protestant Germans & Swedes so often?

There were multiple times where Poland had beaten Russians & Swedes both at once.

Like in the Battle of Klushino & The Deluge.

I think it is more surprising that Poland even stood up to so many constant invasions & Having such a vulnerable area in the center of Europe.

Our Orthodox Cossack (Ukrainian) neighbors had similar circumstances of Invasions but they never had any power like Poland did

Catholics are generally more conservative I think on average than Protestants & Orthodox.

I actually think that may explain why Poland actually beat their asses numerous times in history despite being massively outnumbered.

The Catholic Holyleague with Jan Sobieski came together to beat Turkish ass!
14 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Germans didn't get put into internment camps. I think most Americans have forgotten too quickly what Germans have done.

I really scratch my head at why most Americans badmouth French & Polish people & yet let Germans "Slide"

Especially when Poles like Pulaski & Koskiuszko were fundamental in the U.S foundation in the Revolutionary war as was French support.

Unlike German Hessians who went against America.

Of course French & Poles were U.S allies in WW2.

So it makes little sense. Well of course that German Americans are a much larger amount than Polish or French Americans. I think most Germans are Major Propagandists.

Not just in the Nazi Regime.
But I notice regular Germans in real life & online are usually propagandists.

A Germans word I think is about as good as the word of a Cygan.

What was really unfair was Canada's Ukrainian Internment camps during WW1. Some Poles may have been there too because of Polish immigrants from Galicia as well as people who were both Polish & Ukrainian. Because most Ukrainians to Canada came from Austrian lands the Canadians thought these "Ukrainians" from "Austria controlled" land were some how a threat to the WW1 war effort.

I don't understand why Canada did not put Germans into Internment camps.

Western Europeans really make me scratch my head alot. After dealing so many many Western Europeans I have kind of come to the conclusion that most Western Euros are a little bit retarded.

But highly ambitious so their mentally retardation is not as obvious as in some other lazy semi retarded races.

Slavs don't tend to respond well to foreign elements on their soil. Just look at the Balkans or Russia as evidence of that. Some wrong moves and Poland could face the same.

Yes, But at least Slavs respond.
Unlike Western Europeans who don't seem to respond much at all to Mass immigration of non whites.
Just one look at the Balkans really shows that it is ideal to keep a Nation as relatively homogeneous as possible. With the Balkans it is difficult because of alot of cultures & changes through out history.

But, Islamic groups in Europe are slowly creating a Balkanized Western Europe. Which is not a good thing.

I am not sure why Western Europeans are so slow to react. When it came to shooting & looting entire continents for wealth THEN Western Euros were extremely quick to react.

But, Now that their countries are being transformed & their ethnicity at risk. Now they barely respond at all. In fact they tend to respond in favor of the immgirants many of times. LOL
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Good article
Poland has about 150,000 Hooligans who are usually Pro Polish, Pro White, Pro Poland is Polish & Anti Communist.

They are like ready foot soldiers to Protect Poland for Poland.

We Poles saved Europe from Turks in 1683 with Jan Sobieski

We may have to do so again

Another bedroom brownshirt. Do those guys never get any fresh air?

Do you think it will be awesome when all of the British Isles becomes like Pakistan
& Latin speaking European countries become like Morrocco?
& Central Europe becomes like Turkey?
13 May 2011
History / Are Polish territories natively German? [73]

Aw, bless.

Yo, me gat better t'ings to do than hang around here whippin' yo' pasty white ass, innit?

Besides which: phrenology has exactly how much scientific credibility?

I bet you are a Germanic.
I notice alot of Germanics don't refute. Instead tend to respond with jive.
Germanics remind me of Black people quite a bit.

there is a German American lady in my art class. She has curley hair,a flat nose & she has even her jaw sticking out. If she didn't have light coloring she would look just like someone from Africa or an Australian Aboriginal. lOL
13 May 2011
History / Are Polish territories natively German? [73]

I know, I know. Poland ruled over a region 1000 years ago? That's historically Polish land! 3 Poles lived in a city? Polish city, for sure! Slavic tribes muttered some words like Poles? They were Poles of course! Someone traded with Polish grain? Must be a Pole then!

Polabians are Lechitik & Poles are Lechitik.

Polabians & Polans (Poland) even have similar names.

There are a number of Lechitic tribes. Poles, Polabians, Slovincians, & Kashubians.

Poland was of many Lechitic tribes that united.

Trust me, that is my default expectation here.

But from the guy who tells us Werner von Braun had Slavic skullbone structure? No thanks, I'll pass.

Trust me, that is my default expectation here.

But from the guy who tells us Werner von Braun had Slavic skullbone structure? No thanks, I'll pass.

Wernher Von Braun really does have a Slavic shaped skull. He has a high skull, with large brow ridges & flattened rear of a skull just like a Slav.

He also has a Rounded skull that sticks out more than his lower face. Which is also a Slavic trait.

Slavics really do have distinct skull shapes.

Are you really that unobservant & Retarded?

Let's see some kind of refute. Instead of you jiving like a N*Gger
13 May 2011
History / Are Polish territories natively German? [73]

Polabians are the original inhabitants of East Germany.
Polabians were a Lechitik tribe.
Poland is a united State of Lechitik tribes.

As I said the difference between a Polabian & Pole.
Is similar to the Difference of Low & High German.

Please learn something & stop being a retard.
13 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

PolskiMoc: Wernher Von Braun has a Slavic shaped head.
Oh look: a Polish Nazi!

Look at this picture.

Wernher Von Braun's head is very slavic shaped.

No, I hate Nazis. Nazis helped create Israel & Promoted the Islamification of Europe.
13 May 2011
History / Are Polish territories natively German? [73]

No, North East Germany is native Lechitik
Even Berlin comes from the Polabian word for swamp. Polabians are really a Polish tribe to say. Polabians are Lechitics. The difference of a Polabian is like the difference of a High & Low German.

So East Germany belongs to Polska
13 May 2011
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

...did I miss something? :)
Poland rocked in WWII ;)

Poland had about 2,000 less tanks than Germans & more than 4,000 less tanks than Soviets. Poland did quite well considering. I mean France + England had 1,000 more Tanks than Germans & they only lasted a few days longer.

The Netherlands only lasted 4 days & Norway & Denmark combined only lasted 1 day.

So Poland really fought very well in WW2 compared to others. England only did well later on because it was protected by the English channel.

But the English were useless like on land at dunkirk.

The Polish 7TP tank & 9TP was generally supeiror German tanks.'

Remember the German tank superiority comes out of Czech Republic.

The best German tanks during the Invasion of Poland were Czech Skoda tanks liek the (t) 35

Then later Ferdinand Porsche who came from Czech lands invented the Tiger tanks the Elefant Tanks & then Panzer VIII Maus tank.

Porsche probably was of Czech roots. Because his name suggests he is of Slavic orgins.

Much like German Nazis took Maria Ortisch as the ideal German beauty
But, her real name was Maria Orsic & she was from Croatia & when she came to Germany they changed her Ortisch

Also Polish Wz 35 anti tank guns were superior to German anti tank guns

Then how do you explain the "Operation Paperclip"???

Getting german tech, patents and scientists into the West shouldn't had been necessary if they were all on the same page... ;)

Operation paperclip?
Yeah & Wernher Von Braun was highly influenced by the Polish Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski (Tsiolkovsky)
Wernher Von Braun highlighted just about every page of Ciolkowski

The Invention of the Multistage rocket goes back to Polish Kazimierz Siemienowicz

Let's not forget Wernher Von Braun was born in Polish lands & His Father came from Kognisburg where almost all Germans are mixed with Slavic.

Wernher Von Braun has a Slavic shaped head.

Herman Oberth came from Romania & Herman Oberth looked more Romanian than German LOL
13 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Why would I be jealous of you having to leave your country?

Also living somewhere else is different than going on holiday.

I just don't get why you do not want to make your own country better? I know you get more money here etc but come on, invading other countries will not help your own. No loyalty

A Brit should not really speak about Invading countries.
A much higher amount of Brits live outside of Britain than Poles do outside of Poland.

Brits invaded every continent.

Now today Brits have the biggest amount of race mixing in the world. 1 in 10 Brits in Britain are mixing with non whites.

Yeah Brits are so proud that your nation pretty much wants to commit suicide to your ethnic line by mixing & allowing more muslims in.

I don't know how Brits go from invading & looting & shooting entire continents.

To about a century later being self hating weaklings who let muslims destroy their country while they mix with Nigerians & Pakis in exessive amounts.

Then these dumb Brits would rather love Nigerians while hate Poles when Poles have contributed more to Britain.

I have have really come to the conclusion that British people are semi retarded.

Yet still we created the biggest Empire the world has ever seen. Before or since. And of course invented just about everything.

I am not so sure about it. From dealing with Brits I notice the British Intellect does not match the amount of innovation what so ever.

Most Brits seem to be very dumb.

I think that much of the British Innovations are propaganda. Because generally inventions have to come through the "English speaking" world to be considered Inventions.

That this gives the English speaking world a leg up.

Such cases is with how Polish Michał Sędziwój discovered Oxygen 170 years earlier.

Or how Polish Walery Jaworski discovered 1899 he described bacteria living in the human stomach that he named "Vibrio rugula". He speculated that they were responsible for stomach ulcers, gastric cancer and achylia. It was one of the first observations of Helicobacter pylori. He published those findings in 1899 in a book titled "Podręcznik chorób żołądka" ("Handbook of Gastric Diseases") but it was available only in Polish and went unnoticed

Or how Polish Russian Aleksander Możajski invented the first Airplane 21 years before the Wright brothers.

The Invention of the Internet really starts with Polish Paul Baran
11 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

Yeah so are gypsies sometimes.
doesn't mean they are generally good people.
11 May 2011
History / Polish and Russian soul anno 1914 and today [45]

Yes but somehow implying that it was all motivated by destroying the Slavs is just paranoid nonsense.

Why else did so many Non Slavs come together to create the Soviet Union where 62 million Slavs were mass murdered?

The Soviet Union not only Murdered Slavs, But kept slavs back.

There is certainly an Anti Slavic Agenda in the West. Anyone who can't see that is blind.
11 May 2011
History / Polish and Russian soul anno 1914 and today [45]

Just so that you know, I do hope that you are joking, otherwise you would be the sick one if you weren't.

Russians kicked out the Bolsheviks.
Then Later the German Government purposefully sent the Bolsheviks with supplies to create the Bolshevik Revolution during WW1 to help destroy Russia & To Russia weakened so Germany could have a better shot at WW1

Lenin was half Volga German

Woodrow Wilson helped Leon Trotsky!


In April 1917 Lenin and a party of 32 Russian revolutionaries, mostly Bolsheviks, journeyed by train from Switzerland across Germany through Sweden to Petrograd, Russia. They were on their way to join Leon Trotsky to "complete the revolution." Their trans-Germany transit was approved, facilitated, and financed by the German General Staff. Lenin's transit to Russia was part of a plan approved by the German Supreme Command, apparently not immediately known to the kaiser, to aid in the disintegration of the Russian army and so eliminate Russia from World War I

While Lenin himself did not know the precise source of the assistance, he certainly knew that the German government was providing some funding. There were, however, intermediate links between the German foreign ministry and Lenin, as the following shows
11 May 2011
Genealogy / Do you think all Slavs are white? [178]

Actually a White person is more likely to be related to an Asian than to a half White half African Mulatto. That is how far Africans are spaced from Non Whites.

Saying a Swede is as likely to be related to a Bushman or Australian Aboriginal than to another Swede is just non sense. That is Liberal propaganda.
11 May 2011
History / Polish and Russian soul anno 1914 and today [45]

I don't really think it is a coincidence that Stalin & Lenin weren't really Russians.
That most of the Bolsheviks were not Russian.
In fact 95 percent of the Bolsheviks were jews.

I think the Bolshevik revolution was a Jew, German & Western European plan to be a Slavic genocide.

The German government & Even Woodrow Wilson & A whole bunch of Jews Banks & Banks in the West supported the Bolsheviks

It is pretty sick.
11 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

tin uptight? Where have you been? Go to a tango bar and then tell me your impressions. ;)

I meant Latin Europeans. Not Latino Americans.
Latinos are laid back
But Latin Europeans like Italians are very uptight. Italians are always angry & uptight about everything.
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

I have met some uptight Poles too. But, Overall I think Poles are one of the most laid back European ethnicities.

To me both Latin countries & Germanic countries are far more uptight than both Slavic & Celtic Nations.

French prob are the probably the most uptight though they seem to have the both the Latin & Germanic uptight tendencies towards them.
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

Everyone knows Germanic people are rather uptight but in a quiet passive agressive way. They will be nice to your face & then at the same time think you are not acceptable.

Germanics are extremely orderly & OCD.

I notice Germanics are more likely to get angry if something is out of Order than if someone is hurt LOL
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

I think Poles are actually one of the most laid back European ethnicities.
I notice both Western Europeans & Other Eastern Europeans are typically more uptight than Poles.

But it kind of seems like maybe Ukrainians & Maybe the Irish maybe more laid back than Polish. Most of Europe is more uptight than Poles from what I see.

Especially Southern Europeans. Poles are like super laid back compared to Italians & Albanians. Then Germanics seem to be high strung in a weird way like they are very uptight & orderly & OCD about somethings.

My Polish father actually says that Poles being laid back makes it so sometimes Poles lose Oppurtunities. I agree. My father is right when he said Poles are generally more generous & not so uptight on things like money.

My fathers Polish friend Osuch had a big farm & he was super laid back. He sold the Farm for a fair price. He could have sold it for alot more.

But, He didn't want to be bothered welding & dealing.

That is by no means uptight LOL Alot of Poles are like that. But there are some uptight poles. In general Slavs seem to have a more diverse range of physical features & personalities I notice than Western Europeans

I know the Polish store owners here are so kind & have very fair prices with very good portions & quality of food.

Most Poles like to enjoy life.
10 May 2011
USA, Canada / Chicago's 1.1 million Polish Americans celebrated Constitution Day [47]

[quote=delphiandomine]Actually it can be good for Poles to move to the West get wealthy & come back later to Poland & build Poland up from the wealth acquired in the West.

Such is the case of with Krzysztof Olszewski the owner of Solaris Bus the inventor of the Hybrid Bus & they make top level bus that even Germany buy.

He left for Germany & He came back to Poland!

Just because someone lives in the West does not make them not Polish!

Actually Poles in America are not nearly as nationalistic to Poland as some other groups like Italian Americans & Irish Americans. Especially Italian Americans. 5th Generation Italian Americans still are extremely Italian oriented.

If anything Polish Americans should be more prideful. I live in New YOrk & So many people here wear Italian & irish pride things. So I wear sometimes Polish pride things.
10 May 2011
News / Do Poles take Kaczynski seriously!? [199]

Kaczynski is just a Jewish puppet to keep Poland & Russia forever divided.
Jews, Germans for centuries have made sure Poland & Russia would always remain divided. Because

if Poland & Russia started working together. We would be a direct threat to Western, German & Jewish power.

Keeping Slavs down is a main agenda of Non Slavs like Jews, Germans & Western Europeans. Kosovo is the latest string of this.