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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

an amateur but solid historian.

Very odd. And now you've spread his name and job further.

Dude... tell me you're trolling?

Would you discuss details of a military contract you've worked on?
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

i had a pleasure of meeting him several times, got him on my facebook,

You mentioned a major. By name!!! I only dealt with Colonels and upwards. But would never, ever mention their names on some internet forum. Though I am still in very close and long-standing contact with a few. It's clear you don't know anything about either our ways in Poland or about military life.

bet you feel humiliated now mate?:)

So anyway tell us what are these "engineering duties"?

Are you insane or an enemy spy?
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Untrue - they have some very specific functions to do with engineering, however most of the time they sit around and wait for official visits.
15 Jul 2011
Food / Singles (fake cheese) in Poland [19]

Dear God.

In Saudi, I tried some stuff from Kraft that's quite popular there. In a box. It reminded me of something you used to get in Britain in the early seventies called processed cheese. In Poland the cheese is mostly factory stuff and as bland as they can get it. Better to stick to the traditional ser bialy.
15 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Buying a property in Poland to rent out from the UK [82]

I know it's extremely difficult to predict but how far would you say they will fall and over what time period.

I wouldn't like to say, but unless salaries increase in Poland, we should expect a sharp fall sometime soon.

sit on a property for around the 10 year mark then sell.

That's not a bad idea - but I would wait a little before buying. Especially as the zloty is strong now.
15 Jul 2011
News / Famous Pickup Artist in Poland now [75]

I will upload live video footage of picking up Polki in disco or street.

Go on then, that could be good. Do you inflate them before or after you pick them up from the store?
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Sure you did,


you're also an astronaut and and a superhero,


got any more imaginary life tales to share?

I'm off to the Africa next Thursday for a month's consultancy. I'll post an imaginary photo of the Blue Nile.

The battalion itself consists of several detachments, the salute platoon (the guys who do the shoot in the air) several guard companies and a mounted company, the mounted company is the exact equivalent of various household and guard regiments in other countries like UK.

Also untrue. They do have certain engineering functions should they be on active service.

I think I'll take the word of somebody who has been there and worked with the people in question over the imagination of an American in Wroclaw.

15 Jul 2011
Food / Singles (fake cheese) in Poland [19]

Do Polish people actually eat that stuff?

In huge amounts. The topiony stuff is even worse.
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Maybe it's changed since then, but in those days it's where people went when they weren't quite up to more demanding jobs. I remember a lot of vodka drinking early in the morning and some too drunk to speak or even stand by the afternoon. Also I was propositioned a few times. Mind you, these were officers close to retirement - the younger generation might be different, though having met a few I wouldn't bet on it.
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

I originally came to Poland to teach those guys and can assure you they ant that well thought of by the rest of the army for very good reason.
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]


That's what the Italians say! Right up in the north there are quite a few communities without a single Italian. If it wasn't for the bilingual roadsigns etc, trouble would foment.
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

Somehow, I scarcely feel the racist Right would risk losing this region to Austria

They don't want to - they see it as the spoils of war. Nevertheless there is a lot of resentment there to Italian rule.
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

What if the present-day Austrians wanted back Suedtirol?

A lot of the German-speaking majority in Sudtirol would prefer to be part of Austria rather than Italy. EU membership and increased language rights have diffused any potential conflict.
14 Jul 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

Are those Haplogroup graphs / tests worth a try?

Only the most detailed and expensive DNA tests. Haplogroups don't tell you much.
14 Jul 2011
Travel / Area's of Warsaw worth a visit? (including outdoor camping) [9]

You can always take a rest at this lovely room

Is it on the 13th floor?

Seriously, there are some nice restaurants in ul. Francuska in Saska Kepa, the Botanical Gardens at Powsin (and Konstancin nearby) are both worth seeing.
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

Early twentieth century vilalge graves aren't very interesting to archaeologists - nor are they likely to be. Stop trolling!
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

no, I mean that - we are a barbaric nation - I am very much barbaric myself - I do not condemn those who removed gravestones from old German cemeteries in fact I know plenty of such examples - many such cemeteries have even never been used ever since - I wouldn't do that myself now in my state of mind but I don't condemn these people - I just don't care much about German past of the land I live about

Very sad. As Santayana said, "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it".

Szydłów was the original Slavic name of the place - it was then germanized to Schidloff - the name was changed sometime in the 20th century to Goldmoor (moor stands for well moor as in Dartmoor because hmm there is a moor in the area? )

You are talking about a different Szydlow. The one I know is not far from Busko. There are several lesser ones.

I'm not a fan of graveyards at all - cremation is such a nice hygenic thing

On this I agree - but old graves should remain undisturbed unless there are very good reasons.
14 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

After all - I thought Poland was dead against such manipulation of university entry - hence the massive criticism of peasants getting into universities ahead of the educated classes post-WW2.


it was just a typical post-Pilsudski policy

14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

there was no continuity, man - on the contrary there was straightforward discontinuity

And that was the problem. Why not rip up the graveyards as well. Oops. some people did.

I just won't repeat myself that much

Don't change the habit of a lifetime.

people borne here now that only know Tułowice, Szydłów, Niemodlin - do you still want to change all these names back to German

The problem here is that the damage has been done. The Poles changed the names. Though Szydlow? - If you mean the historic Szydlow in Swietokrzyskie, as far as I remember that's quite an old name, certainly medieval. Any other language version would be a variant.

@Gumishu, Where in any post, did I say I wanted to change the names for a second time?????? LOL

and guess what - yes Poles are barbaric intolerant people who can hardly tolerate Germans (must be why they pick cucumbers around Hannover and strawberries in Schiefergebirge) - if you have enough of those bloody barbaric Poles and their ways you can choose to move somewhere else - unless you are serving your time in some Polish prison you are free to go :)

Meaningless, and normal when you start an argument and then lose it.
14 Jul 2011
Life / Will Polish people be accepting that im only half polish? [63]

I would wear a bulletproof vest if i were you!

There aren't actually that many in Poland, and those there are tend to live in the boondocks. And wouldn't speak much (if any) English. Most of those guys aren't even much cop in their own language.
14 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

you know what - history is history - what do you want to commemorate - do you want Poles to commemorate Bismarck, Hindenburg and Fritz der Grosse??

Off the issue.

I insist 'some other nation's' heroes are not commemorated where I run around

Quite mean spirited, really.

history is a thing we can learn from - but I don't think you can learn anything from history by dwelling on it

And you can learn something quite unpleasant by trying to erase it.

I don't give a damn about that past - we live now -

We live as part of a continuum. Past, present and future. If you lose one part of that, it is compromised.

for the sake of what???

For one thing, for the sake of continuity, for another, for the sake of respect for the past. It is irrelevant what a newcomer to a village might think. It is not irrelevant how they behave towards its former inhabitants.