There needs to be equal rights for everyone living between the River Jordan and the sea.
And why do they have to live in the same country?
There would be no country of distinctly jewish character anymore if Jews were forced to become a minority in an arabic country anymore.
Your ideal is a rosy one which won't work in reality!
Arabs in the "Jewish State" are second class citizens and Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank have no rights at all.
Arab citizens of Israel[2], Palestinian Israelis or Israeli Palestinians are the legal Israeli citizens or residents whose cultural and linguistic heritage or ethnic identity is Arab.[3]
They have ALL the rights!
If the Zionists wanted an exclusively Jewish state they shouldn't have settled in Palestine where most of the indigenous population is not Jewish.
Well, it was their ancestral homeland. Where else should they have settled?
Why should they settle where they even less belonged?
Now back to the Jews living under Arab rule...
If you have an idea how they have to suffer under arab rule you wouldn't propose that as a solution for them! Or you hate them so much that you want that...who knows.
Be that as it may...Israel exists and it's jewish dominated character is their only guarantee for not becoming persecuted dhimmis again.
Send the blame for that dreary reality back to where it belongs, to the Arabs!
After all it's THEIR countries which are unable to guarantee religious tolerance and democracy!
.... In 1945 there were between 758,000 and 866,000 Jews living in communities throughout the Arab world. Today, there are fewer than 8,000. In some Arab states, such as Libya which was once around 3 percent Jewish, the Jewish community no longer exists; in other Arab countries, only a few hundred Jews remain. The largest communities of Jews in a Muslim land exist in the non-Arab countries of Iran and Turkey; both, however, are much smaller than they historically have been...
You want Adolf's work fulfilled? Go on, put them under arab rule your "free Palestine" and in 20 years at most you are "free" of them for good! Congrats!