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Why can't the poles speak english, if they want to work in England?

jonnyl77  1 | 3  
4 Feb 2011 /  #1
why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!
Varsovian  91 | 634  
4 Feb 2011 /  #2
In this country???

I'm in Poland and they're making a jolly good effort old bean!!

Anyway old chap - you seem to be in need of a spot of extra tuition yourself.
OP jonnyl77  1 | 3  
4 Feb 2011 /  #3
In England, it should be a rule if you cant speak english you should not be allowed in the country to work
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
4 Feb 2011 /  #4
That would mean the mass deportation of all the inhabitants of Birmingham. Bit tough I feel.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
4 Feb 2011 /  #5
whare wud jonny goe?
convex  20 | 3928  
4 Feb 2011 /  #6
why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!

What's the problem? Just don't speak to them. Problem solved.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Feb 2011 /  #7
In England, it should be a rule if you cant speak english you should not be allowed in the country to work

Not a bad idea. All the scum that can't write properly (like you) wouldn't be allowed in the country. I'm willing to give up a few Poles in exchange for getting rid of the leeching, benefit claiming underclasses.

Not only that, but the lives of our teachers would be massively improved - no more "innit", no more "wat 2 b nufin" crowd would be exported....sounds absolutely fantastic. And most importantly - no more bloody chavs.

Never thought I'd see a turkey voting for Christmas.
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
4 Feb 2011 /  #8
At high school, I learnt some German. Then, I learnt English before I went to the university. I couldn't learn it good enough as my teacher was a Turk. I improved my English later when I studied mathematics, etc more. It was also easy to communicate with a Greek professor without knowing any Greek language. Even many English couldn't understand what I was saying.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
4 Feb 2011 /  #9
OW! That hurts ...
Trevek  25 | 1699  
4 Feb 2011 /  #10
In England, it should be a rule if you cant speak english you should not be allowed in the country to work

That'll mean a lot of Glaswegians going home too.
chichimera  1 | 185  
4 Feb 2011 /  #11
i live in england and find that some natives here actually enjoy it when poles can't speak english - they find them conveniently despicable. when poles can speak english - they hate them. lol :)
OP jonnyl77  1 | 3  
4 Feb 2011 /  #12
forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men.

Thats funny everybodys gone!
chichimera  1 | 185  
4 Feb 2011 /  #13
forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men

really sorry to hear that! not all polish people are as nice as the ones on this forum :( regretfully.. and when one meets an awful person we often tend to dislike the whole nation, sort of a natural human reaction, i guess. i think anyone who lives in a multi-cultural environment knows how it feels
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
4 Feb 2011 /  #14
What he means is people on this forum are required to post in English unless they post in the Polish language only sub-forum :)
JaneDoe  5 | 114  
4 Feb 2011 /  #15
not all polish people are as nice as the ones on this forum :

Only a couple Poles on this forum. Foreigners bring the bad reputation and attitude here. Sorry, if you got confused. ;)
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Feb 2011 /  #16
recovering from a stroke after being mugged

a stroke brought on by a mugging? yea..... *cough cough bullshít cough*

Would it have negated the "mugging" if the men in question had conversed with you for a moment prior to the incident?

Porky pies, pics or GTFO.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Feb 2011 /  #17
forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men.

How do you know they were Polish if they didnt tell you in English? If you dont have a trained ear its virtually impossible for a Brit to differentiate between Slavic languages.
chichimera  1 | 185  
4 Feb 2011 /  #18
OKkkkkkkkkkkkkk, lololol

what? are they not nice?? or they aren't polish? well, at least they're funny, is it not similar to being nice? especially for an englishman :)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
4 Feb 2011 /  #19
what? are they not nice?

actually, most of you I've met in Poland were a lot nicer than the ones on PF, this is what I meant.
chichimera  1 | 185  
4 Feb 2011 /  #20
How do you know they were Polish if they didnt tell you in English?

right. 'kurwa' is used not only in polish. they could be hungarian, belarusian, macedonian..
Teffle  22 | 1318  
4 Feb 2011 /  #21
C'mon !!

This guy was mugged and had a stroke?

So his first complaint is their lack of language skills?

jonni  16 | 2475  
4 Feb 2011 /  #22
why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!

For the same reason that most British people in Poland don't speak Polish well - sheer idleness and disrespect.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
4 Feb 2011 /  #23
forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men.

One of my female Polish colleagues was attacked this morning whilst coming to work, by a crazy old Polish woman. My colleague's leg's in plaster now.

She's an English teacher... obviously the old dear didn't want to learn English.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
4 Feb 2011 /  #24
OP is that a rhetorical question or you are just another under-aged moron ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Feb 2011 /  #25
For the same reason that most British people in Poland don't speak Polish well - sheer idleness and disrespect.

One day :(

I've noticed that writing in Polish is the hardest thing for me - probably because I never need to, except in official forms where the data is pretty much repetitive anyway.
grubas  12 | 1382  
4 Feb 2011 /  #26
Now,that's interesting.I don't understand how one can learn a language without learning the spelling.
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Feb 2011 /  #27
I've noticed that writing in Polish is the hardest thing for me

I'm the opposite, I can read a page of newspaper....I can't really understand it though unless I've got a dictionary.

I don't understand how one can learn a language without learning the spelling

Naw, sure there's loads and loads of people who can't read or have a very low standard. I lived with a Spanish nanny and her spoken english was fluent but she couldn't read billboards. She just learned by speaking the language.

I wouldn't mind having that problem, Polish language breaks my heart but it's an awesome feeling to converse with someone when you consider it's such a difficult language
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
4 Feb 2011 /  #28
forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men.

No offence, but I am guessing that with your level of intelligence you most probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Pole and an non Pole

I've noticed that writing in Polish is the hardest thing for me - probably because I never need to, except in official forms where the data is pretty much repetitive anyway.

You are not the only one! It is a pain in the ass.
enkidu  6 | 611  
5 Feb 2011 /  #29
why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!

We don't have to. This is the Polish island now. We don't need any Englishmen to prosper.
Anyway - they are all retired on Costa del Sol. Only some chavs left here.
We don't have to take care about them. It's not our problem. They will die out soon.

Want a job, mate? Learn Polish.
grubas  12 | 1382  
6 Feb 2011 /  #30
why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!

That's not fair.We Poles do speak English in UK.

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