especially the one about the Baniak family. I know so many people like that
Well, what is so special about them? They are not, as the article suggests, struggling or living frugally. They are a typical, successful Polish family with a beautiful flat. Why are they not presented as such? Instead, the article hints that they have problems accessing appropriate medical care, that life is tough for them, that they earn too little, that their flat is "tiny"... But - they can easily survive on one salary, the husband has a fulfilling job in publishing (if I remember right), they own a flat and are building their own house... Something just doesn't add up. It's the same story again of looking for problems where they don't exist. Why can't a journalist ever come to Poland and describe it as it is? Without always comparing it to the "West" or digging around in the past, especially that their knowledge of Poland's past consists of factoids and half-truths? Never mind. It's not gonna happen.