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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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15 Mar 2011

Are Polish and Eastern European Women Just Money Oriented?

I asked my better half this question. She says that it is utter rubbish and for £1000 she'll give you the evidence. Jimmy Choos fund;)
2 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Business was too slow and the once nice Polish neighborhood is now all Mexican, the only customers that came in were gangbangers and it was too much trouble.

Sorry to hear that. Hey nothing ventured nothing gained as we say.
2 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Im still alive

Glad to hear it? How's that bar going?

I talked to Pani Krysia yesterday, shes doing well:)

Glad to hear that too. She was an absolute star. Wicked sense of humour. Wish her well from me next time you talk.
25 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

its mostly bad - sorry to say.

Just one of life's cycles WB. I guess the frustrations of doing business out there can waer you down. It sounds like you've got a great family from your posts over the years (new arrival and all that) so it can't be all bad. If I could relive great junks of my life I would put my family more to the fore rather than chasing up the career ladder only to find it was pretty crap when I got up there;)

don't forget to make me look good!

OK. I'll give you a starring role (which you probably won't thank me for);)

As for using here as random chat (Can't quote you Aphro) - why not. It seems to be one of the few thread where we can have a laugh and debate things in a slightly more humorous manner.
25 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

10 millions and you can beam yourself up into space


However, remember that for the same sum you can buy 24 Harrier jump jets, Fifteen Tornado GR1 and F3As and as many Nimrods as you can shake a stick at in the Great Uk Government Defence Cuts Car Boot Sale. Buy four and get a free half built aircraft carrier;)

Now I need to drink more tea and prepare for the night. I am still sick.

Phew until I read the last bit I thought you were a Vampire;)
24 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]


It's all Scandinavia to us insular Brits;) Blondes, horrendoulsy expensive beer.... that sort of thing;)

Who gives us our Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square every year?????? It's you lot (and very grateful we are because the current austerity measures means that our public funds couldn't buy us a two foot artificial[ jobby from the local DIY store)

please stop disrupting Szarlotka- he is writing

True - a proposal for my next piece of highly lucrative but extremely boring piece of work;)
23 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

just wanna ask have I ever been mentioned?

Pay attention. You are still here which is why you are not on the list. You are still here aren't you?

As for general mentions in my ramblings the bar has been raised. To get a mention you have do something truly memorable to counteract my failing memory. Try posting in the nude or putting an avatar against your user name or maybe send us a Christmas tree or two.
22 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Please help me. I have lost contact with some very good friends. I say friends even though I never actually met them in person. It was an online kind of thing. Just text, they couldn't afford webcams and I can't make mine work anyway. I know some of them are still alive but it's been so long I don't know where to start looking to find them again. If any of you know the whereabouts of any of the following people please ask them to call me or even visit me here at the home for distressed gentlefolk.

Bubbawoo, Pingwin, Ranj, Shopgirl, pgtx, Krysia, Osiol, Giles, Svengoolie, Svengoola, Hueg, Sledz, Fitz, Mufas, JustysiaS and others

Small reward for finding in the form of humorous and intelligent debate...

Time for my meds
22 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I've lost my bearing, have been forced to declare an emergency and have made an emergency landing at an unfamiliar and a totally disappointing airfield. To make things even worst - the strip was covered with tall grass. :)

wot no ILS? Not that I trust software with my life. Once got a ride in a Tornado GR1 flying low in the Lake District using terrain seeking radar. All the time I was thinking that no system i've ever known is bug free!

Lotka is a girl! I KNEW IT!!!!

No no a thousand times no..... I understand the off side rule FFS.
22 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

This whole time I pictured Szarlotka as this gentle, kind, FEMALE soul! ...and I bet he doesn't even shave his legs

PMSL - the girlie identity crisis driven by the user name is not a new mistake. If you had been here a few years back to hear how I got the nickname in PL you would understand.

For future reference my legs are unshaved, I don't have a Brazilian and if I would never wear that bikini top with a tan - that's what white is for;)
22 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Take a compliment like a real man, will yah

OK. Thank you very much;)
22 Feb 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Serious and me don't get along;)

I'm working on one last major epic piece - an introduction to what to do and see in London for all those lovely people from around the world who will descend upon us in their tens (reduced due to the recession and the available space on the Tube trains) for next year's Olympics, how to find the Reggie Kray Memorial Athletics Stadium, the cheapest Jack the Ripper tour of London by night, bribing your way into getting tickets for the Brazilian Womens Beach Volleyball games, the real intent of synchronized swimming.... that sort of thing.
20 Jan 2011

If I was one of Weronika's family and read some of the bile that is being posted here by the usual suspects I would be disgusted and deeply upset. None of you knew her I presume so how the f**k can you make comments on her character. All you know is that a young lady with her whole life in front of her has been brutally murdered and there are now many people grieving her passing. Show some f***ing respect to her memory and while you're at it remember that scum come in all colurs
19 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

If it was the animal beaver then presumably his thumb is embedded in a dam somwhere now.

If it was the other type of beaver the mind boggles....
18 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

doing some serious Munro bagging soon.

Good man. My tally has only gone up by 7 in the last 3 years.... shocking really after a good start;)

I'm off anything alcoholic for next couple of months

Even Burns night? I'm impressed!
18 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Ayr United just beat Hibs!!! night is goooooooooood :)

Nice one. Have half a bottle of single malt on me;)
18 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I could not possibly comment... in case I'm locked up on a trumped charge of indecency towards llamas by the Peruvian authorities. As me mam told me, always protect your sauces.
18 Jan 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

"The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:
Of songs—and wars—and well stacked racks—
Of sausages—and pleasure enhancing rings—
And why my tea is boiling hot—
And whether llamas have wings"

A little bit of poetic license there but Lewis Carroll is well gone so I should be safe from the legal beavers (Yes Shawn, beaver has the same meaning over here too. I remember a much loved pub called the Crown & Shuttle that was renamed the Beer and Beaver when the dancers became more adventurous. The things I have done in the name of client entertaining.)

Having been away from here for a while with only the occasional fix of a post or two, I must confess to having struggled to get back up to speed on what is going down on here (apart from Southern who still appears to be going down on anything that moves). The sheer volume of threads has forced me to review only the more popular topics. So, more for my benefit and/or sanity, here is the much delayed Omnibus Edition.

At this point I must draw to your attention the sad passing away of Ed. We here were in shock at the nature of his demise – knocked down by one of those eco-warrior cycling fiends that have terrorised London’s street for far too long now. That he was knocked down was not shocking, it was the absence of alcohol in him and the mysterious absence of his gaggle of pretty Ukrainian ‘nieces’ that left us stunned. We clubbed together to have his ashes scattered across Soho and then made our way to the Rose & Crown to get wasted and insult the memory of the evil little beggar.

Llamas – What’s it all about.

TZ (who I think may have been Randall in a prior life) has started a whole Llama thing that confuses the hell out of me. At first I thought it was in honour of these cuddly South American beasties but then I did some research that implied that Llama was a coded insult of some kind – hence the Obama Llama references. Just when I thought I had cracked the liberal thing the thread went off into all sorts of different directions, to the point when I thought it really was just a cuddly mammal appreciation. Mind you, I’m with dtaylor on this one, llamas do not deserve our love. There is a dark side to them. Never turn your back on one is my advice. You’re safer with an alpaca believe me.

Wikileaks – we love it

Well many of us seem to at any rate and many of us are concerned that the leaks will dry up (apart from the Aussies who can’t wait for the leaks to go) Actually the debate on this thread is quite informed around the freedom of information in totality versus the need to protect us from ourselves. In fact I’d go as far as to say that there is a real quality to some of the arguments here, unlike on the usual gaggle of mixed race relationship, my country’s women are sexier than yours and I’m not a racist but type threads that still seem to spring up quicker than a red blooded male’s appendage on here.

Music is my first love

Well second if I’m honest. Make that equal second with Guinness. The old what are you listening too right now thread has been very lively of late. It seems that Ashley’s Mind, Natasa, Sascha, Teffle, Pennboy and AJ are trying to replace Youtube with PF as the user interface of choice for music vids. I’ve enjoyed a lot of their selections and some of the memories. I mean Roxy Music for example. The music was OK but to a youth at the time it was the album covers. Even Southern would have drooled.

So I have a lot more catching up to do and may even be moved to pen another Edition some day. In the meantime I wish you all well.

PS – where is pgtx these days? I have a bone to pick with her. I was in virtually every bar in Krakow for a week looking for her meetup gathering. Cost me a fortune in beer (all expensed thank God).
21 Sep 2010
Real Estate / If you own a property in Warsaw, you don't own the ground it stands on! [9]

Maybe we are in danger of confusing ownership with ultimate ownership. As an owner of a freehold property the ultimate owner of the land (to all intensive purposes the state) can force me to sell it to them under compulsory purchase at a 'fair' value but there has to be a valid reason for invoking that right. Buying half of szarlotka acres to build a new housing estate to rake in wads of cash from developers is not a valid reason. Putting a new motorway through it is a valid reason. I'm no expert on property law, as you cann see from my previous warblings, but the planning process has to make a clear case for the forced purchase I would have thought. Is there a specialist property lawyer in the house?
8 Sep 2010
Life / How to Politely Refuse a Drink in Poland [72]

Why not just say that you very rarely drink but will join them for just the one in appreciation of their friendship. Saying you don't drink when you do enjot one or two seems a bit like overkill.
3 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

You'd think that if the national insurance number isn't being used, child benefit would be cut immediately!

It wouldn't be used if a UK national mother stopped working to bring up the child though which would defeat the object. It's proof that the claimant no longer resides in the Uk and is not a UK national that is required. Seems to work the other way though in W-B's case, the Uk authoririties know that a British subject is abroad. Mad, mad world.
2 Sep 2010
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

this omnibus is kinda depressing... i don't know...

Ha. I was kinda down when I wrote it. I know - I'm going to start up the Polish Boobs theme again.

Now many claim that the Polish boob is the finest in the world. Of course this opinion does have knockers. My own view is that the Brazilian boob is probably the best. What do you think people?