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Joined: 20 Dec 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 209 / In This Archive: 166
From: Nowhereland
Speaks Polish?: da

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24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

I don't get what's the whole fuss about. It is normal to native of some country to expect from immigrants to obey the law and try to assimilate with them. If they are commiting crime they should be send where they came from, there is no reason why a host country should have to deal with such people. That rule should apply to everyone - African in Poland, Pole in the UK, Brit in Germany etc etc. I don't see the problem in sending polish criminals back to Poland (I would prefer them to be send to Australia though lol ), it just seems fair. They are guests after all so should behave as ones.
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

In most all Modern Police departments the firearm is a deadly force tool and you shoot to kill if it comes to that

Probably it's right - if someone has to shoot at all so probably in self-defense, otherwise why fire a gun at all?
24 May 2010
News / Polish Policeman shoots down a foreigner in Warsaw [300]

Just tell why you think he shot to KILL.

Because they were struggling for gun, the guy wanted to take away the police officer's gun so how the policeman suppose to CHOOSE where to shoot?

Anyway, just read what was already said, it just plain stupid what u are saying, sorry.
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Ehh we are all on the way to be shushing

Sorry but I am the only one allowed to shush :P
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

they have in Media Markt music store a tag card (jak jest po angielsku zakładka?) named "black music".

Well, in London I've seen a section in bookstore called Black Literature and while I would somehow understand if the topic was slavery for instance but the only thing what the books had in common was the fact that their authors were black lol
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Go and read some genetics books

Well, from the genetics point of view there are more differences between races than you would think. It doesnt mean it matters though.
23 May 2010
Language / Is czarnoskóry acceptable? [21]

Is the Polish term czarnoskóry or ciemnoskóry acceptable and not perceived as racist?

Czarnoskory or ciemnoskory are normal terms, used commonly. Depends on the context it can be used in a rasist manner. You did not say in what context the polish media were refering about Obama as ciemnoskory prezydent USA. The offensive version is czarnuch.

Why the need to mention their skin in the first place?

If the paper was saying about Obama as the first president of mixed race then I guess it's understandable?
21 May 2010
Po polsku / Konopielka, Smieszny filmik [13]

"Chlop z chlopem spac beda, baba z baba spac beda! A Pan Bog coraz czesciej odpoczywa. (...) Kurestwo. Sodoma i Gomora." LOL
8 May 2010
Language / Caring/loving words in Polish? [90]

Is cute the same as fajny/fajna?

No, it is not - fajny/fajna is like nice. We can call anything by fajny - fajny chlopak, fajny film, fajna muzyka, fajny samochod. Fajny chlopak is like a nice, cool guy.

In my view cute should only be used for kitties and puppies.

Well, I dont understand cute in that way, maybe I get it wrong, I dont know. But for me cute is when you see someone and you feel like to hug him or her, when you get that nice feeling inside, probably similar to the feeling when you see kitties or puppies. In polish cute is ładny, śliczny, milutki (or ładna, śliczna, milutka). But while guys get called milutki but ładny and śliczny is not that nice for them, I can imagine. Well, if someone likes boyish type or even childish type of a guy then it's fine. As for me I would call my boyfriend cute but I would not say he is śliczny or ładny, milutki is ok though.
8 May 2010
Language / Caring/loving words in Polish? [90]

Not fat but sweet :P

Actually every word can be nice if used with proper intention. My mum is calling her grandchildren - ty żabo (you frog)!
8 May 2010
Language / Caring/loving words in Polish? [90]

Pączki = donuts. Mój pączuszku is a nice way of calling someone, means my little donut
30 Apr 2010
Food / I've never cooked or eaten any polish dish before. [24]

But its a pain in the arse to make at home same as Gołabki

Yes, if you have never made pierogi before sometimes no one would be able to recognise them as pierogi lol but they are delicious and once you started making them - it's not that hard, unless you dont have to make them too many.

As for golabki - what's there difficult to do? u just slightly cook cabbage, then mix meat with rice, add some spice, put the filler into one leaf of cabbage, then braise it and that's all.
28 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Last Name Jaszczur [14]

Yes! actually the creature from Komodo in Polish is called waran z Komodo or smok z wyspy Komodo (smok= dragon)
28 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Last Name Jaszczur [14]

Jaszczurka is like small lizard, jaszczur = huge lizard. Actually jaszczur is more like saurian, dragon and similar.
27 Apr 2010
Travel / Just back from Krakow [120]

once you spoke she realized what simpleton you are and would have nothing more to do with you

That's a bit harsh :P

But i agree that he jumped to conclusion too fast - he was in Poland after all and it is weird to expect everyone there will speak English.

been all over the world and most of the time you can still have a conversaion even if you speak a in a language you both know a little of

If you know language just a little then i dont see much point unless u really are into someone's appearance.
27 Apr 2010
Travel / Just back from Krakow [120]

Maybe they didst know English and thats why they walked away? but it doesn't mean they were racists. Hard to communicate if you don't speak the same language.
27 Apr 2010
Language / Calling a person a 'potato' (ziemniak/kartofel/burak) [37]

I've lived in Poland my whole life and I've never heard of it from anyone except for one newspaper. It's definitely not common.

Yes, I have not heard it either. "Burak" is common and known in every part of Poland and the meaning is deragatory as it was already said.
25 Apr 2010
Love / Church of England - Catholic Marriage in Poland. [23]

Remember, you need the dispensation from the relevant Bishop

Yes, that's true but I think the problem is a priest really and not a bishop. Bishops i guess know the law but priests do as they please most of the time.
25 Apr 2010
Love / Church of England - Catholic Marriage in Poland. [23]

The CoE doesnt need to be baptised. It is possible to get married even with atheist, muslism etc (from the catholic church point of view). I think the only one requirement is for the other person to agree to respect the person's religion. Some time ago also the partner had to agree for the children to be raised in the catholic faith but i think it changed some years ago. Well, at the end of the day it depends on the particular priest but the general guidance are as above.
25 Apr 2010
Love / SHE'S 25, HE'S 85 (Polish actor Andrzej Łapicki) -- ANY FUTURE? [82]

Ehh you two having fun, thats nice but i still think there is not necesserily going something bad there. Maybe i m naive but i prefer to think about people in a good way.

Maybe she doesnt like sex that much but she does like intelligent people.
25 Apr 2010
Genealogy / Polish person's average height? [210]

I m 159 cm. I think average for women is around 165 cm, there are women who are much taller but there are significant amount of women who are smallish.
25 Apr 2010
Love / SHE'S 25, HE'S 85 (Polish actor Andrzej Łapicki) -- ANY FUTURE? [82]

Being rich doesn't mean you can buy reincarnation ;)

Yes but not everyone is that wise to fall in love only in suitable persons. I dont think he is that rich and marrying him she lost a lot - perhaps friends and family who now will think she is a dziwka. So altogether i think there had to be something more to that than just money.

But i find it sad that people always think a person is worthless if she or he did something different. That's all.