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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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18 May 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]


I think you should read it carefully as well ... under the title: "Recognition of same sex relationship"
18 May 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

perfectly legal sexual practices

What can I tell you on this? I think you need more learning on what is what ...

I can assure you it is very common

How? ...
18 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

xenophobic tendencies.

I don't need to state the obvious, a bit "NO" to this accusation. At most we are just not used to, and its not a problem when a neighbor would come of another color, we would still be friendly.

.go ask your mom or aunts and uncles

They are all educated, confident and dignified people which high self esteem and good morals. I know them better than you ... even my friends.

Some of my friends (including myself) have spouse from another race. They are all good people with nice jobs and a healthy Polish family now. There are no issues, and the diversity is enjoyed, and people try to be helpful.

Its about the bringing up of a person ... how sincere are you, and what are your values.
18 May 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

I don't know how common or uncommon it is in Italy or Arab world.

In Poland it is not so common... and the author is just trying to insult is my firm understanding. If you think differently, suit yourself.

By saying this I am neither supporting, nor attacking anyone who practices this act. However, I do not see why the author would try to highlight Poles in such a generalizing statement which is completely false and very inciting.
18 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

Just read this thread.

This thread is representative of people from western Europe, not Poland. I am the Pole so I know what I am talking about. You stay with your ideas ... which are vague and stupid.

they do integrate

They do integrate when immigration policies are good and the people of the home country also support this integration process.

one generation and they are through and trough Polish

Not really ... it takes integration everywhere.

However ... I think me and the rest of the Polish public should decide for our country and how it would integrate. You and your failed policies, reckless violent nature are not invited.
18 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

not many Poles living in Poland on here, so how is it representative?

Read the post of those who are, and me among them. I think the there is no such sink hole. Poland wishes to integrate into the global community and move ahead in pace with the increasing trend towards the Global Village Era.

I wish we had a better economy to attract better minds from all over and have them Polonized :). Also, there should be immigration policies which give priority to genuine students, skilled worker and investor.

Sorry we do not wish to be tied down to medeival stupid ego and prejudices.
17 May 2011
Law / Applying for Polish citizenship through marriage. [116]

However being divorced after a long period of marriage, with a child ... will never let your life be same again, and whether Poland or any other country, you will partake the curse of spoiling a child's right to have a healthy caring family with both parents.

I don't know whether you will meet good luck or bad, but whatever happens, it seems you will face it in Poland.
16 May 2011
UK, Ireland / A South African moving to Poland with Polish wife- we live in London. Excited and scared. [27]

Hello Kurt, welcome to Poland. So you are a South African with a business in London and looking for a citizenship in Poland? :D :) ... nice!

OK, since you are married and have a child through her, it shouldn't be so difficult to get a citizenship. The best place to know would be the Polish embassy in your country.

But in any condition, have a happy stay.

Oh and by the way, I don't think you will need to pay taxes in Poland, but only those taxes which you will have to pay to bring in the money to spend in Poland.
16 May 2011
Work / (IT field) moving from India to Poland -Wroclaw in May '11 [46]

(esp relating to the treatment of ethnic and religious minorities).

This might remain a continuing problem with them. However, with support from USA and UK ... I feel that day is not that far away. Wait till it happens and you will see some changes in Europe. I don't know if the changes will be positive or negative. But we might not have to wait too long to find out.
16 May 2011
Love / Expat marrying Polish - honest experiences [38]

All I can say its a good experience till now, and with mutual effort, it should be better as time goes by.

By the way, there is no way you can judge your own relationship with other people's experiences. As Leo Tolstoy said:

"All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
15 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

In most cases only to those who are married to Polish citizen ( or if they established long- term economical relationship with Poland, meaning owning a business not just working ) , multiculti children will never get unless they are children of at least one polish citizen . Unlike in Canada or USA ( the most multiculti states) .

I got no idea of US or Canada... yea a little about USA but in all the wrong ways by a friend who used to take prospective citizens with wacky plans from here :D ...

Anyways ... yes when they are married to Polish Citizen it is much faster. However on work and education they can get a PR, and later if they show proper reason for their stay in Poland, they can get a Citizenship. Although again, the 6 good friend (ex-foreigners and now Polish citizens) are all married to Polish, but even before that they had a possibility to gain citizenship and I think most of them already had a PR.

There is a length of time they need to stay ... and their conduct, capability, education, job ... it all matters. You cannot just discard it. Yes, businesses make it easier. But something making it easier doesn't mean that other things do not work at all.

Our immigration policy is not that stiff as you mentioned. Infact not many want to stay in Poland. I noticed that most just go towards UK, Germany or France ... etc (mostly to UK). Unfortunately for those countries, those who are usually not very capable in studies or clear of their goals go to those places.

Fortunately for Poland, or maybe atleast in my experience, I have found people will good education who would be capable back in their home country as well, prefer to stay in Poland and work their way for a living. Reason of choices range from interest in Polish landscape, a liking developed for the country, or relationships formed while their stay in here.

About fake stuff, I don't really mix with the unskilled labors found in shady alleys ... or discos with narcotics etc. I've been happily acquainted with people from reasonably good backgrounds ... coming from USA to Japan, from China to India, from South America to Canada ... etc ... Students mainly, business reasons, even activists.

The policy for immigration is infact not balanced. I always thought that with proper immigration policies, the high influx of those who have no intention really to stay in a country and contribute truly and effectively to its prosperity would not be able to make it. For this, the compulsory requirement of a certain amount of money in the bank (which seems to take all the focus) needs to be removed, and focus must be given to genuine students. For this, the agents from Poland and those countries must be discouraged, and students who apply themselves to Polish Universities must be given the priority and welcomed with open arms even. Plus, our Universities can benefit too by getting into affiliations and partnerships with more foreign universities for student exchange etc...

Positive immigration is a healthy thing.
15 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

( one principle among many others)

You are not accurate. On reasonable grounds, and proper duration, papers etc ... PR and Citizenships are generally granted. How many do you know who were denied? I for one know a few who got accepted. So there you go ...

Fake marriages are something that happens with mutual consent based on money. Such actions are performed by Poles in US and other places where they want to stay as well. Often some of our actions are worse than those which we boast against. Its a long story and a very unfortunate one. In either ways, not all marriages are fake.

Polaci do not give jobs to foreigners.

We've got problems with proper jobs even for Poles ... with proper qualifications even. Our economy is improving and there is hope, but we have our problems which need to be sorted.
15 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

odz why don't u leave homogeneous Poland for a while and try liviing in the west for a bit.

For your information this is my country, the country for which my ancestors (not very far back) have given their blood to free and prosper.

Poland cannot be shut down, and it cannot dwell the fate of Apartheid South Africa or the brutal racism that the failed racists preach 24/7 out of their own personal lack of confidence and capabilities.

I am all for free and fair integration ... and I have given my views which I feel are reasonable for my and other European nations as well: Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland.

Important to note that this is for future migration ... for those citizens of our countries who came as a result of migration, the schooling must be improved for their children to integrate. Integration must be induced both ways. Remember that in this way only Europe wins. Remember again, that nothing is lost from Europe, but Europe only and ONLY gains. Apart from the black gene, all the rest of those genes are recessive compared to the white gene, and turn the same as any of us in 2 or 3 (max) mixing. However, even beyond that, to become color conscious is not being modern, but medieval.

As humanity progresses ... evolved ... and the world turns into a global village. The resistance will keep coming, but there had been no resistance powerful enough to stop the Dawn from happening, or to keep the sun from rising by tying it with ropes or chains.


There is no non-European once they start with the process of being a citizen as well as step into the process of integration which MANY OF THEM DO.

So sorry for you Jarnowa ... you have only ONE BLOODY SHAMEFUL AND SERIOUSLY LACKING IN CONFIDENCE objective, and that objective will never be fulfilled only due to the TOOLS you employ to achieve them.

George Corley Wallace, Jr. (August 25, 1919 - September 13, 1998) was the 45th Governor of Alabama, serving four terms: 1963-1967, 1971-1979 and 1983-1987. "The most influential loser" in 20th-century U.S. politics, according to biographers Dan T. Carter[1] and Stephan Lesher,[2] he ran for U.S. president four times, running officially as a Democrat three times and in the American Independent Party once.


Most hated man among scholars who give a damn to know him. All for the wrong reasons though ...
14 May 2011
Love / Filipina having a relationship with a Polish Man [95]

Never, ever generalize. Proszę. Boże...

They want relationships to break apart out of disgust, guilt or doubt. Their aims are chaotic, divisive and very dangerous. Do not pay heed to the heedless.
14 May 2011
Life / Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland. [30]

Well, I am Pro-Humanist and immigration always, but it is only reasonable to have some rules for such matters. Do you not judge a person before making friends? Do you not investigate before getting into a marriage? Do you not read properly before coming into a business deal? I think we all should do it.

There cannot be room for shady people. Sorry. No, not being unfair, but I say the same for the hooligan and frauds of my own country who are disturbing Poles or citizens of other countries where they immigrate and should respect their laws and also common human decency.

I think immigration is positive, but with proper streamlining of the rules, such as:

The best solution is to have better working immigration policy when it comes to Poland. As I repeatedly say, it should be students who are brought in, along with skilled workers and investors (if they wish).

1. The focus on "certain amount of money in the bank" must be repealed, as this only takes away focus from other stuff.

2. Medical checkup of infectious and incurable diseases such as HIV and others must be done without delay. However, physical disabilities should not be judged unfairly, unless there is someone with enough potential to take care of that person.

3. Students must be given full priority (even welcomed with open arms), while skilled workers can come if they get employment, and investors may stay in Poland if they invest in acceptable manners and margins.

4. Student recruiting "agents" from abroad must be BANNED. Students who can use their own intelligence to contact Universities in our countries and then get accepted can come! Also, our Universities must get in contact with Universities from other Eastern or America or any other nation (you name it) through affiliations, exchange programs etc ... so that valid/genuine students can make efforts themselves to try and enroll here if they wish to live here or work or study.

etc ...

In this way we get genuine students. These people are must more capable and integrate absolutely easily to the host country, and make it home (only if they prefer to do so).

I can tell you that out of a few foreign students I remember, only 6 of them preferred to stay in Poland and got married to Poles, and have children and are doing quite fine. With their talent, I believe they would do just as well in any other country in the world, including theirs. This is because in their country there is enough opportunity for people with their education ... also they can buy all luxuries in their home. However, in special reasons (e.g. taste to live in Poland, a special liking developed for Poland, or a relationship they fell into while in Poland) they actually prefer to live in this country. As a result, it is very natural.

There was an Egyptian friend among these genuine students, who returned to Egypt after his course was over. Didn't even try to stay back.

There were a few others who moved to UK. They were not really serious students, and entered showing money and through AGENTS.

I know and befriended those six who are really good people ... but there are more I have an idea of, who have done well in Poland or returned to their countries as they are quite capable anywhere.

NOW THIS IS NORMAL AND NATURAL. It is WE who often start the problem with our policies. Why come into contract with foreign student recruiting agents? Why not come in contact with REAL UNIVERSITIES and leave it to capable students who can find their way into our Universities themselves? I can tell you that those who can do that, are truly refined people with good brains.

After these measures ... the unskilled, trouble maker (we have our hooligans, same way they have theirs ... and both are loads on any nation), useless and fake folks can stay out.

Plus, our law and order situation must constantly be updated.

This way ... we are not racist, we are only being responsible.

In this new world, Poland needs to integrate to the world aswell. No we cannot SIMPLE CANNOT afford or need a shut down.

Our Universities must allow better Scholarships and keep seats for foreign students, specially from developing nations.

Open borders is my ultimate wish ... but no border or nation or society can be open for crime. Open borders for those who are genuine and worthy. The world is closed to hooligans (from both sides).

13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

You still don't care?

You bring examples of fanatics and want to label all people in other regions in the same color? In that same view, Germans (all and each) should be colored in the color of Swastika.

But I will not do that ... as that would be irresponsible. But perhaps you should ...
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

They for sure won't raise their kids as Poles...as you so kindly assume!

I think they do. I know couple who do ... and I posted a pic or two too (and later removed it with the help of moderators).

Nice it all looks, cute children.

It depends who you are talking about ... I mostly am acquainted with students and skilled/educated people.

Both the parties need to come forward to allow/let/induce them to integrate once they are members of your country. It is in benefit of both. Only they cannot move forward ... you must too.

Another thing ... the schools. This is vital.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

and from talking to them i suspect they don,t want to....

Its a stance everyone of the older folks have ... before they face someone. It is nothing extra ordinary. I can only say that this do not bug anyone ... such feelings are like oxide on aluminum ... they move away in a shower or wipe. Poles have big hearts ... I know and live it.

If tolerance was pushed to the limits, Poles wouldn't think twice about bringing out GROM and their army.

The world has changed. It is not medieval. Tolerance must work hand in hand with proper strategy and their implementation. Force and bullets are not the tools you deal with your home or civil matters.

There are other much better ideas ...
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

I don't hate immigrants for the sake of hating them. I just don't want my people to become a minority in their own country. Is that too much to ask ?

If they become your own people, then you will not be a minority and neither will they be.

There are better, more sound ways to deal with things. You yourself say "fake students" ... and I must tell you that there are ways to resist it... starting with removing the "certain" amount of money in the bank policy. That works as the detractor.

France is dealing with its national issue very badly. Those are your people, French, so don't call them other names and deal with it in better, more sound manners. To go on detail would be possible, but I would've done that if it were amount immigrants in Poland.

I do love and respect the French, but you have to deal with this yourself ... and don't expect people to share hatred. Sharing love and positive images of France, and good practices ... would be wonderful.

I like France for many reasons ... and hatred or racism is not one of them.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Slavs don't tend to respond well to foreign elements on their soil.

Only when they want to kill, dominate, constrain out freedom ... occupy us ... etc etc. Not when they come as a harmless friend, a mate, a business partner, an investor.

This kind of a generalization of the whole of Slavs is not intellectual. There are many variables to consider.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

This pretense that you love all the world and its people no matter what their colour is fine , i guess you have to say this in case your wife reads this forum , but do you really have to drag this peace , love and flowers into every thread where normal people with likes and dislikes have to read it....

I am here since this forum started. Wayyyy in the beginning before this nick name even ... I came again after a gap and made this one. I am here since Patty started ... and there were others who are now gone.

She may read this place, but its nothing about her.

not something you try to vomit over everyone else...

I never tried to put it on anyone else... its an open forum ... and I write freely. Thats all ... you have your views you pour here ... I do not accept and I give mine.

but its not , and won,t be in your lifetime...

nothing what is relevant to you ... very rambling matter ... I had such views from the beginning...


No I don't think we would be comfortable among your surroundings and atmosphere... it is about lifestyle and class.

As for your information ... we have a very good life with friends and family ... and so do my friends who chose to marry different race.

but i do have a problem with people who just talk the talk , but don,t walk the walk...

Your problem ... you live with it ... you don't need to know who talks and who walks... mind ur business.

can't forget his "slavic union"...for Slavs only, how "world-loving!"

Look Mr. BB ... that was nothing as you put it. This thread is not for that... if you want you can raise than topic from its grave and we will discuss it there again.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

How do you expect assimilation of completely different cultures in such a society?

Students, skilled people, investors ... were these who got into Germany?

Some immigration/visa policies say "they need to have a "certain" amount in bank ... bla bla" ... and thats it. This is not the criteria which would ensure responsible and acceptable immigration. It should be genuine students (often not very rich, but very promising and integrate very fast), skilled workforce and investor (for skilled worker their employment and skill certificate etc ... for investor the investment proof).

As for those who are IN now, they need to deal with schools strategized to be in such a ratio the the children end up making friends and become close to the native people. The school should put those positive ideas into their mind, and construct their personalities.

Both must make an extra effort to come forward and help the new to integrate.

No other way out.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

If they make a mosque, it must look nice. They cannot make a cheap one ... a small and ugly one. There are some pretty ones too.

Now as for the many many mosque, I think such a thing would be unnecessary and pretty useless in a country where there are not many muslims. There should be prayer places specifically for catering such communities ... unnecessary structures are useless for anyone.

I would actually say same for Churches of Synagogoues or other religious establishments.

Also, such structures should be funded or demanded by atleast a credible number of locals ... atleast there should be a petition that they need such a place (i.e. it is a requirement). Unless such a reasonable demand is met, I dont think there is a reason for such prayer places to be built. THIS IS PERFECTLY FAIR AND PROPER REASON TO SAY "Why build when there is no need?".

Says the Polish Buddist....

I am not a Polish Buddhist. I am not the kind who decides upon his religion or land or family etc on the direction of his wife. There is a place for everything in a person's life, and their own respective importance. There is a thing called balance...

Plus, its none of your business.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

why don't YOU leave for muslim shores instead!

I am in my country ... and your conclusion have no relevance.

you said so yourself!

Your ears ring...

you don't understand nor think about the stuff you write here

You are a self obsessed packet of confusion.

Here's one Muslim cleric who doesn't agree with you.

Doesn't matter if he agrees or not ... and I am not interested in his clerical thoughts. I am for a free and moderate Europe ... not an extremist state which rips off or bans someones basic human rights. The article which I posted talks about the few (very few) who wear the headscarf ... and its not a problem in my thoughts.

I think most of the civilized people also would think the same. There are rogue people who wont.

But I'm nervous about that f'ucking mosque being built in Warsaw.

Lets not be paranoid. This evil of forcing your own thoughts, or labeling an entire "people" on some matter is the cause of much price that Europe had to pay over and over again ... and not only Europe but the whole world.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Your proposal is that the West should bend backwards to accomodate stone age laws and customs, discrimination of women etc.

It is not my proposal. I thought your English was better to understand what I wrote. However, I think mine is better ... which is good to know.

Why don't you try to live your enlightened life in a muslim country?

They will have someone there. I will act in Europe as a European ... and as a Polish for my friends, family and ancestors among whom spilled blood on this land ... I feel for it and rightfully so.

West EVOLVED! Islam did not!

West have its problems too... Islam is a religion, it is not that I am talking about, its people! And infront of my eyes I have seen and know people (friends) who have evolved and respectfully so. People evolve ...

western enlightement

Much work to be done before one says it...

It's already been moved.
13 May 2011
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

muslim law

There is a law in Bible which forbid women from entering the Church. I read it and if needed can quote it. But is it useful?

I am talking about Europe ... not about religions and sects and political groups ... etc. I do not see Europe as representative of a single group (religious, race, language or any other determinant) ... but a free continent which have people who practice progress with freedom and respect and equality and justice.