History /
Polabia back to Slavs? [113]
there was no continuity, man - on the contrary there was straightforward discontinuity
And that was the problem. Why not rip up the graveyards as well. Oops. some people did.
I just won't repeat myself that much
Don't change the habit of a lifetime.
people borne here now that only know Tułowice, Szydłów, Niemodlin - do you still want to change all these names back to German
The problem here is that the damage has been done. The Poles changed the names. Though Szydlow? - If you mean the historic Szydlow in Swietokrzyskie, as far as I remember that's quite an old name, certainly medieval. Any other language version would be a variant.
@Gumishu, Where in any post, did I say I wanted to change the names for a second time?????? LOL
and guess what - yes Poles are barbaric intolerant people who can hardly tolerate Germans (must be why they pick cucumbers around Hannover and strawberries in Schiefergebirge) - if you have enough of those bloody barbaric Poles and their ways you can choose to move somewhere else - unless you are serving your time in some Polish prison you are free to go :)
Meaningless, and normal when you start an argument and then lose it.