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Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

What do Middle Eastern affairs have to do with Judaeo-Polish relations?

Well.....lets see, Judaic Homeland is in ME?
But I see your point. The British jews (including family members )i know dont have any issues whatsoever with Poland,infact the topic never comes up on its own.

So is the big deal Polish-Jewish American/Israeli relations?
21 Feb 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

yep, I first went to Poland in the early 00s,13 or so in 89 so it was still a big deal for me and so I did notice some of the "remnents" of the rpl era,dodgy little polski fiats in varying states of terryfying look unroadworthieness and Mig 15s lined up beside a gas station !!! But I was genuinly shocked when I a few months later back in the UK bought that book,it was only a little over 15 years old but looked like a mix between the victorian bleakness of Dickens and New York in the early 70s(minus the huggy bear types obviously ;) ).
20 Feb 2011
History / Wizna 1939 - Free Comic to Download [7]

Smurf,if in doubt,google translate :) łatwe, jeśli wiesz jak ;)

Thanks for link BTW, really captures the spirit of '39 for the polish side....the jerrys are a bit far fetched but I guess thats the point with artistic licence,seeing their soul as well as body....
20 Feb 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

was a Solidarity rep

Im lucky enough to own one of the origional solidarity underground newspapers and a couple of those little stickers ,about 2 by 3 inches, of the logo.They were given to me by former,well,the couple still wouldnt say exactly,lets just say there was a long family tradition of underground work,I guess old habits die hard. :)

Ive also got a photo book from Krakow published around your era. You can see the lovely Krakow I know but it also looks pretty grim on many levels, I guess Nowa Huta was to blame for the "scorched" look of the buildings,thankfully all it seems to do these days is fill your nose with crispy black snot within 2 hours of arriving in town :)
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

From the river to the sea all of Palestine will be free!

Why? Simple really,pull back to 47 Border,halt ilegall settlements or at the very least pull back IDF support for them.
And then maybe go back to the old ways of the jews and arabs more or less rubbing along just fine(generally only having to worry about the occasional Christian crusade or two...) .

Of course thats a pipe dream,too much bloodshed and injustice for that to be feasable and 70 years of persecution complex worship hasnt helped,either "side".
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

Dont jump to conclusions,it tells all sides of the story,arab,british,irgun,haganah,neutral,impassioned,unlucky good,bad,ugly....
But it saddens me that you degrade the telling of the Arabs story. Why is this? Is their story less important than anyone elses? Are they subhuman and undeserving of a voice?

If anything so far it has been far to soft on the terrorists of the irgun,but thats channel four for you......weep and wail if the dead are jews or muslims but dont show too much pity for conscript soldiers fresh from fighting nazi germany getting vaporised by Sabra stay at homes.....

EDIT..."Saddens me"...no,infact it fcuking Angers me. Its that same old fcuking arrogence . Is it ************** people off enough untill they cant stand you and then screem anti semitism?

Do they teach you guys this sh!t along with the prayers for Bar mitzfahs?
So,Arabs story must be made up,where as everyone knows Jews never ever lie and are always the only fcuking victims........
See,this is why,in general the poles fcuking hate you lot, at least in my country most jews,by fact of them being here,arent stupid zionist fascists.
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

You answered it in your post....$$$$$$$$$$$££££££££££$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
trouble is,its an industry....not to say i equate it to the mythical holocast industry of popular internet fame.....but what I mean is we have people who are academicaly focused on this breif period of time who are under presure either to be productive and come up with something new to keep getting funding or to sell a few books ......

There is an argument for all these books to be available as atleast they may counter balance the almost endless obsession joe public seams to have with Hitler and the Waffen SS......
20 Feb 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

No,not shakey at all Im afraid..... Now,these are not excuses,but,by this time britain still was under even more extreme rationing than during the war years (Marshal aid didnt come our way...) and once all the servicemen had been demobbed there was also the clamour for jobs. Now,saying that it also depends on the area. Im Scots born but was brought up in Yorkshire ,in my part there has been a very large Polish population since the 40s, and these people rarely faced any real anti immigrant sentiment(baring I presume encountering the odd knuckle dragger that can be found anywhere on earth). In one local area all the local GPs had been Doctors with the 1st Polish Independent Parachute brigade and every class (30 ish kids) when i was at school had atleast 4 or 5 kids with 'ski names :)

But,and I'll probs get a virtual slap from some more Scots scotsman....but Aloa,is that an island? Probably anti imigrant in that case would equate to not wanting any dirty Glaswegians there either :)
20 Feb 2011
History / Insoluble Judaeo-Polish imbroglio? [44]

broken link removed

Is it really important anymore?

Can we not just say that all this happened in another time and place(even if geographically thats not literal), thats not to say forget but the place for forgivness and accusations is not our generations to take a hold of.

We insult all those who suffered by carrying on petty squables over who was right/wrong, who did what to who and who did it first because no matter how rational we all can claim to be those sort of arguments/debates about who started it always seem to lead back a couple of thousand years . Italians and North africans dont seem to worry about carthage v rome....

ps,Yehudi,theres a very interesting drama being shown here in the UK at the minute, The Promise, filmed in your neck of the woods,hopefully it will educate a few people(and I count myself as one of them) about a few "issues" between britain and proto Israel leading up to '47.
20 Feb 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

beelzebub is ice skating...;)
But seriously, your parents stayed in Scotland how long? Coz it seems our respect for a financial bargin and an occasional lapse into mono word conversation washed down to the next generation regardless of actual blood ties to Scotland :)

(but not that much,if theyd stayed here you could have graduated from Edinburgh having been paid to attend by the state ;) )
20 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you a Pole in the UK who has been exploited at work? [2]

Here's £35 for moaning about an Ex employer,nice work if you can get it,but surely this monetry incentive acts as bias against impartial research,and doesnt sound very Quaker either ;)

To be very serious for a moment,are you only concerened about this exploitation now it involves Poles and other migrant labour,because,believe me,it has been going on in this area(2 miles from lincolnshire border) for decades before 04. What I mean is,will this be a positive effect for english labour rights in general or is this another example of rights being more important for "minorities" but the rest of us can just whistle?

Historicaly the Rowndtree foundation has done sterling work but of late it seems to have lost its way,to the point that the descendents of J Rowndtree's origional focal point,the confectionary workers of York ,are now unemployed because the factory moved to...........Poland....the foundation did what exactly for these workers?
19 Feb 2011
News / Which modern developments harm Poland? [83]

There is 'blind religious nonsense' and 'blind consumerist nonsense'.

Yes,and the rest of us get caught in the middle of those two's petty sqabbles all the time.....
17 Feb 2011
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

there are no Polish accents as such - you either speak "proper" Polish or you don't - is this true?

Ive been told this too.Often wondered if this is why so many Poles have genuine difficulty understanding foreign people speaking Polish who may not have every word "perfectly " accented yet.

A native English speaker can understand even the most heavily accented Polish person speaking English which I guess is down to us having day to day adapt to the dozens of english accents.

Ive never corrected some ones pronunciation of an English word if it gets close and doesnt sound silly (insisting on pronuncing silent W's etc) but I constantly have Poles making me re pronounce words to a silly degree to the point I honestly cant tell what im saying wrong....and before anyone says anything,accents are "my thing" and no Russian has ever corrected my russian pronunciations :)
17 Feb 2011
Life / What do Polish people do for fun? [18]

he's a 17 year old that can spell and use punctuation,I doubt he comes from here in the UK ;)
Lols,I was going to answer with a flipant answer;
Hang around shopping malls,mumbling around adults,shouting at each other when they are 2 feet apart,playing the same crappy dance music thats been around for 15 years on their mobile phones thinking everyone else on the bus must think they are just soooo cool....:)
17 Feb 2011
News / What must be done to improve politics in Poland? [72]

The people should vote directly - about all issues connected with taxation and taxes !
Only then state can be controlled by the people!

Yes,but there lies the problem,would you really want "the people" making decisions that effect your countries future? I know here in the UK I wouldnt,more people vote for X factor contestants than in elections,the Sun and Daily mail are the biggest selling newspapers etc...unfortunatly I cant see Poland being intrinsicaly that different these days,the only people voting are the elderly and zealous nut jobs from extremist parties.

anyone who is deemed dangerous enough to demand a supervision order is bound to be a bit nuts.

17 Feb 2011
News / Lech Kaczyński statue in Warsaw? [66]

Your all missing a trick....they want a staute of this fella,fine,spray paint his brother gold and stand him in the old town square,he might even make a few zloty from the tourists.....
16 Feb 2011
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Timberlands are great the best pair i ever had were stolen from a locker room in the UK and they were about three years old.

LMAO....a pikey stole my 4 year old Timberlands,god they were comfy,like slippers by then :(
16 Feb 2011
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Spot on advice from all the above. Id just add that the weather can catch you out. I visited the Krakow/Zakopane area in early march one year,had packed for the "russian front" all chunky knits and watch caps,spent all week in shirt sleaves,even up in the mountains with snow on the ground :0

Also,maybe this is just Warsaw,but i found ,late september,early October the weather can change in stupidly fast ways,from bone chilling to back warming in the time it takes to nip in and out of a grocery shop.
15 Feb 2011
News / Which modern developments harm Poland? [83]

In Poland, gated estates.

I stayed with someone in one of these in Warsaw,all the householders hated it,called it "the ghetto".....walls and gates suddenly appearing round your previously pretty well crime free neighbourhood,thats gotta suck.

lols,The Amish,the perfect example of blind religious nonsense. Must live by the Bible but are Forbiden to read the Bible,which they would have a job doing as none of them speak the origional high german its written in.

They arnt allowed electric power into their homes so they have mobile hand set phones with the power source in a shed :)
Mind you,say what you will,most of them come back after that rumspringger thing.
11 Feb 2011
History / Poland War - Old Military Medals [13]

I ask because I did a literal translation and that came up as a medal only instigated in 1999 which is alegedly for forgeigners in the Polish army or Historians writing about Poland!?!......
10 Feb 2011
History / Poland War - Old Military Medals [13]

Try here pism.co.uk
Its a link to the Sikorski institute down in London,hope it helps.
BTW ,do you know the name of the medal in Polish? This will help in gaining precise info too.
10 Feb 2011
Life / Poland's population growth problem [44]

Concentrating wealth in fewer hands works wonders.

Ooh,maybe a teeny bout of Bubonic plague...freed our serfs in the middle ages and brought about all sorts of social reforms ;)
9 Feb 2011
History / Polish martyrology during WW2 - today`s monuments [54]

Not Forgotten everywhere.
This is my local Cenotaph on November the Eleventh,the Polish Flag has hung there along side the British flag since 1945.
(and I used to be one of those Air Cadets you can see in the foreground,a big honour.)

The word I'd use is unfortunate.

Also,when I first came across these memorials in Krakow I didnt know enough Polish to fully understand them,if these memorials were in any other european country they would have multi lingual signs.

I actually like that they are almost a private show of sorrow though,whether that is the intention or not.

  • 11/11/2010
9 Feb 2011
History / Polish martyrology during WW2 - today`s monuments [54]

A couple of memorials of a happier tone from Polish soldiers stationed in East Lothian,Scotland.

  • A Thank You memorial from Polish troops to the Scottish town of Haddington

  • close up of inscription.