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Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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17 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

"They work for like 50p an hour don't they" :D

Mind you... when Pakis are moaning about "too many immigrants" you know something's gone wrong! :)
16 Nov 2011
Love / Does your Polish partner suffer from disposophobia [46]

It's more about not wasting anything, rather than just hoarding for some anally-retentive reason.

I think this is true, but it has a lot to do with financial status, rather than where people are from - you won't change your TV every year if you can't afford to, you change it only when it breaks down.

As Poland becomes more like the richer nations, this is likely to decrease. British people could definitely learn from this, though; there really is no need to change decent electronic goods for something "cooler", just for the sake of being able to show off. As the recession bites, I suspect we will see more so-called "Polish" behaviour over here.

This was posted from my crumbling yet fully-functional six year-old supermarket computer, by the way ;) haha
15 Nov 2011
Love / How do I make a Polish girl cry? [107]

Ah yes, good old Bydgoszcz. The centre of all things, um, Bydgoszczian ;)

The town motto should be: "Bydgoszcz: At Least We're Near Toruń!" :D

Forget Kenya or Colombia for coffee, it must be Bydgoszczian ;)

It's always all about that "wyjątkowy Polski smak" isn't it? lol :)
15 Nov 2011
Love / How do I make a Polish girl cry? [107]

She's definitely wrong about the Gold Blend.

Jeez, I took her to Costa and she complained that she preferred the coffee at home. (facepalm).

Mind you... she was from Bydgoszcz :D
15 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

I can see you're not into the whole science thing since you obviously have no clue about genetics. We'll skip the biology lesson and make things a bit more simpler for you.

I'd leave off the patronising comments if I were you. If there's one thing I do understand, it's human biology.

Interracial breeding does not make everyone look the same. Visit Brazil and you will understand this from observations. Vin Diesel and Brianna Frost are both of European and African-American ancestry, yet they don't look anything alike.

True, but you're just being pedantic - you know exactly what I meant, i.e. everyone will start to look "light brown" rather than white. I haven't read it on this forum, but I've lost count of the number of times I've heard or read that "there won't be any racism when we're all coffee-coloured", which is one of the most misguided statements I can imagine. Just look at world history to see how well people of the same colour get on ;)

Poles look significantly different to Scots or Spaniards, yet all are considered "white". Likewise, Jamaicans look different to Somalians, but they tend to be lumped together as "blacks". Whether this is right or wrong, is another matter, but it happens.

I really am white and I don't want white skinned people to cease to exist like you think I do.

If so, then I apologise for doubting you - I'm man enough to apologise when I'm wrong. However, you won't silence my opinions.

I'm just trying to stop the fact that some people are trying to stigmatize interracial dating.

It probably doesn't help that you chose this forum to do so. Why a Polish forum? Why not a "black" forum?

You have to understand why some of us are a little sensitive about this: this forum sometimes becomes dominated by people who clearly have no real interest in Poland, but want to push their agendas, which are often derogatory or indeed racist towards Poles. I'm no racist (I've even been in a relationship with a mixed-race woman for several years), but when the going gets tough, you tend to stick to your own. Poles are now the "acceptable targets of racism" in the UK media - many journalists have written things about us since 2004 which they would have been jailed for, had they dared to change the word "Poles" for "blacks" or "Pakistanis".

I have grown up in (and continue to live in) areas which are becoming increasingly ghettoised and divided-up on ethnic/racial lines, as well as subject to a media which constantly promotes so-called "black culture" as "cooler" or "superior" to so-called "white culture". I also live in a country where certain public figures think it's acceptable to describe certain towns or organisations as being "hideously white", yet they wouldn't dare go to a mainly African district and describe it as "hideously black". This may help you understand why some of us may be a little sensitive to someone coming on a Polish forum and proclaiming that "mixed-race people are more attractive" - especially as that's all subjective, anyway. ;)


Going back to your earlier post...

Should Poles encourage interracial mixing?

Er, why on earth should they encourage it? If it's because you think they're genetically inferior because they are homogenous, than that's unacceptable! You will probably find that sub-Saharan African tribes are way more homogenous than Poles, but would you go on an African forum and "encourage" them to mix with whites or Asians to improve their genetic make-up? Of course not, because the answers would be a lot less polite than mine!

Mother Nature seems to support it considering genetically diverse people tend to be healthier than very homogenous populations.

Yet Poles live longer than many other ethnic groups, and those gentically inferior people you describe (Poles) seem to do really well in the UK education system, despite their "unhealthy" genes - especially considering the fact that we come from families where English is not the first language. So maybe being "genetically inferior" isn't such a significant fault after all?
15 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

Sid. What is the white race?

Oh, you know... just a much lighter version of those darker-skinned people who like to talk about how "black" they are, and how proud they are of it...

In the 2000 United States Census, two of the five enumerated races are labeled by a color.[19] In the 2000 US Census, the white race, refers to a "person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."[19] In the 2000 US Census, the black race, also called "African American" on the US Census, refers to a "person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa."[19]

Admittedly "black people" may have been a better term, but I suspect you knew what I meant in the first place. Don't try and confuse me with idiots like southern or espana - I'm not into all this racial superiority nonsense, but I'm very aware of being part of what is increasingly likely to become a minority group (in the UK) within a few decades.

Is anybody trying to exterminate you and your white brothers?

Not specifically, no. But no-one is exactly encouraging white Europeans to increase in number (well, except maybe the Russians ;) ), are they? It doesn't take a genius to work out what's going to happen eventually.

Admittedly "black people" may have been a better term

er, I meant "white people", lol.
14 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

You miss the point, as usual.

There's plenty of low-quality amongst the white race, unfortunately. Plenty of quality Asians, too.
14 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Feminine surname endings in America? [48]

Boy, you guys want to take the fun out of everything!

They always spoil the fun. Nothing wrong with a bit of Czech now and again - it livens things up a bit. Like adding a second ball to a dull game of rugger, really. haha :)

Besides, all Poles know Czech, don't they? (sarcasm ;) ).

But how can a zero cultured redneck understand something like that?

Even worse... they often change the spelling completely to make it "easier to pronounce". No-one does that in the UK! And why should we - no-one Sri Lankan or African changes their name to something easier for the English (they wouldn't be expected to), so why should we? I'm glad we haven't fallen for all this American dumbing-down.
14 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

If you watched the BBC, you would think everyone in the UK is south Asian, Black, or gay - but it's nowhere near as straightforward as that :)

I don't know why this forum attracts so many people who are so desperate to turn Poland into a mixed-race country.

Do they go on Asian or African forums and say "Won't it be great when your countries are whiter? Multiculturalism is great, and you can't stop race-mixing". I suspect that they wouldn't last five minutes if they did.

These people always seem to conveniently forget that there are many ethnic groups around the world who will do anything (including murder) to stop their people from race-mixing. I'm not for one minute suggesting that this is right, just stating a fact. It seems that it's only whites (and particularly European countries) who are expected to accept all this "diversity" - which, as I've said before, will actually lead to less diversity. How is reducing (and ultimately eradicating) the white race actually going to make the world more diverse?? The world would be really boring if everyone looked the same - just like our town centres with their identikit shops. But I digress.

It's not racist to say that whites comprise less than 15% of the world population, and have a right to continue to exist. But I suspect that idiots like EM_Wave

think that the world will be a better place without us. As he implies that he may be white himself, you really can't take him seriously.

Ofcourse you know not similar like what he wanted,I mean you cant stop races mixing, you cant stop, if you try to stop you want like what he wanted.

As I mentioned above, many people will try and stop it, including in your country. Have you not seen what happens in some of your communities if a Turk tries to date a Kurd? Oddly enough, in the UK, it's Pakistanis who are the most likely offenders, and not the English.

Slight derail: Over here, a lot of people are worried by the prospect of Turkey entering the EU. But if you want to send us all your Didem Erol lookalikes, I'm sure you won't hear many complaints. Certainly not from me, anyway ;) lol
12 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

oneday all world will be one race.

After a whole race of people have been eradicated from the world, you mean?

Isn't that similar to what Hitler wanted?

To ensure that the whole world becomes "coffee-coloured", you have to breed-out the white race. Funny how that seems to be acceptable to a lot of people, yet no-one calls them "bigots" or "racists" for believing in such things.
12 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Feminine surname endings in America? [48]

She'll probably correct you if you're right.

She's an expert in law, medicine, aviation, architecture, and is also Polish - how could she possibly be wrong? ;)
12 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Feminine surname endings in America? [48]

There is an increasing trend among Polish brides to keep their surname and to add that of their new husband.

They do it because it makes things easier after the inevitable divorce :D
7 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

What I mostly like in Britain is that it is full of Poles.

You've obviously never been here, so cut the cr*p and get back to the kebabs.

Fewer than 1 person in 70 is likely to be Polish, including those who were born here (like me), so how on earth does that count as "full" of Poles? You would only recognise the tirówki you go with, and the idiot karki they also go with anyway, and that's a comparative minority - older immigrants and their children look nothing like that.

If you really had been here, you would know that Britain is actually "full of" Asians, Blacks and non-Slavic white people :p

ah no that was in the valley of Firle, redneck country some miles from Lewes. Its all feudal Sussex though....definitely a sinister side to all that burning.

I stand corrected. ;)

I'd never go to an outlying Scottish island, either - I've seen The Wicker Man :D
7 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Superb! What I miss now is living in Sussex..nothing like November 5th in dear old Lewes...

Isn't that the place which had the van with the "P1 KEY" number plate, and a "traveller" guy a few years back?
7 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Shitholes go for 250K in London, £300k gets you a 40m2 flat in Battersea.

Yeah, but Battersea's mostly a very good place to live. When I lived there, I was on £38K a year, had loads of time off, and could afford six holidays a year. And, depending on which part you live in, you can be in central London in 15 minutes. If you think its too expensive (I've been priced out now, leaving was a huge mistake), you can always find a £130K flat in lovely South Norwood :D

Despite its massive problems/crime etc, London's still one of the greatest cities in the world. there are only a few places in the world I would choose to live, but even there, I'd get bored, and it would soon be back to LDN. Who would choose to live in Gocław, for example - even though property is significantly cheaper there?

In most places in Poland it is still perfectly possible to buy a flat for three times one's annual wage

I imagine the situation is the same over here. I could buy a whole house in Burnley on 1.5x my salary. But finding the same job within 20 miles of that chavvy sh*thole would be impossible. There's at least three times as much as work in my field in London, than there is in even the largest provincial conurbations, which is partly why property is so expensive here. I'd still rather have a 40m2 flat in London than a four-bedroom house in a Northern chav town, though.
7 Nov 2011
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

The Polish for Breasts and First sound almost the same,one little letter difference :)

I was in Manchester city centre recently, and I saw a company called "Cheeper Van Hire", and it sounds like it could mean "P*ssy Van Hire" if you say it a certain way, lol.

Back in the early 2000s, there used to be a club here in south London, started by a few people I used to know from the rave scene, and they used to drive around in a van with the name of the club - "Huje" (pronounced "Huge", of course). Someone else Polish beat me to it, but they soon found out how we would say it, and what that means :D

I always wonder what a pork dog is when I walk past a shop's refrigerated section and see "Pork Pies" haha.
7 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

don't forget architecture- she is also and expert in architecture.

My mistake. I must remember to apologise when she returns :D

n the long run Airbus made the right decision, a redesigned A330 could never compete with the 787, the new A350 might be able to do just that. Whether we like it or not most future aircraft will be primarily composite designs.

At least this thread has kept the "If it's not Boeing, I'm not going" crowd quiet. lol :)
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

how? any 'special activity'? when visiting my gym i see people struggle to burn 1000cal. thats approx 1hr on the running track... ;)

I work long shifts, that's all I'm saying on here.
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

It's simple. Consume 3000-4000 calories every day and do no exercise and you'll get fat.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that I consume 5000 calories a day on work days, but I burn it off.

Fortunately, when I'm not working, I don't eat much - I don't even want to imagine how fat I'd be if I ate all that and didn't work, lol.
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

that is one dish. in general indian cuisine is not known to be fat or heavy. usually the non domestic food is modified for the needs of the locals.

The reason Indian restaurants and takeaways serve fatty food over here is because they use a lot of fat during cooking. This is done because they have to fry the food quickly. Lamb is generally quite fatty, but when I make keema masala (to an authentic recipe), there is hardly any fat or grease. This is because I make sure it is well-cooked, and this takes the best part of an hour. But if I order the same dish at an Indian takeaway, it arrives in 10 minutes, and is absolutely swimming in fat. It's not the dish which makes a meal fat, it's the cooking technique - if you don't cook things from scratch, anyway.

Indian cooking is definitely not free of fat, though - try ghee, halva or ras malai for starters ;)

that curry might be 100times better in india. ;)

It is 100 times more likely to give you dysentery :)

Nah its something more sinister as to why many Brits are fat IMO.

Lack of activity + too much convenience food, I'd say.

I love the British food I buy or make regularly - and I'm not fat. I am very active though.
5 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

That IS a misfortune. I have used them in the past to fly from Wwa to Wro

Man ... :S! Frickin' ATR's ... huge amount of noise, vibrations ... really unpleasant.

lol, it reminds me of the last time I flew that route in one of those.

Elderly Polish lady: "Does this type of plane always make so much noise and wobble around like this?

Me: "Er... yeah."

Elderly Polish lady: "Never again!"


gain ... thank you, Skysoulmate, for your views on this. I appreciate it.

Likewise. This has turned into an informative thread, especially as our self-styled legal/medical/aviation "expert" has left it :)
5 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Believe me some people do - there are e.European immigrants in this country who have been here for 8 years, and cannot write basic english, and their spoken is very poor as well.

If you're going to criticise other people's English skills, at least make sure that you haven't made at least seven mistakes in your own post. :p

It seems that the offspring of Poles who grew up in Britain have a much more mature and reasonable view of the situation in 1944-1945 than those offspring brought up elsewhere. Or have they just been brainwashed by those nasty Norman robber barons they suffer under?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I was brought up to understand that escaping Poland was something to be grateful for. This does not mean that my parents did not miss their family and country, but they understood that it was not a good place to live in the post-war years. Neither was the UK, but this country provided a safe haven, with opportunity for those willing to work hard. Poland was not safe, or full of opportunity, at the time. Who could blame them for staying here if they had the chance?

I have had several conversations with older Poles over the years, asking them why they don't shout louder than certain other "ethnic communities", and demand that they get what they do. The responses tended to be along the lines of "we're not owed anything; the fact that this country allowed us to settle here and escape Stalinism is enough. The rest was up to us". This is what makes me proud to be Polish, makes me respect the older generations more than the younger ones, and is probably also why I've always been willing to work hard for what I want to achieve.

There was no sense of "entitlement" amongst my parents generation, unlike many more recent immigrants. I have no idea where this attitude comes from, but I suspect that Poles have heard that the UK has unlimited money to give away to the lazy and feckless, and some believe that they deserve a piece of that pie as well. This country did not have this chav/benefit culture 60 years ago, which also explains why previous generations weren't really affected by it. Unfortunately, this attitude is not exclusive to the under-25s; one of my ex-girlfriends is over 40 now, and was quite open about her desire to obtain council housing, work as little as possible to avoid losing tax credits, and did not want to learn English because "Polish is an official EU language, so I have a right to demand an interpreter". Unfortunately, most of her friends had a similar attitude.

Yet when I dare criticise certain recent immigrants on here, I am called a traitor, despite the fact that I have always emphasised that I understand that NOT ALL immigrants are like this. Well, all those who call me that can f*** off - like many children of immigrants, I'm stuck between two identities: English people tell me to f*** off back to Poland, Polish-born people call me an "Angol". But what ever I am, I don't like people who take the p*ss; I won't be silenced, either by expats, or by Poles who resemble the ex mentioned above ;)
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

iirc, dumping fuel allows the pilot to land with a reduced stall speed, which makes landing safer than landing a heavier plane at a higher airspeed/stall speed.

And a plane with minimal fuel is less likely to burst into flames/explode on landing than a full one.

I'm sure skysoulmate will correct me if this is wrong.
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

TVN 24 invites many experts to the studio and no one speculates on anything .


You can fool the Polish-Americans who can't speak a word of Polish, and who never travel to Poland, but you can't fool me - I've been to Poland many times, and I've seen plenty of "speculators" on television - just like over here!

I wish all the pro-Polish or anti-Polish pilots comments disappeared from this thread.
