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Posts by sledz  

Joined: 19 Sep 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 May 2015
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 5
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From: Chicago

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2 Mar 2011
Food / Polish fast food joints? [59]

they're only available to plastic paddies in amerikey, yeeehaaa

Served to you by Mexicans that barely speak English, and they even dress up in green for the St.Paddys day parade and try to sell you T-shirts...I dont think it works out very well for them as they try to blend in,,,lol

Nothing like a florescent green milkshake, thats if its real milk???
2 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Glad to hear it? How's that bar going?

Business was too slow and the once nice Polish neighborhood is now all Mexican, the only customers that came in were gangbangers and it was too much trouble.

Poles dont want to come back to the old neighborhood, I cant really blame them!

Glad to hear that too. She was an absolute star. Wicked sense of humour. Wish her well from me next time you talk

I sure will:)

Maybe I can talk her into stopping by sometime:)
2 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Bubbawoo, Pingwin, Ranj, Shopgirl, pgtx, Krysia, Osiol, Giles, Svengoolie, Svengoola, Hueg, Sledz, Fitz, Mufas, JustysiaS and others

Small reward for finding in the form of humorous and intelligent debate...

Time for my meds

Im still alive, just got tired of all the arguing on here.
Not that I was always an Angel,,,,lol

I talked to Pani Krysia yesterday, shes doing well:)

Cheers form across the pond SZ!
7 Feb 2011
Law / Thinking of opening up a Greek restaurant in Poland, bad idea or good? Jenkei [45]

No, the Polish-Americans love cheap Mexican food

How would you know, have you ever been to TBK or Chicago for that matter???
I know its just another one of your snide Limey comments against America, so your opinion is worthless as usual.
FYI most Polish Americans dont speak Polish that well, if any, so when you go into a restaurant and all you hear are people speaking Polish, I wonder where they would be from????? Duh!!!

Nice try,,now go bow to your crooked toothed queen and shut up, Puto!

But the ones here in Chicago love this place called Taco Burrito King. Mexicans don't even go there

Theres like 5 of them that I have been too, always see Polish people and Mexicans as well.
Are you sure youre not referring to Taco Bell,,,,Horrible stuff there!
TBK is Awesome!!!

BTW, how do you know? Do you go there often? :)

I do:)
Harlem/ Montrose...I dont like this one
Harlem/Higgins,,,be careful after 2 a.m.
Touhy/ Milwaukee,,,has Piwo!!!
30 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

Is that your inner discourse sledz-Tygrys ?

Yes, I mastered the Polish language in worlds record time, which would make me a genius! (thanks) and now I do accurate translations here on PF, That Rosetta Stone CD works wonders,,lol But I can tell you this,,,Trzymaj się swojego fiuta Ptasimóżdżek!

Poles come to America and install their own rules instead of following the rules of this country, then they wonder why Americans don't like them.

Just like the Poles that keep parking on my property and after nicely asking them not to park there over 10x and they keep pretending not to understand English. I called the Police, guess what? They were ticketed and towed,,I gave them fair warning,all they do is lie and smile to your face!

Women work as nanny's, clean "domki"

80% of Polish women do this in Chicago and the rest are bartenders/kurva

but they are so bad at it that everything has to be redone over.

Another example of why American companies wont hire them.
We have a phrase here called (De-Polocking a house) they do everything backwards, bunch of Hacks! How come German construction is so superior to Poles?

I think they are sweet on each other....

IF the truth hurts,thats just too bad, come see for yourself:)

Yeah? And who are you to tell the other to not better themselves -

I dont encourage people to break laws or rules to get what they want, yet it seems to be part of the Polish daily ritual, to lie, cheat and get over on people.
29 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

but I can see that some are not really keen on working too hard.

That comes to no surprise:)

Canada prepared me for managing during this time quite well.

They have a nice fleet of plows in Toronto, Chicago etc... what about in Poland?
You should buy a snowmobile it will be springtime by the time the guys with the shovels get finished, or they could hire the Chinese to clear the roads that they built?

Good luck to you M, but I have a feeling youre going to miss living the lifestyle the West offers:)
29 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

USA is pleasing Poles by giving some a tourist visa but they don't return, so don't blame the US for it, blame the Poles who don't return like they are suppose to, ruining the chance for other Poles.

Yes, this has been pointed out many times, but głupi dont get it!

Too many don't return, Chicago is overburdened by illegal Poles

Very true!
There should be a hold on Polish Visas until some of these criminal Illegals can be rounded up and deported, its getting ridiculous here in chicago. They arent any different than Illegal Mexicans.

other nations who don't need a visa return to their country, but not Poles.

Exactly, The Brits dont need Visa`s because they have lives to go back to too! I feel sorry (kinda) for England after being invaded by the mass Polish exodus when they joined the EU.

How many threads have there been by Brits complaining about the Poles ruining the UK,,countless????

Im glad for US Visa restrictions! Maybe someday Poles will learn how to obey rules and laws, then they can be trusted to return when obligated,,,,, that never will happen lol

Blame your own dishonest countrymen like Tygrys stated:)
12 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

the winter in szczecin is not easing up any time soon. It is only DECEMBER and I have already had enough.

You got out just in time!!
The Great Lakes Region have been taking an Arctic beating and without any signs of relief:(
Have fun in Poland, sure ur warmer!
12 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polish President Says Cleveland is Like Home [30]

Congratulations on a new dumb polock president!

Im surprised he didnt pick Detroit, He must think its still the 1950`s

I wonder why He didnt come to Polands capitol, its only a couple hundred miles away,
He must not be that popular with Poles if he went to Cleveland instead of Chi?
12 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polish President Says Cleveland is Like Home [30]

Or, maybe they didnt pay for him enough to show up??? Its pretty funny how you Brits think you know so much about Chicago from your BBC Media.

That last time you must of have spent days researching anti -Adam Andrzejewski propaganda and then tried to sabotage his campaigning on this forum. Whats in it for a limey like you? Have you ever been to Illinois, or in this case Ohio?

Adam Andrzejewski Is running for Governor of Illinois !!!!
20 Oct 2010
Life / Foreigners in Poland and what they think of us [54]

Outside of Poland is there a reason to learn Polish,,probably not??
In Chicago it could be helpful, not anywhere else in the US or the rest of the world for that matter. Why would anybody want to learn a language that you will never use unless you move to Poland? If I were to do that, I would be studying for months beforehand out of respect.

The whole world speaks English and theyre a lot dumb polocks that immigrate and live in the USA for over 30/40 years and still all they know how to say is,,,How you doink!!!
20 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

when they go to America,they

wont go back to Poland anymore just like what other people from the 3rd world

Thats why we have Visa restrictions and laws, that they dont obey!
20 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

So within the European Union, we have an estimated number of 16-20 million Muslims and about 813-820 million Europeans.


Hes from your own BBC, how much longer can you last?
So, in France yesterday was that the whole 10%? Just wait till it get to 30-40%
20 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Ain't this a little bit to much? In the communist times it would be a huge stalin statue.

Would you rather have a Jesus statue or a country that resembles France? Cant you see that the Muslims are taking over Europe? There must be 40 million by now, you should be glad that you live in Poland:)
14 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

I was nearly drooling at some of the hot-looking guys, at Chicago's O'Hare Airport.

Come here next year for T.O.P, all you Westcoasters!
Surely a break from the "land of fruit and nuts" will do you right:)

Do you live in Beverly Hills or something or are you talking about the ones you see on those fake TV shows?


I thought we were talking about american girls ;)

Yes we are, and Im trying to save Amberly from making a huge mistake!

that she was not Americanized was apparent right away. And it was quite delightful and refreshing.

Give it time bro..haha!
Then they start talking to their friends and learn the laws, dont get married!!!

Oh, puhleeze... Don't rely on stereotypical generalities.

But how low can we go, Im so shallow, yes I know:)

. Most people here in America ARE shallow and spoiled contrary to popular belief

Thanks for telling us over and over, What else to you have in your arsenal of wits?

if you keep giving it to them they stay nice, right?

Bait and switch:)
14 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

Don't they need green cards there, too? ;)

Im trying to save her the expense and the process of getting him here:)

She can come to Chicago (Polands Capitol) and have plenty of guys she can meet in person. Instead of some facebook fantasy, We all have seen how that turns out, usually not well when dealing with INS or deceitful perpetrators.

I usually end up going out with spanish girls because

theyre hot too:)

If true polish guys are anything like american guys, I'm sure the distaste runs deep. I for one can't stand American girls at all. Mostly spoiled little rude items they are.

Be careful because there are some nice ones left and just might rock your boat...lol

For the most part they live their lives Via,,T.V,Facebook, Myspace etc..and havent a clue whats happening in the rest of the world or even care,,as long as Daddy`s BMW is full of gas and the spastic plastic credit card is good to go!

Some of them aspire to be like Paris Hilton, but forget they dont have the money.
Thats when Joe Blow comes into the pic;)
14 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

I see him popping the green card question in your future

I was wondering about that also, didnt she say she was from Cali?
Probably be better off taking a drive to Chicago:)
14 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

I think that English spoken by Polish people sounds really monotonous and completely unsexy.

Im the exact opposite, its sounds sexy when I hear eastern European girls speaking English:)

British women have a European accent, by the way. The fact that Britain is actually
in Europe may be a clue ;)

When I hear a UK accent, Its easy for me to figure out if theyre from Ireland, Scotland or England. Trying to differentiate from a scouser and a southerner, thats a hard one!

Sometimes I can't believe the disgusting pigs American women are

Like Rosie O`Donnell what a fat butch dyke pig!! lol

I like to think of myself as not difficult at all.

You seem like a nice girl,, if you can put up with PF this long then you must be ok:)
I dont think youll have a problem, just be yourself and be careful with whom you meet on the internet. Im sure your attentions are good, but Ive seen some real horror stories on here!

And...dont ever take him to McDonalds or make fun of his bleached out 1980`s style blue jeans..lol
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

Thats why Im glad I live in Polonia, I always have a better time with Polish girls!

They dont constantly complain either:)
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

American girls are said to be extremely difficult.

High Maintenance is more like it, they expect to have everything handed to them.
Theyre always nice when they want something from you:)
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

sledzik, congratulations on your wedding!!! yay!!! ;)

Dziekuje Bardzo!
Were having the traditional 3 day Polish wedding!!

She`s perfect cannot speak English and isnt Americanized yet,,,,,oooh the naughty things she will learn..Muhahaha!

I don't, mainly because I don't like American accents. I couldn't go out with an Aussie or a Scouser

Scousers,,those guys talk like they have a sack of marbles in their mouth, you can barely understand them?

The British accent has to be the most annoying of any nation, worse than a Redneck twang:)
Polish women talk with a sexy European accent, but British??? Roftl
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

lot's of good and warning stuff

she just might run away if she bothers to uncover the truth.....lol

but it doesn't have much to do with any particular nationality.

I think most American guys like all girls from every nation, unless they have a crappy attitude.
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

Kinda rude.

Well sorry, but weve all seen this thread about 1000 times over and over:)

Do all Polish girls have Blues eyes??
13 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

I met a polish guy online... I know so nerdy

I met a Polish girl online and she turned out to be really slutty, so Im gonna marry her next week:)
13 Oct 2010
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

Arse to it!

and to the millions and millions of cigarette butts that now get littered all over the streets and to the people that hang outside of the bars all night coz they cant smoke inside,,,stupid law!

The restaurant part I can agree with, who really wants smoke being blown in your face while youre eating?

I'm in the US. I say smoking bans have not "worked" here

All it has achieved really, is just pi$$ing off the neighbors that have to see and hear drunks congregating around so called establishments.

People that dont smoke, have never been big bar patrons from what Ive seen.
Empty bar, packed outside......lol

I wonder how it will work in Poland, being most Europeans smoke,,,,dont you????