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Posts by catsoldier  

Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 574 / In This Archive: 478

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18 Apr 2012
Language / Czego, Czemu, Co, Kto, Jak, Dlaczego? [64]

Hi Pam,

Czemu is an informal way of saying dlaczego.

czemu pot. «dlaczego»

Pytanie "czemu?" jest po prostu potocznym synonimem - "dlaczego?"

18 Apr 2012
Language / I want to learn Polish. Where to start? [180]


Hi Phill, I like the videos on your blog. She seems to have very good pronunciation and she doesn't just read the words, she pronounces them as if she were using them in a situation. Very nice. Dobrze and tak sobie were good examples :-)

I watched the first video also. The proper name for a bench warmer is a substitute. To call someone a bench warmer would be very derogatory I think :-)

You are able to insert your videos on the forum also.

8 Apr 2012
Po polsku / Gdzie jest najlepsze miejsce w Polsce aby kupić książki? [29]

Rowniez celuje w antykwariatyOsobiscie - Polka :)Pozdrawiam serdecznie

Dzięki Cari

Pisze się najlepsze, a nie najlepse :)Jestem polakiem. Jako polak kupuję książki w antykwariatach (używane) i księgarniach (nowe). Czasem również zaglądam na allegro i ebay. Polecam również internetowe księgarnie typu empik, cz merlin.Mam pytanie: Tak dobrze znacie polski, że tak ładnie piszecie, czy również jesteście polakami? :)

Dziękuję Wizirek.

Nie znam dobrze polskiego ale uczę się trochę. Jestem Irlandczykiem.
1 Apr 2012
Language / Need some Polish language help.....with a twist! [39]

Visual learners and auditory learners etc. I came across these interesting articles, it seems that some people can remember/understand things that they have seen/readmost easily while others remember/understand things that they have heardmost easily.



I think that the Chinese friend, Peter_Olsztyn and the person shady Markus is talking about are visual learners. I think that I am a visual learner also.

These people are auditory learners I think: Markus, Pip and Pam. I can't find Pam's thread where she says that she learns Polish from her lokator

I'm just aware that people learn in different ways and the way that seems to work best for me is by being around Polish people.

there must be some sort of group course around you? I think I learned the most this way. There must be something organized through a Dom Polonia or Polish church in your area?

Tests to see what kind of a learner you are:


31 Mar 2012
Language / How to use the word się. [4]

I am only a beginner but I find that it is usually used with verbs.

Interesuję się: I am interested in
budżę się: I wake up
nudzę się: I am bored

It is said that you shouldn't put się at the end of a sentance so you can put it in different places in the sentance instead of at the end although I am sure that there are exceptions. :-)
25 Mar 2012
Language / co to jest? [11]

You doing good Cat,not that it's wrong but you can answer simply.

The reason for answering in whole sentences is because it is easier to figure out what is going on with the grammar and if I was doing a test I think that the tester/teacher would prefer whole answers instead of one word answers although I do realize that a person in the street would lose patience with me if I was talking to them in whole sentences, wasting their time instead of giving the the question/answer in the shortest possible form.

Jakiej czekolady nie lubisz?

This was very helpful because I was wondering about jakiej and the others. Thanks.
25 Mar 2012
Language / co to jest? [11]

No.Lubić-kogo,co.NEVER czego.

25 Mar 2012
Language / co to jest? [11]


That was a brilliant explanation thanks.

Co to jest?
To jest piwo.
Jakie piwo?
To polskie piwo.

kto to jest?
To jest Anna.
Jaka ona jest?
Ona jest miła.

Jakie piwo lubisz?
Odp. Lubię polskie piwo.

Jaki kolor lubisz?
Lubię niebieski.

Jaką czekoladę lubisz?
Lubię ciemna.
Lubię ciemną czekoladę.

Czego lubisz? This is more of a general question as far as I can tell.
Lubię czekoladę.
Jaką czekoladę lubisz?
Lubię ciemna.

Jaką czekoladę lubisz?

The way that this question is surprised me. It looks like questions decline nouns also etc. Am I wrong?

Is there a special way of thinking about how to ask these questions? When we want to make a statement "Like I am an engineer" we look at the question to see what case we should use etc.

I am an engineer.
Kim jestem?
Jestem inżynierem.

What do we look at to know what case to use in the question?
24 Mar 2012
Language / Do the Polish words for 'please' and 'piglet' sound very similar? [24]

Actually, listening to the Google audio for Proszę and Prosię, I think I have been saying piglet!

thanks for the information and the link, I never knew that existed.

Does she miss the p sound at the start of przepraszam?


I was testing her.

Hi InWroclaw, have you ever tried Polish voice recognition software to see if it can pick up what you are saying? I am interested and am wondering if it is any good.

24 Mar 2012
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

However, even then 3 different declension patterns apply.

Many thanks, that was a great help.
24 Mar 2012
Language / Use of A/An/The ...... Articles [186]

Rather..... : Mam jednego kota. Just as well :-)

Because it is a male animal and not a mug?! :-( Next time I will get it right hopefully. Some say there that you learn from your mistakes! :-)

What would you say if I had 2, 3, 4 or 5 cats?
24 Mar 2012
Language / Czarny i czerń, is there a gramatical explanation for czerń? [10]

Czarny i czerń, is there a gramatical explanation for czerń?


Ja: Chciałbym zamówić kurtkę z kapturem?

Assystentka: Jaki kolor?

Ja: Should I say czarny or czerń?

Assystentka: Jaki rozmiar?

Ja: L
24 Mar 2012
Feedback / An efficient (accurate?) way to search these forums (or how to google-search this website) [16]

Hi Admin,

Sorry about that, that was just bad English on my part, what I was asking was:
Are there any search methods that I don't know about to help me locate the information that I am looking for faster.


Todays question!

When I searched for "czerń" I got alot of results but no czerń as far as I could see. Is there a way to say that I am looking for czerń with the accent?


Merged: Search feature not working correctly? June 20th

Is the search feature working correctly? I was looking for the word kranu as I had made a post with this maybe 2 years ago. I wanted to ask more questions about this but I cannot find the thread.

The range of dates is good in the advanced search, I can't see any problems with my search criteria.

I am not complaining or trying to annoy you. I was making an honest effort to find my old thread and not make a new one.

Just in case you do thing that I am only looking for an argument etc. My question is a follows:

When do you use z like woda z kranu and when do you use od like od krzesła?

You also have z Krakowa, how are Kraków and kran alike and different from krzesła, is it just a pronunciation thing?
23 Mar 2012
Language / Help. Basic Polish Grammar by Dana Bielec [21]

My word! That's a complicated pdf - makes Polish seem very complex, actually rocket science would seem simpler.

I couldn't agree with you more. I think it would be more suitable for someone who has studied languages and knows all the technical terms.