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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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8 Feb 2011
Love / Appropriate Wedding Gift for a Polish girlfriend of several months? [37]

Whats that really nice restuarant in the Rynek called? The really old one,Ive dinned there a couple of times but cant for the life of me remember its name. I think its on the other side of the cloth hall from saint mary's but on the row of buildings that Florianska leads off?

Yes,plenty of nice places in Krakow and they will definatly have English speakers there too,by now.
8 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Why can't the poles speak english, if they want to work in England? [35]

My thanks Enkidu,may I continue to abuse Charity muggers in Polish? ( Just waiting for one to reply in fluent Polish though...;) )
Technically,I agree with the thread title,people should learn the language to a certain extent if they want to move to work in another country.......

BUT,what hacks me right off is people like the OP who are obviously talking about Polish people(maybe,like others said,I doubt he'd know the difference between Polish and Russian.) speaking to each other in Polish on britains streets......how braindead is that? Why shouldnt they talk in any language they want to,its nobodys buisness what they are saying anyway.

Have to say though it isnt a purely British form of xenophobia. On a Warsaw Tram a couple of years ago the Polish girl I was with was harangued by a grumpy middle aged woman for the fact that the two of us had been so rude as to be speaking in English,this the "lady" considered rude as she couldnt understand what we had been saying............
8 Feb 2011
History / Stalag Luft III - the Great Escape (yes, it's in Poland!) [20]

Colditz was a camp,or rather prison specificaly for " Prominente" (sp?) Basicaly prisoners the Germans either saw as valuable hostages or as said prolific escapers,either civilian or from all branches of many nations forces. One British guy ended up in Colditz just because his last name was Churchill.....absoloutly no relation but the germans were a zealous bunch :)

The first Prisoners were Polish Officers and their servants/batmen, a couple of Generals and I think the officers from Westerplatte,but dont quote me on that last bit:)

Zagan was technically a Lufftwaffe camp for allied airmen,at first The US and Commenwealth airmen shared the camp,but then as depicted in the film Soviet POWs were brought in to build a mirror camp as the population grew,unlike in the film the Americans had their own camp long before the tunnels were complete and none took part in the escape.

Off the top of my head the figures were 76 escaped, 73 recaptured,53 executed and 3 "home runs".
The extra tragedy of Stalag Lufft III is the story of the Death march the POWs were forced on by the Germans as the Russians drew nearer in the winter of 44/45, hundreds died or were shot where they fell by the guards and for little more of a reason than spite on the nazis part,most allied POWs at this stage 2liberated" by the Soviets at this time ended up well behind soviet lines untill after VE Day,a few barmy types ended up attaching themselves to forwrd russian fighting units and there are some crazy stories out there.
6 Feb 2011
Genealogy / I have a story about my Polish ancestor but no name. [7]

To be honest it sounds a bit like a Victor Hugo story.
Im not disputing this has come down as a family story but as jonni says it reeks of having been embelished over the years.
The devil in me says this sounds like a fishy story,Rich hungarian returns from trip with bit of fluff for his son.....of course "Daughter of a warrior Nobleman" sounds better than"some floozy I picked up in a tavern near Krakow".....
6 Feb 2011
Language / POIROT NEW SERIES - "Psia krew" Swearing in Polish? [10]

It happens,I did look up at the TV when a Yoghurt advert was first shown,"Pier D 'au lait "dont half sound like a word I was told not to use round ladies ,kids and old people when its said in a french accent....
5 Feb 2011
Genealogy / I have a story about my Polish ancestor but no name. [7]

Sorry,but in all the years this little girl is growing up not one of the neighbours said,"hang on,thats Jacek the servant,not his lordship,Oi,Jacek,WTF you doing living in the dead gentlemans house and why are you raising his daughter as your own,are you some sort of nonce ?"
4 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

Yep,no offence to my Irish cousins,but "creed",really? :)
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

many of them are very successful

Exactly,in 05 there were 04 arrival Poles in manegment posts at the job I was in back then.
The "Polish toilet cleaner" is a myth,the only people doing those sort of jobs were people who would have been doing just the same back home.
3 Feb 2011
Law / CRB checks in Poland? [26]

Yep,CRB checks,not worth the paper they're printed on. When I got mine it was spankingly clean....funny,I have clear memories of a "omg,Im getting my photo taken with numbers under me and ink on my fingers .." moment when I was 18. That same caution for pot possesion 2 months later would have scuppered my CRB,barmey.(Im only "coming clean" about my run in with the peelers because Ive since worked for the Civil Service,no chance of that if it had still stood on any record.)

Not to mention the fact that those vile women in the english nurserys all had clean CRBs...
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

You really know nothing about Britain,why do you keep on making yourself look silly?
"Other groups were there..." Yes,but no single group had ever come to Britain in such large numbers in such a short space of time since the Roman Invasion.....
3 Feb 2011
Law / CRB checks in Poland? [26]

You know what Jonnie,you may be right,slightly off topic,but Ive often thought for silly/minor drugs busts in someones youth(pot etc,maybe not heroin,but..) there should be some oppertunity for the reformed addict/rec'smoker as an adult to have that record wiped if say they did a 6 month series of blood/hair tests at the local police station.....

Andrew,sure,it sounds a bit iffy,but,do you know this man and his wife? I ask because when I moved in with a g/f and her nipper a few years ago there was a man in the neighbourhood who I thought was a bit dodgy for the same reason,he paid more than the casual amount of time watching kids playing.

Turned out he'd lost his 2 kids in a car crash about 5 years before.....
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

Makes you sound like a tub-thumping self-righteous egomaniac.

Or, for that matter, a lawyer. Go figure.

Best line today by far !! :)

Funnily enough it seemed to quieten down a bit after the recession.

Its seem's that way on the ground here too, people have got a Tory government to grumble about now I suppose so "immigrents" are far lower down the topic list.

Those who posted anti-Polish posts in the past you mentioned were trolls like spoiled kids who felt the pain when they interacted with the real poors in their locations.

Rubbish fella. Sure,a lot were just bigot trolls but a lot of people had fair points...In less than a year 20,000 working age people extra in one town with an already strained jobs market is enough to get anyone a little wound up.
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

with little population,with no natural resources whatsoever and living off the money sent by Irish immigrants in the US.Am I missing something?

yes,the 20th century....(and 7Billion £ from the British Tax payer this year...oddly enough,the same figure as our budget deficit....but no,we give Eire 7 billion,Should pay for a few potatos and the odd tank trap infront of sports grounds...;))
3 Feb 2011
Law / CRB checks in Poland? [26]

Hardly a menace to society.

No,but if I had to choose between the known Pot head and someone with a clean record to look after a member of my family the Pot head wouldnt get a look in,no matter how liberal my stance on weed may be.

I think I prefer the Polish idea to the British CRB,with the CRB you have unfounded allegations carrying the same weight as convictions....
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

So?What's the difference between worshiping trees and some bull c r a p story?I don't see any.

neither do I,but seems like round these parts being "Christian" is a sign of europeaness..
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

I bet he is not even an Irish.He says HE LIVES in Ireland

Where does it say that? He refers to "here in the UK" Ireland isnt in the UK....

The Irish can leave EU and nobody will cry since they are little nation not even in Europe

Thats pretty much what a hell of a lot of people think about Poland....the Irish were Christain Europeans when the proto Poles were still worshipping trees and hiding from witches...
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

lol,gotta love those sceptic tanks...get over it,its been 199 years since we burned the White House....sad little ma..."Ooh,Im Polish and I can speak Polish,look how clever I am..." its a rare talent you have there alright BBboy, quaint terms of abuse,casual rascism and the ability to speak the language of your foremothers.( I say fore mothers....well,you fill in the rest.)
3 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

I'm learning English

Avoyd copeying us Brits than old freind ;)
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

Gaelic was never spoken throughout the country

My roots are in Sutherland...I really should try and learn some,doesnt help that Alba doesnt often have subtitles :(

Such rednecks aren't welcome here.

Im trying a new tack. " Hug a Hoodie" if you like.
After all,if our 2 countries could play football in 1982 as well as ,ahem,have a bit of a falling out, the least I can do is point someone in the direction of other non white allies in ww2.
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

No, one was aviator, so only fought shoulder to shoulder with high ranked soldiers

My great uncle was still only a Sergeant Pilot when he flew alongside Poles in the Battle of Britain.
A few of the RAFs Allies in 1940.


well is a long story to tell, but never shoulder to shoulder with arabs, only with Polish or British commrades.

I obviously dont know about your particular relative but,a quick look at the allied nations who fought at Cassino will show in that case the Poles and British were certainly not alone.


On the right, the Moroccan-French troops made good initial progress against the German 5th Mountain Division, commanded by General Julius Ringel, gaining positions on the slopes of their key objective, Monte Cifalco. Forward units of the 3rd Algerian Division had also by-passed Monte Cifalco to capture Monte Belvedere and Colle Abate. General Juin was convinced that Cassino could be bypassed and the German defenses unhinged by this northerly route but his request for reserves to maintain the momentum of his advance was refused ............The two Moroccan-French divisions sustained 2,500 casualties in their struggles around Monte Belvedere.[19]

Be proud of your own roots but dont discredit others :)
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

Must be tough when the other kids bully you, huh?

Are you speaking from experience there then?
Why the big issue for you if this guy cant speak the language of his fore fathers?
I speak about 6 words of gaelic,doesnt make me any less Scots .....
He's doing more than most to get intouch with his roots,I cant imagine there are that many Polish Festivals in his neck of the rainforest.
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

Driking a beer with Cukurs and Eichmann.

;) Those boys in Brazil eh...

Bringing up Polish Officers in a rant about Arabs is a bit silly really. The only immigrents the Polish Officer corps worried about back then were Germans and Russians.

Some of those same Officers probably fought (figurativly anyway) shoulder to shoulder with Arabs and Indians at Monte Cassino.
2 Feb 2011
Australia / Category 5 Cyclon Yasi approaching Queensland [23]

Not much choice,most of the evac centres are full,and besides,its Queensland,you could be 60 + miles from the nearest large secure structure. I would not want to be on the road when it hit thats for sure.

Poor old Oz is fair taking a battering lately,it'll be Bush fires next :(
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

i have north Polish blood, and some of Austrian

Dont you mean Prussian and Austrian?

im southamerican

Hows uncle Adolf und Tante Eva?
2 Feb 2011
Life / Are Poles Dis-Loyal [58]

look at all the polish shops selling there rubbish

I dont know about "there",but here they seem to sell some rather fantastic stuff and contribute to buisness Tax and pay large Rates to the local council,everyone's a winner....

look at all the women.

I try not to,dont want to be greedy.

similar to russian


looking for sex in so many nightclubs up & down the country.

Any of these clubs in the Donny area?

slowing immigrants are taking there work

Another Master Yoda ....

there family are much more old fashion

While here family is the on trend look for this season...


What does the future hold for people like this ??

Talking to yourself is one of the first signs of madness ya know.