24 Mar 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]
If you had more contact wtih normal Poles, not the renegade lefty-lib elitists you seem to hang out with, you would know how Jan Kowalski sizes up all the commotion and rumpus. This bit of doggerel tells it all:
Idą świnie PO ulicy,
Każda świnia głośno kwiczy.
"Czemu kwiczysz?" - ktoś zapyta.
"Odebrali nam koryta.
"A w korytach ośmiorniczki.
"Teraz mamy szczaw z doniczki!".
Pigs are marching down the street.
From each pig -- a squeal and squeak.
"Why do you squeal?" - if ask I may.
"They've taken all our troughs away.
"Those troughs were full of octopi.*
"With sorrel our diet's gone awry!"
*A reference to the baby octopi and other goruemt deligths enjoyed by by PO tape-scandal stars Sikorski and Rostowski at a champagne dinner at the taxpayer's expense.
TK rulings
If you had more contact wtih normal Poles, not the renegade lefty-lib elitists you seem to hang out with, you would know how Jan Kowalski sizes up all the commotion and rumpus. This bit of doggerel tells it all:
Idą świnie PO ulicy,
Każda świnia głośno kwiczy.
"Czemu kwiczysz?" - ktoś zapyta.
"Odebrali nam koryta.
"A w korytach ośmiorniczki.
"Teraz mamy szczaw z doniczki!".
Pigs are marching down the street.
From each pig -- a squeal and squeak.
"Why do you squeal?" - if ask I may.
"They've taken all our troughs away.
"Those troughs were full of octopi.*
"With sorrel our diet's gone awry!"
*A reference to the baby octopi and other goruemt deligths enjoyed by by PO tape-scandal stars Sikorski and Rostowski at a champagne dinner at the taxpayer's expense.