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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish war veteran (98) charged with attempted murder in Scotland [11]

Aha...george,no, the Police in the UK now wear a uniform that is more Black than the traditional Blue( ie, not the colour uniform an elderly,maybe dementia suffering Pole wants to see)....I think that may have been the confusion,sorry......
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

Anymore Liberalism is like domestic terrorism.

LMAO,we've another Tin Foil helmet brigade member here.......
7 Apr 2011
Travel / The British YOBs are back in Polish towns [68]

Ok,I'll buy that.....'cept,doesnt really explain all the tarquins and ruperts stumbling around singing rugger bugger songs though does it?
7 Apr 2011
Travel / The British YOBs are back in Polish towns [68]

It put me right off revisiting Krak TBH, when some of my less classy mates start telling me about great weekends there,well,it gives pause for thought.

The rowdiest my lot got the last time I was there was a bit of over enthusiastic singing along with a busker playing beatles songs ,drunken 4 part harmony,but we kept our arses covered up and our stomache contents on the inside.....:)
7 Apr 2011
Travel / The British YOBs are back in Polish towns [68]

Any thoughts on this menace? Any solutions?

How about the locals stop promoting the place as a Stag weekend destination,simple really. They were happy to take the money..............the place could easily have been promoted as a more classy destination,instead "you" went for the fast buck...or pound sterling.
6 Apr 2011
Life / POLISH FLAG DAYS...when are they...? [30]

Why dont you worms just say Paki, you know you want to? Scared it will make you look as thick as the jew haters on here? Well,here's a newsflash....winking and not saying it just makes you look like cowardly bigots rather than just plain bigots.
6 Apr 2011
Travel / Pics of Warsaw by the Guardian's David Levene [107]

I was particularly moved by the photo taken in a bar mleczny

Lols,the look I got when I attempted to just leave my empty plate on the table.....reminded me of Yorkshire Aunties :)

Warsaw is more than 3 milion so who cares if 100 people go to a milk bar or if there are some old buildings which need to be renovated

You obviously do more than most people....

First thing I would do is run the pictures through Photoshop and remove the gray midtones and add some highlight. They wouldn't look so drab.

But Warsaw is drab....god,has anyone with a "Polish" screen name here actually been to Warsaw??

Why did he show the Hasidim and the weird building covered with photographs of former residents? I suspect Levene is a Levite.

Why not? Ive seen full on beardy jews in warsaw plenty of times. Do you only ever take photos of polish americans then? Fcuking tin foil nutter.

show to Polish readers how London looks like . Would it be fair ?

Yes, we dont have sticks up our arses so go ahead,show the worst you can find if you want,its called reportage.

These are just some of the places I remember of Poland, and I wish I could be there now.

Exactly,its not all chocolate box Old town tweeness,its a gritty exciting city with all aspects of life combining to make it interesting.
4 Apr 2011
Travel / How safe is Krakow for a single girl ? [35]

Hmmmmmmmm have we met?

if you remember jojospacemonkey(?),previously telfonitka(?sp) I think that was her last screen name,and knew her,maybe we have......:)

thats not as nudge nudge as it may look lol ;)
4 Apr 2011
Travel / How safe is Krakow for a single girl ? [35]

just avoid the Stag parties and act like you would in any european city that you dont know intimatley.
Only get in well marked taxis either at the ranks or ordered from your hotel that sort of basic stuff really.
Of course,I havent been for 4 years so it may well now be over run with Moscow people traffickers and lesbian vampyres,but,well,I doubt it ;)
4 Apr 2011

Im sure he does.
I may not have explained myself clearly?
To paint a better picture i'll paint a bizzare one;
Say im painted blue and sat in a room with ten other people also painted blue. A joke is told that takes the mick out of idiots who paint themselves blue. I as a british person will look around the room at the people painted blue and think,"yeah,what a bunch of idiots painting themselves blue" because of course I might be painted blue but Im not an idiot so he cant be making the joke about me.....

4 Apr 2011

Humor tends to be good-natured and not insulting. I think that the English would find some truth in it.

about 40 years ago maybe :) But we can still laugh at ourselves normally because when something outlandish is said we just presume they are talking about all the other english but not ourselves, where as I feel Poles feel everyone is talking specificaly about them no matter how bizzare the topic.probably helps that our whole nature involves taking the mick out of everything and everyone,ourselves the most.
3 Apr 2011
History / August Agbala - Nigerian soldier in Warsaw Uprising [23]


Not that often to be honest old chap.


No need to shout,I speake de lingo .....click on pic,magnify window to 400 then come back and apologise....or alternatly we shall call it a score draw for Ishwandlana.....

Whats the big deal any way my pretend blackman? A Driver in those days was still a highly skilled job,most people couldnt drive and drivers had to be skilled mechanics. Its no slur to say a (real) black man was a Driver. The first Doughboy into Berlin in 1918 was a Black motorcyclist.
3 Apr 2011

the sad thing is that he acnoledged that Germans looks down on Poles...

and plenty of Poles look down on everyone love,your point is?

Here is what Dietmar Wischmeyer has to say about the British:

had me laughing from the first line...the inversion of our thankfullness for being an island keeping nasty european types out lol

I actually quite enjoy the british humour

Ever seen Blackadder goes Forth ? ;) Coz Im getting a real funny image of you as the Red Baron in that :)
especially after ;

(Toilet humour anyone?).

The more people complain that Clarkson has upset them, the more Clarkson will do it

Aye, he's a Donny lad after all ;) In a nation of p!ss takers we carry the largest pots :)
3 Apr 2011
News / Poland liberalizes drug laws in effort to focus on treatment [35]

lot of trains to spot back in the 90's, huh?

I just dont get it......I watched it and thought "christ,what a miserable existence" (while breifly coping the grungy style and shaved head lol) but others seem to have seen it as aspirational. Your spot on with the Trainspotting generation bit mate,also the whole zombie like posters as a kid ,Zamo,and a scary episode of Juliet Bravo......

I cant go down the "natural selection " route though as it wasnt just the waste of space muppets who got stuck on it, I knew a lot of "nice middle class kids" who even now still sell the big issue......and they are the more succesfull ones :( When I moved back to my home town a few years ago I gave up after a couple of days trying to get in touch with school mates,it was just too depressing how many are dead or inside.
3 Apr 2011

I am personally less offended when getting called stupid, as I am when someone calls me a Nazi.

I hope you realse that when this comes from a Briton it tends to be tongue in cheek. Its a cheap shot but its part of the cultural fabric. Every christmas we get the Great Escape (most of the germans being of the "good and decent" type..the opposition rather than the enemy) and you guys every New Year have Two old people at a dinner table ;)
2 Apr 2011
News / Poland liberalizes drug laws in effort to focus on treatment [35]

Awsome! Now people can use drugs without fear!

Sounds like a good idea, the treatment options. Id rather have a clean Ex smack head than a petty thieving smack head in and out of prison for the rest of their lives.
1 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

It is impossible to treat everyone the same. We should enjoy our differences and treat everyone differently.

Now,that,was the most inteligent thing Ive read on here in a long time.
1 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Bollox!!!! A Patriot is not a blind sheep! You use the same BS that people in the states did about that moron bush...."gotta support him,he's our leader". It was a pile of arse droppings then and its a pile of arse droppings when you say it.
1 Apr 2011
News / Polish journalist charged with insulting Belarusian President [16]

Sounds very 1984.

Have you actually heard of Belarus?

How is this ethnic cleansing.

Its ethnic cleansing 101," allowing" troublesome minorities to leave the country while keeping a tight control on the rest of the population.

Interesting, and E.U. allows this?

What the hell has the EU got to do with a Stalinist dictatorship aligned to Russia?
1 Apr 2011
Life / "Whiskification" of Poland? [32]

The "posh" booze shops in Warsaw made a big thing about the sort of Whisky/ey thats no big deal over here so maybe there is a groundswell. When I asked what I could bring as a thank you pressie to the man of the house of a family I stayed with it was Whisky as it was back in 04 anyway still stupidly expensive in Poland .