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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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9 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I wonder why Der Spiegel keeps lying every day, with rents "capped", how is this possible?

"The real estate boom is also beginning to spread to rental apartments. In the eastern city of Dresden, rents have gone up by almost 14 percent in only 12 months. This is how the inflation in asset prices ultimately affects the broader population. And the poor end up paying for the anxiety of the rich."


I always thought it was a credible newspaper, still I suppose you know what you are talking about.
7 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Rents are capped in Berlin so there is no free market.

Perhaps you had better tell the newspaper not to print lies. If you read the artical it "states" that rents have been rising at 4% a year, its one of the reasons property in Berlin has become attractive.

It seems that a lot of people are unsure about the Euro.
7 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

well, the speed of the deflation is determined by the economic conditions.

This may affect your calculations about property prices in Poland. Many people looking to Central Europe as a stable, safe haven from the troubles in the Southern countries.

I remember people on the forum using Berlin as an example of why Poland was supposedly in a property bubble.

5 Oct 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

It's 2012 Milky, not 2009.

What.s a little thing like three years when you have been waiting four, for house prices to collapse by 60%.

Hardly. My friend has just rented a one bedroom apartment in the centre of Poznan for just over 1000zl a month.

Met someone recently who moved to Poland, nicely positioned flat, 48m2, 750 zloty per month inclusive and they got work immediately, so it is possible.
3 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Looking for a flat pack house company in Poland [3]

Standard of finish? How long is a piece of string?

You can go from a log cabin to a "HUf House", it depends on your finances.

30 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

The obvious truth in the middle was then left to right wing rags like the Daily Mail,sad.

Who do you blame now Milky? the left failed you, the right are now the left, nobody seems to want to sell you a flat at a price you think is fair, the only thing left to do is whinge on here. Not much to look forward to in 2013 is there. Never mind, Christmas is coming.
28 Sep 2012
Work / Teaching English in Wrocław - TEFL, fair pay? [40]

I smell a rat.

There is no rat. The advice given toTommyG by Delph was sound, small town with no competition, people that are willing to help, rather than criticise. If you want to live in one of the larger cities then be prepared for a lot of competition. I have no idea what money he is earning, but, if, he can make a better life here than in the UK, fair play to him. You hint as to if he is cheating the students he teaches which is strange, at least he IS an English native speaker, who has to pass some sort of criteria to fulfil the demands of his clients. He would not survive long by being a chancer,

From my experience, you have to fit into Poland, not, expect Poland to work around you.
I hope TommyG succeeds, and, maybe he can go on to advise/help others to persue their dreams here. I can think of many worse places to live and I think that our sense of well being is due to come under a lot of scrutiny very soon. The world is changing quickly, and not for the better.
28 Sep 2012
Work / Finding work in Warsaw / Poland as an English private tutor [63]

Yes I was thinking of becoming one but realised I can't do it adequately as my knowledge of grammar et al is insufficient.

You are not looking at this in the right perspective. You have complained for some time about not finding work. This gentleman has found work, a place to stay and has an income which he is happy with. Is his approach wrong or is yours?. The Polish teachers can not give the pronunciation, neither can an american, he has found the niche which is needed.
27 Sep 2012
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

and when they are proven wrong they will say "if you say the sky is going to fall for long enough ,you'll eventually be right.

Coming up for nearly four years and you have not been right yet. It's always next month.

everything financed by the UE, building apartments galore for which people took credits for up to 50 years and ..

If you could be bothered to look it up, you will find that the EU never financed the building of apartments, that was the Spanish banks who overextended to the developers. The banks are the ones owed the money (unless the ECB and ESM bail the Spanish banks out) then we all pay. Tomorrow, we find out how much merde the Spanish government is really in.
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

avalon , its not a case of revoking its a case of whether britain wants to actually opt in, to this particular part of the treaty

They have been using this treaty since 2003, do you think that they are going to opt out now and say sorry to the people they extradited?, perhaps compensate them?

The "simplified procedure" in the UK Extradition Act 2003 gives force to the EAW (UK: Extradition Act). A Statutory Instrument laid before Parliament on the 15 December 2003 designates the UK's EAW partners as "schedule 1 countries" under this Act (UK: Statutory Instrument) and a guide to the UK's operation of the EAW rules has been produced for the other EU member states (Council document 15585/03). Those member states that are not yet applying the EAW will continue to use existing EU extradition rules.

The UK is among 12 of the 15 member states to allow for retrospective application of the EAW. These countries will accept and act upon EAWs received after 1 January 2004 even in the alleged offence took place before that date. France, Austria and Italy will continue to use existing extradition rules for offences allegedly committed before 1 January 2004.

Figures released recently by the Home Office in reply to a question by the Labour MP Caroline Flint show that out of 699 individuals "surrendered" by the UK to other EU states under EAWs, nearly two-thirds (425) were sent to Poland. Other east European states also had large numbers: Lithuania 55, the Czech Republic 34 and Romania 18.

There appears to be a legal standoff between the commission and member states about who should introduce a threshold allowing only serious crimes to be pursued through EAWs. The EC is reluctant to redraft its regulations because it fears opening up a Pandora's box of competing reforms.

The UK is one of the countries criticised for not making changes to its domestic legislation. Fair Trials International has called for legislative change in Brussels incorporating a threshold test in the warrant so that it could not be used for minior offences.

the fact that anyone can be deported to poland , (when in the same circumstances they would no way be sought for extradiction by the uk -for example , on matters of child maintenance/ ) , just because a polish court decrees it - is absurd.

Good luck with telling the Polish judges that they are absurd.
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

i always wore a condom with her

That sounds like a recipe for disaster. So you were wearing protection every time, no problem, we just look for the star in the East at around Christmas time and three men riding camels.
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

if as seems likely a conservative euro-sceptic uk government

And which of the three main parties is Eurosceptic? Unless UKIP get elected at the next election, who is going to revoke the the laws previously passed or lead us out of the European Union?

are these the same parties who are giving you your referendum.
24 Sep 2012
Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN? [74]

the court will then decide if them expenses are reasonable and only then ask how much your earning to see if you can afford these expenses

You are in for one hell of a shock in Poland. There is no welfare state to pick up your bills here. It's not a case of five pounds a week, it's serious "nick", and yes, they will issue an international arrest warrant. They do not play by the EU rules here. Give him your worldly advice, it should be funny to hear the results.
23 Sep 2012
Law / where to register my self (PESEL) in Krakow! [8]

Do you know where to go first? to Przy Rondzie 6 or Aleja Powstania Warszawskiego 10

It will not matter which one you go to first, they send you to the other one, for fun, anyway.
20 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

What do you suggest?

Wait until the money runs out? 41 years of contributions only to find no money in the pot when I retire. Still, as long everyone else is looked after, who cares about the people who paid for these pensions.
19 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

i'd be 100% within my rights to do so, being a British citizen.

What rights?, the two previous governments took those away from you, along with increased income tax, NI and VAT. One of the highest taxed countries in Europe, just to feed the benefits system and the corrupt, EU, gravy train. Stabbings and shootings on a daily basis, an education system that is not fit for purpose, a health service that is being run into the ground and a demoralised, armed forces, not to mention the most expensive forms of public transport.

The British have allowed their freedom of speech to be revoked, have no privacy regarding their communications and live under what is virtually a police state The justice system is a joke

as the punishments dealt out for serious crimes, are laughable.
All you do Hicks is try to find an outlet for your anger and you are not even intelligent enough to realise where the real problems lie. I thank God that I got out 10 years ago, at least my kids will grow up in a safe environment with people of their own kind.
18 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

I'd rather live amongst 100 British people on the dole, who share the same culture and language as myself.

You already are!!!, more like 100's of thousands that will not get off their asses to work. Not only will you be living with them, you will be paying for them as well.

Culture and language? Do you mean Urdu, Punjabi or pigeon English.
18 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Mariusz Chelstowski (35), of no fixed address, was charged with robbery at the Carlow District Court in July.

He remains in custody on remand.

And here is another who will also face trial for a similar offence.Funny, he does not seem to have a Polish name? Probably does not fit in with your racist agenda.

10 Sep 2012
Real Estate / Septic systems in Poland [11]

What are the installation costs of the different systems (2-3 person small house in Woj.Lublin near Chelm)?

Approx 5 - 6,000 złoty, depending on where you buy the materials and how much your builder charges. Get three quotes.

How much much does it cost to pump out a cess-pit?

Again, depeending on size of tank, 2000 ltr should be around 150 PLN

Can anyone recommend a builder in the area who would be able to undertake the work?

Ask a Polish friend to ring around for you, do not let the contractor know you are English.
10 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / The Irish, the biggest tax evaders ever [21]

It is not more of less than in other European countries, in my opinion.


World bank
10 Sep 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

You won't get it. Maybe you are right and the worlds economists, politicians and savers are wrong.

The economists have no idea, otherwise they would have predicted the crash and know what to do about the Euro crises now, today!!!
The politicians likewise have no idea what is happening and are only concerned with getting elected/re-elected and preserving their perks, plus, they are all liars.

The savers are getting, sweet FA interest and you of all people should know this as your inflation eats away at their money, so why do you even mention it?

You should have been a banker, your something close, begins with a W
8 Sep 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Somewhere the truth is out there.
