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Joined: 6 Aug 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 41 / In This Archive: 22
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18 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

What balance?

USA has interests in making Poland militarily stronger through technology transfer/investment. This is because the Ruskis have been becoming more belligerent in the last 5 years or so. America must have interest in Poland in order not to lose influence in Europe. The American presence will create more of a balance in the sense that German a'ssholes and Russians will not be dictating everything. Remember that Germans (Austrians too) have been cozying up to Russia in the last little while.
17 Aug 2010

Also, recently the Chinese have made such progress that it is very visible within the white society and world wide. The only stores which are open earlier then anybody else are Chinese owned stores in the morning.

How come in Toronto the Canadian banks have Chinese signs on the banking machines? If the chinks are so smart and resourceful why don't they learn English like every other group??? Or are they so arrogant and incestuous that they feel like they don't have to? This is one example. And believe me guys, I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm curious to see who's Polish on here, because it sounds like a bunch of happy liberal whites would be very happy to become a minority, in a country that was founded by white, Christian Europeans. What would Canada or the USA look like if the dirty Indians, Paki's or Chinese got here first instead of the English and French? Would Canada be so well established? I have a right not to love multi-culturalism don't I?

Paulinska - Poland will not be multi culti like Canada or western Europe in my lifetime (I'm in my 20's). I've had candid conversations with Polish people about this and Poland does not owe anything to anybody in this world. I don't see Poland becoming a welfare/refugee state. I just can't. What I do see is many more Poles than you think going to the old country to start business etc.

Lastly, I hope nobody on here is suggesting that it would be ok for the white race to gradually die out as that would be extremely hypocritical and racist of all.
16 Aug 2010

Rychlik it sounds really ridiculous that you consider the fact there's lots of imigrants in Canada as wrong while you are a imigrant yourself.

Buddy, it's about the cultural differences not so much the race itself. Drastically different cultures don't mix well. Should I feel comfy living in a majority muslim neighborhood too, where everyone wears their pyjamas outdoors?
16 Aug 2010

This is obviously for Poles living in other nations than Poland (or for non Poles toying with the idea to move to Poland). I live in Toronto, Canada, and am not sure I want to stay here the rest of my life. I've been in Canada from the age of 6. I've been here a long time. Canada is fast becoming a different place demographically speaking (especially Toronto). I seriously think within 50 years or so white, Christian people will be minority in this country. Do I want my kids to grow up in a bulls'hit multi culti country like Canada? I'm not so sure anymore. Toronto and Vancouver are perfect examples what the rest of Canada might look like in a few decades. Both Toronto and Vancouver have big Indian and Chinese populations. Throw in the rest of South East Asia and you get the picture.

So would you seriously think about moving back to Poland if you knew you might become a white minority in your current host country?
16 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

People are people , and deserve to be helped in time of need...

It's not how the Russian soldiers felt in '44. They would not help a Pole.
What do you think is worse: a fire or flood? Just curious.
14 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

Mark my words. The time for western Europe to fall is almost here. If there will be civil wars, they will happen in western Europe first. Slavs will live on- lead by Poland. Poland will be one of the last major Christian nations left in continental Europe. Poland knows this. America knows this. Western Europeans are soft and weak. Poles have some p'iss n' vinegar left in them ;)
10 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

With so many fires going on in Russia, could any of this be arson?

It's a conspiracy. I bet the CIA is sending in "Polish firemen" to actually create more random fires and create chaos for the Russians. (jokes)

Out of curiosity, what in h'ell will the people back in Poland do if they're short of firemen, seeing as it appears they're all being sent from the Białystok region?
10 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

I don't know why Poland is sending our guys there when just last week or so Poland's government was b'itching for the first time about the Ruski's not being co-operative in the Smolensk air disaster.
9 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

Poland sent 155 firefighters and 50 fire-fighting vehicles to help put out the wildfires in Russia

Sad to hear this. Let them burn for not helping Polish people in the Warsaw Uprising. I hope the Polish firefighters sit on their a'sses across the river and let Moscow burn.
7 Aug 2010
Work / From the USA, is it hard to study in Poland? [44]

t is not that they are bad, they don't score high in rankings, however based on my own experience- they have a log way to go.
Unless one studies medicine or dentistry and wants to remain within the EU borders, they are fine, but the OP is from the US - with a very different education system and if he ever decided to return to the US, he might have a hard time.

Now hold on second. Aren't Poles considered one of the better educated countries in Europe? Aren't foreigners always beating yankees in math, science and pretty much everything else? Americans are d'umb. :)
4 Aug 2010
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

You're exaggerating a bit. Most of the top films in Hollywood are dominated by white actors. But I know what you're saying. Still, blacks feel the need to complain about everything. Now, what year did Joan Rivers make those comments about Poland and Polish mothers? Only guy that makes anti-Polish comments sometimes is Howard Stern. And he apparently has a "Polish" wife- Beth Ostrowsky. Rivers and Stern are both nasty American Jews. My father told me that the k'ikes are trying to humiliate Poles in the media for nor not doing enough to protect them in WWII and collaborating with the Nazi's. Also, I don't think the Jews were too impressed with the Polish communists basically kicking out Jews outta Poland in the late 60's. This made Poland look bad.
4 Aug 2010
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

I don't hear Polish jokes in Toronto BUT it annoys me how some young Polish kids refer themselves as "Polaks" all the time. A lot of the older Canadian generation refers to Poles as "Polaks" as well.
2 Aug 2010
Travel / My friends advise me not to go to Warsaw because people are horrible there? [30]

One of my mate who lives in Turen keep saying not to go, that people are horrible there, uneducated

Don't listen to this nonsense. Warsaw is the most cosmopolitan city in Poland. It's the center of everything including higher education. Poles are better educated than their western counter parts concerning the world.
2 Aug 2010

There is no Polish equivalent to the "last minute" notion - maybe if you find a nice Polish phrase which would describe "bilety albo zakwaterowanie kupowane w ostatniej chwili i dlatego o wiele taniej niż normalnie", you might be able to eliminate this borrowing. Please feel free to try. ;-p

How about "bilety z oztatnej chwili"?
30 Jul 2010

Poles are often thought to be the ones leaving Poland in record numbers for countries like the UK and Ireland. What other countries are compelling their citizens to leave? I've heard there's a lot of Italians in the UK as well. And isn't unemployment in Spain around 20%? Where are they going for work? And in Toronto recently I've come across a lot of Brits and Frenchies. They seem to be leaving in big numbers too.

Why are Poles the only ones seen as "invading" Europe with cheap labour?
30 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

Polish car thieves etc etc. They will never say they dislike Poles for being a major obstacle to German expansionism.

Here's one : hide your children. The Germans are here :)
This is one stereotype the Polish media can take advantage of :)
30 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

Germans seem to look left at France and right at Russia...and that's it....

Are you saying they have a better opinion of Russians? I don't know what to make of all this. Seems like the Germans are the ones being ignorant and overlooking Poland. In that sense Poles are more worldly and knowledgeable than Germans will ever be cuz we learn about other countries next to us. Do the Russians have a bigger media presence in Germany? Poles will never really love Germans if they continue to be so ignorant. And then you guys wonder why Poland has a love affair with America and listens and does business with them? A german/Russian love match is worrisome to Poles.

PS: A Polish girl who's lived in Austria for 20 years told me there is still a big divide between west and east Europe.
24 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

Another provocative article. If these stats are true then let it be. It shows the evil and intolerant nature of the Kraut. It also shows the lack of logic and intelligence. What the h'ell have Poles done to the Krauts? Anyways, this nation has to die out and it will - before Poland. I hate the German. A good German is a dead one :)
23 Jul 2010
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

Poles are NOT leaving Poland. They are going abroad for a couple of years to earn some
money and come back. Most of my friends, who emmigrated in 2004 and after, are already
back in Poland.

true. Just like my cousin from Brzeg.