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Joined: 1 Feb 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Mar 2013
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9 Apr 2012
Real Estate / Real Estate Agencies in Poland (they are greedy for money) [18]

Most rental contracts arent worth the paper theyre printed on. Second, almost nobody declares their rental income, so renters do have a slight, albeit slight, "upper hand" in this regard.

If you're looking for a place to rent, then open up google translator and surf gumtree.pl, oferty.pl and szybko.pl

If youre too daft to do any of that, then just go through an agent and pay through the nose.
9 Apr 2012

Speaking of unacceptable mistakes, your English is a downright travesty of epic proportions.

I have no idea what you wrote, but without a doubt most Poles write better than you.
9 Apr 2012
Real Estate / Real Estate Agencies in Poland (they are greedy for money) [18]

You really do have an unfortunate way of communicating your points. Are you about 15 years old?

So you either had to google retard or work as a real estate broker. I.e., you lose.

Pip is spot on. About 99% of all real estate agents in Poland are totally and absolutely useless. Simply look at the photos most agents take. Blurry and pitch black are the words that come to mind. Most agencies one redeeming factor is that the properties they have listed, besides being on websites that are sometimes impossible to navigate, quite easily tell you where the property is located, allowing you to directly contact the owner.
9 Apr 2012
Love / Do Irish / British guys like Polish girls? [138]

I'd like to have british boyfriend and wonder if its possible. do they like foreign women? are brithish open people and its easy for them to pick up a girl? men in Poland are cold and rather dont talk to girls they dont know.

Are you fat?

No theyre not cold. Most of them are wimps and require you to make the first move, as surprising as that may sound. If youre half decent looking you probably have a plethora of dudes eyeing you everyday. The era of being swept off your feet on the dancefloor by some suave cool dude are long gone. .
31 Mar 2012
Life / Please recommend a news website for Wroclaw [8]

ummm wroclaw.pl is the official city website and wroclaw-life is about bars and restaurants...

gazetawroclawska.pl has everything you could possibly want, i read it everyday
also wroclove2012.pl, its in english, follows a lot of culture and euro related stuff
25 Feb 2012
Food / Decent Polish Ale or Lager? [27]

The Browar Zamkowy (Raciborz) makes a few decent beers, including an old facorite, Piwo Zielone.

Ummm.. btw, Warko Strong, as ****** as it is, I dont think its even a natural beer in itself and has a bit of alcohol spirit mixed in there. Blaahhhh
16 Feb 2012
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Could you give me some tips for driving in Poland?

Actually driving in Poland can be quite fun. Sometimes maddening, but the general "wildness" of it still keeps Poland interesting. Some of the roads are quite demanding.

Driving in Poland requires always paying attention to your surroundings, to be always on edge and react at a moments notice. Do not expect to "cruise" on the highway or "calmly pass through" a city center. Every second you need to be aware of what is going on. Every second. People can and will stumble onto the road. Dogs. A bus will suddenly pull into your lane. You'll have drivers overtaking you on the left and right and see near misses of head-on collisions.

If you dont know what youre doing just drive in the right lane. Driving slowly in the left lane is asking for trouble.

Drive with the flow, not against it. Driving in Poland is a race.

If you are the first one at the lights and it turns green it's expected for you to floor it, even if the next light 100m down the road is still red. Starting slowly or stopping slowly enrages many drivers.

What others said about the pedestrian situation and it's not a joke. Do not suddenly come to a stop to let them cross the street, you will probably get rear-ended.

Many roads are now in great shape in PL. However, many cities, still have certain sections have potholes big enough to seriously damage your suspension.

Many roads are quite illogical. Many signs are illogical. If you have GPS, always use it (never leave it in the car though).

A yellow diamond means you have the right of way at an intersection. If its crossed out by a black line, it means you dont. An upside down triangle means you don't have the right of way. If its crossed out with a black line, it means you do.

Trams always have the right of way.

If there is an intersection and there are no signs, the person on the right has the right of way. However, do not expect people to slowly approach an intersection. If they have the right of way they will roar through it.

Not all roundabouts give the right of way to those already on it.

Be aware of two lane roundabouts, sometimes the inner lane can also exit the roundabout.

Expect people to overtake you, dangerously, no matter how fast you are driving.

The speed limit in towns/cities or any "populated area" is 50kmh. However, no one drives that slow. If youre driving on a "national road" and you enter a populated area (marked by a white sign with a black outline of a city) you should slow down to 60kmh or so, be aware of cops using radar guns.

Tailgating, or sitting one meter behind somesone bumper is considered normal. Dont get annoyed at that.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Oh. It was that complicated. Sorry. I'll break it down. What kind of blockhead do you have to be to think that Nazi's were anti-religious. One of their crusading propoganda highlights was us the god fearing vs the godless Red bastards, i.e., doing God's work. Starting to ring any bells? Probably not. So, my point being that you got this kind of really important fact wrong, a lot of your other "facts" on how the world works are probably pretty wrong

Btw never heard that one before, in fact it sounds like you got it wrong, it goes: pobiegaj po rynku gola dupa. No ale coz, nie kazdy potrafi zablysnac.

Meh, as for this post being relevant. Well, with turncoats and traitors, besides polnonius who's so bent on oaths he must have had 10 divorces, it's quite obvious it really depends on which side you're on, doesn't it.

But I'm sure you all consider Daniel Ellsberg, "Deep Throat", Bradley Manning, or Golitsyn to be traitors as well.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

By God? I thought The Nazis denounced religion like the Soviets did.

Not very surprising, but nonetheless interesting is how many people base their belief system and general worldly knowledge on facts that end with "But, I thought"...

Dare to take the next step?
13 Feb 2012
Law / Born in Nicaragua. Can I and my family (TEFEL) become Polish by ancestry? [12]

No they are not. Two posters before them made it quite clear in a civilized manner; they are just spiteful pricks, so much for your realism or sarcasm.

Yes, it's all spite. You got me there ShortHairThug, kudos. A choice observaton.Yes, I admit it, I troll the PF forums to deliver answers an 8 year old could Goggle in 10 seconds or answers that require about three seconds of logical contemplation (like in this case, 200 year old ancestors and citizenship) and upon providing such an answer, I do inject some spite, a dash of sarcasm and surrounded by globs of bitterness.

Of course, delivering cryptic answers such as telfcat's "of course it's possible" for you are "quite clear", so maybe I should be more tolerant of idiotism in general. Seriously. Genius ShortHairThug. Genius.

Speaking of being a spiteful prick, aren't you that guy that goes on and on about Yanks and stupid Americans?
10 Feb 2012
Real Estate / ANGELCITY apartments - Krakow. Looking for fit-out options. [10]

id seriously recommend asking for references of anyone youre considering hiring to do any kind of finishing work. and i mean "references" by not just looking at some random before/after photos, but by talking to people and actually seeing the finished work yourself.

a lot of the workmanship is beyond appalling. i call them "one-meter jobs", from a distance everything looks nice but if you get any closer you'll immediately see how crappy it was done.

ive found only one,1, uno, jeden guy out of... dozens... maybe hundreds of different companies... who i could even consider recommending, and all he does is kitchens and only in Krakow.
10 Feb 2012
Law / Born in Nicaragua. Can I and my family (TEFEL) become Polish by ancestry? [12]

The answer is YES!

Just go to your nearest Polish Embassy, walk in and exclaim that your 200 year old ancestors were Polish and therefore you want Polish citizenship. In a matter of seconds a red carpet will unfurl, you'll be given your new passport and two first-class tickets to Warsaw.
26 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

Stop being so ridiculously defensive. The level sucks! There are no two ways about it.

What a gigantic ass. I am the one being "ridiculously defense"? I said their level is "not bad". Your response: "waaaahh, the level sucks! no two ways about it! its only my way! nein nein nein! das ist verbotten!". Edit I know this post is going to get canned but who cares.

No, your language skills were not any better. You grew up in a bilingual family or lived in the country where the language was spoken, and best of all, Dutch/German/English belong to one language family. You never had to bust your ass like most students do to learn a language with mediocre teachers, limited real life contact and lessons at most only a few hours a week. What a child.

No name calling.
26 Jan 2012
Study / Shocking! Test standards in Polish schools. [165]

If it is in fact for gymnazjum students, who are 13-15 years old and studying basic English, that's not bad at all.

But I'm sure your language skills were simply off the charts when you were a teenager. What foreign languages did you study at that age? Pig latin?
20 Jan 2012
Work / ACCA TUITION IN ENGLISH? Around Poznan? [2]

well my stupid post got deleted by the admin for offering practical advice, so here it is again in a straightforward way. USE GOOGLE, i found what you were looking for as the first search result.
3 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Just by gauging the interest in this forum says all about property in PL [36]

Hi wedle, although the statistics would probably prove otherwise, but the feeling I get from being multiple times in berlin is this:

of course this is tune with my metaphor to poland, more or less, i know its not perfect

a large area thats been heavily invested in but one that has no real standing of its own economically-wise due to chronic problems as well as simply being "left out", with investment largely coming from the public not private sector, and a place constantly plagued with high unemployment levels no matter how well economically the rest of the world might be doing.

overall a ghost town outside the city center, or even in it, with few people found on the streets during or after working hours. a population largely composed of close to retirement age or retired persons, where the younger generation either moves away or lives in some alternative sci-fi funk, most either working dead end jobs or studying for years if not decades due to government subsidies being higher than what they could earn free market.

where property prices, which maybe long ago reached some peak, are at a all time low, with such a glut of rental properties it makes no economic sense to buy property anymore.

hmm what else, i guess thats my metaphor. even though i love the city i find berlin to be... depressing.
2 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Polish tutor needed in Virginia Beach [9]

I am fluent in all form of Polish language

How many forms are there in the Polish language? And where in Virginia Beach are you from?
7 Dec 2011
Language / Polish language immersion, time, fluency [14]

I know Brits who have been living in Poland for over a decade who are barely able to order something in a restaurant. I know people who after 5 years are communicative.

After two years you'll be able to engage in some small talk. Forget about Polish movies or newspapers, maybe after a decade.
7 Dec 2011
Travel / Whats your favourite Polish city and why? [132]

and a state-of-the-art opera house opening soon.

How could you quote something you love about a city that doesn't even exist yet?
4 Dec 2011
Love / Polish men calling polish girl for dating englishman [80]

Actually on second thought this Ian character might just be an English native speaker, just not that very intelligent or educated with terrible written English.

But I'll answer your question Ian, as you find this so puzzling. Do you really think the problem is "all polishmen have problem with polish girl having english boyfriend"? That male Poles are so protectionist of their womenfolk that they find it abhorrent that one of them would actually spend time with the native of the place where she lives and works? Doesn't that sound kind of silly? Now, don't you think the problem might be actually that the men from that factory have a problem with... you, specifically? Think about it, did you give any of them, or did you do anything to your girlfriend, that might give reason for someone not to like you? Yea, you remember that now don't you? Yup, that's probably it. Spill the beans, what did you do?
2 Dec 2011
Love / Polish men calling polish girl for dating englishman [80]

Hi Ian, I think the problem here is this: you are not English (or Scottish), or at least certainly did not grow up in any English speaking country, you lied to this poor lady that you are English, other people quite obviously see that you are a liar and told your girlfriend as such, she doesn't believe them because she evidently loves you or something, maybe you buy her things, and doesn't want anybody to see you.
23 Nov 2011
Law / Charges on cash on delivery in Poland? [6]

It depends if its a letter or package, if its shipped by courier or Poczta Polska, what the value is...

About 20-25zl for a midsized package by courier
18 Nov 2011
Language / Province or Voivodeship [36]

thank god you people dont translate documents for a living...