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Infant Formula - Baby food - Warsaw [10]
Nice, why dont you try and tell somebody else what they should feed their baby a bit more WTF.
A baby on solids at 13 months??? what kind of childrens books have you been reading?
kids should eat healthy, not fat... but whole milk is better than non fat for kids...
and yes, you can start introduce other foods beside wacky formula to the 13th month old baby... ask a doctor...
Looking at the obesity rates in the US and UK I'm not so sure the baby forumlas are such a great idea. They cdertainly save time, but the cost eventually catches up with the reality, as toddlers need equivalent of fabric used to manufacture a parachute just to make underpants for one of them.
breast feeding is the best for a kid and for his mum... but some women can't breast feed for many reasons, so they are forced to use formula...
funny thing is that many American mums don't want to breast feed, because of lazyness, they think they get fat (actually breast feeding helps women lose after baby weight), or they can't drink alcohol...
so use your boobs new mums! :)