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Joined: 11 Dec 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2016
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25 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Inny przykład gdzie Polska skręca w totalitaryzm - Minster Gliński wysłał pismo do urzędu marszałkowskiego we Wrocławiu, żeby odwołać premierę sztuki teatralnej. Państwo ma decydować co robią artyści ?

Rozmontowywanie demokracji trwa. To jak nity wypadające z lecącego samolotu. Wypadnie 1, 2, 10 - nic się nie stanie... aż w którymś momencie £UP. Możnaby to wszystko zrobić jedną ustawą, ale chytrzej jest krok po kroczku, żeby ludzie zorientowali się gdy będzie już to tylko formalność.


Polonius3, nie rozumiesz słowa 'totalitaryzm'. Nie ma (i nie było) dyktatury poprawności politycznej, bo państwo nie działało aktywnie żeby ograniczać ludzi zgodnie z poprawnością polityczną. A obecne państwo właśnie robi wszystko, żeby o tym nie tylko gadać ale i rzeczywiście ograniczać, co mogą robić obywatele. Obcięcie dotacji dla in vitro, realne utrudnianie (przepisami) życia parom homo, ludziom zmieniającym płeć, ludziom innego wyznania (obowiązkowa religia w szkole) lub ateistom (prawo o obrazie uczuć religijnych). Obecne państwo chce zmieniać program nauczania, lektury, zamiast zostawić to szkołom. PiS nie tylko obsadza media swojakami, ale planuje taką ustawę medialną że zarządy mediów będą 1-osobowe i to z partyjnego nadania. Państwo klęka przed klerem, nie kontroluje ich dochodów i daje łagodniejsze wyroki (np ksiądz który ukradł studentowi aparat fotograficzny) i umarza sprawy (pedofilia, pedofilia, pedofilia). Jest pełno ludzi, którzy uważają że katastrofa w Smoleńsku to przede wszystkim wstyd i głupota - żeby pakować tylu ważnych dla rządu ludzi w jeden samolot. Nie stać na dwa ? To nie wyprawiać się z taką pompą. Żaden inny kraj tego oficjalnie nie powie, ale tam się pukają w czoło.

Domaganie się, żeby szkoła nie narzucała określonej religii to nie jest żadne zmuszanie, wręcz przeciwnie. To jest większa tolerancja. Domaganie się, żeby nie tępić ludzi ze względu na kolor skóry czy orientację seksualną to też nie gnębienie ludzi, a właśnie więcej wolności i szacunku dla ludzi, którzy jeszcze nikomu nie zaszkodzili.

Wolność pierwszego człowieka kończy się tam, gdzie zaczyna się wolność drugiego.

Posty Poloniusa3 to 90% demagogii, bo jest w nich bardzo mało konkretów a za to mnóstwo pobożnych życzeń, niczym nie popartych oskarżeń i przeinaczeń.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Archbishop Hoser just said that Church is aware that Constitution is not The Bible. If it's not well formed, it can and should be changed.

Church in Poland frequently says stuff like that. The most politically involved priests are liked the most. People who are bothered are afraid to speak up.
25 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

I said above that 500 per child needs good education to become an investment rather than cost. There's one more requirement: good economy. If economy is bad, those surplus children will escape to another country. The state can spend 500 per child and not see the return at all. Or the 'surplus person' won't be able to find a job and will live on social welfare.

In vitro may not technically cure infertility, but the net effect is it results in more children. That's what couples ultimately care about. Unless you're like Duda and split hairs for bogus reasons to suit your agenda*, you won't care. A real cure for infertility is only desirable for couples that want more than one extra kid.

Furthermore, when In Vitro is successful it results in a new birth. Curing someone of infertility doesn't mean the new potential will be used. So state funding of in vitro makes more sense than state funding of (hypothetical) infertility cure. Fewer things to control, fewer fraud opportunities.

* veto for transsexuals on the basis that a person might want to undergo the very long and painful sex change process more than once - causing legal confusion.

* pardoning Mariusz Kamiński under the excuse he wanted to calm people rather than fan the flames
* signing various documents and acts as soon as possible under the guise of calming people and making them not worry about anything during Christmas
23 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Polska rzeczywiście zmierza w stronę państwa totalitarnego. Totalitarnego, czyli państwo mówi ci jak żyć. Z kim chodzić do łóżka, w co wierzyć, czego się uczysz w szkołach (Sienkiewicz i Mickiewicz, bo po co komu Kapuściński), co świętować, komu wolno macać dzieci i ukrywać dochody.

Jedna partia, państwowe media pod kontrolą, usuwanie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, usuwanie sędziów (jest plan, żeby sędziom obniżyć emerytury - wtedy starsi będą mieli pokusę żeby przejść zanim przepis wejdzie w życie, a miejsca można obsadzić młodymi wilczkami szkolonymi przez Dudę). Jak w państwie totalitarnym, pierwsze zmiany dotyczą tajnej policji.
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

Did you know Trybunał Konstytucyjny (Constitutional Court) ruled in the past that a raped woman can't get an abortion, arguing that a pregnant woman is a family and a family should be protected ? Catholic morality at work.

Another reason why PiS Poland is against in vitro is that it technically lets a virgin to give birth (cesarean birth). It happens in UK, costs 5000 pounds and both Catholic and Anglican churches are strongly against it.
21 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

No, he didn't!

Yes, he did.
"Prawo to nie świętość." (Law is not sacred.)
"Nad prawem jest dobro narodu." (Good of nation is above law.)
"Prawo, które nie służy narodowi, to bezprawie." (Law which doesn't serve nation, is lawlesness.)

Good of nation... I wonder who decides what's good for the nation ? Maybe PiS ?

Supporters of democracy talk about society. Supporters of authoritarianism prefer the word nation.
21 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

That they are carrying out dirty tricks like fake death threats

That wasn't PiS, that was the (not yet registered) openly pro-Putin party Zmiana. They have their own KOD impersonating group on Facebook and claim they are the real KOD. Russian trolls are fanning the flames.


Morawiecki gave up his 2 mln a year job to work for the government

So he thought he got a better deal. I don't see how this is a sacrifice. Similar to how Wojciech Jasiński, poseł PiS discarded his Sejm membership for a cozy position as the head of Orlen. Yes, 3 days ago he became the chairman of the huge petrol retailer.

Wojciech Jasiński is 67 years old. He was a member of Sejm since 2001. He has very little business experience, mostly in communist era in copartnerships like "Społem" and Spółdzielnia Transportu Wiejskiego, as well as Srebrna (strong ties to PiS, including Jarosław Kaczyński). He wasn't chosen in a contest, he was appointed. He was also a PZPR member, and he joined after 5 the pacification of the worker protests in December 1970. At the time PZPR was changing the PRL Constitution, adding gems like "PZPR has the principal role" and "unbreakable polish-russian friendship".
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

furious if stories come out about rich people using the cash to pay for green fees at the local golf course,

That's the thing with money - it's hard to track, and prove that the 500 was used the way it was meant. PiS says the answer is more audits, more controls. If instead they chose to fund kindergartens and creches, there would be no need for extra audits and bureaucracy.

families where the father is claiming child support in other countries will be excluded

Why would these fathers get 500 if the goal is to keep women at home ? Makes no sense.

Really? That would be why Polish computer science graduates have cash thrown at them?

They don't. Especially graduates. I'm a programmer by profession and most job offers contain the phrase "at least 2 years of experience in technology X". You've chosen a particularly bad example, because in IT and CS work experience is valued much more than a paper. You dramatically improve your chances if you work as an intern.

Experienced IT workers have money thrown at them. Graduates don't. Universities also like fancy and interesting programming languages like Python, while job market wants the opposite - it's extremely risk-averse and prefers "industry standards" like PHP, Java, C#, C++. Graduates have plenty of (often unpaid) practices to choose from.
21 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

But the best proof of his integrity is that he backs PiS

Quoted for posterity.

Kornel Morawiecki is the guy who said good of nation is more important than law. That sounds suspiciously like Carl Schmitt, who paved Hitler's rise to power. It's really the same kind of argumentation. And because the nation doesn't know what's good for it, it will need a strong leader. I dunno, maybe Jarosław Kaczyński ?
21 Dec 2015
News / Poland to end state funding for IVF treatment [102]

Marek Pietrzyński from PiS has criticized HPV vaccines, saying introducing them is wrong because it assumes young women will have many sexual partners. Instead, they should be raised in accordance with catholic values. He says HPV vaccines are a part of a larger plan, like legalisation of prostitution.

500 PLN per child, that's what Prime Minister Szydło said during her expose. Not a single word about funding of children creches or kindergartens. Do you know why ?

They follow the Christian Democracy line of thought. Woman is expected to stay at home, give birth, raise children, cook and clean. If she had access to subsidized creches or kindergartens, she might do something unwholesome, like go to university or start a career.

There's another reason why 500 per child might not be a bright idea. It will make the biggest difference for poor families. Children born in poor families often stay poor. Poverty is largely hereditary - unless they have access to very good education. This is done in Finland, where teachers are prepared centrally in a top level university, then go and teach in some backwater towns. The result is that backwater town education is nearly as good in Helsinki.
21 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]




Did you know Mateusz Morawiecki headed a bank just a few weeks ago ? Now he's prime minister Szydło's right hand. Why does PiS put 'banksters' like Mateusz Morawiecki in power ?

polski menedżer i bankowiec, w latach 2007-2015 prezes zarządu Banku Zachodniego WBK

20 Dec 2015
News / Monthly Smolensk Commemorations in Poland! [34]

Who the hell do you think you are?

I live in Poland and have always paid taxes. Sejm and Senat are supposed to represent people like me. I pay their wages. I think they're wasting time and money celebrating a mediocre president. There are much more important things to take care of.

They're trying to start a personality cult.
19 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Today I went to my local Empik store to return a newspaper I had bought yesterday. It was missing a number of pages form the middle (double holiday editions...). I had the receipt, but otherwise no proof that I didn't pull the pages myself, for example. So I went to the nearest clerk. She quickly called the shift manager. Upon hearing about my problem, she interrupted my first sentence saying I will get an adequate copy. And she immediately gave me one.

If PiS was a shop, they would first call me a liar. I would have to show them the receipt (Empik staff barely glanced at it). Then they would disappear in the manager's office and saying they have time until closing of the shop to process the complaint and bide their time, hoping I would go away. Then they would call me a thief because *I* damaged the paper in their shop. Then they would say they sold me the paper in a completely legal transaction and it's my fault for not checking the newspaper. Then they would say it was a bad newspaper anyway, and I should read only patriotic newspapers, and the fact I read something else means I'm not a true Pole. Then I would describe the event on a couple of forums and rally a few of my friends to demonstrate in front of the shop. Then they would say I'm a social parasite because the only thing I want is free newspapers. Eventually, grudgingly, they might return my money or give me an adequate copy.

Empik follows the philosophy that even though it's theoretically possible that I removed those pages at home (the paper is not stapled), it would be an unlikely, lame theft or fraud. So Empik assumed I'm a honest, innocent customer and customer satisfaction and friendly relation is very important. It's probably worth it to accept a minor loss or compromise. It's not worth it arguing about minor matters and pursue profit at all costs.

PiS treats dissatisfied people as guilty until proven otherwise. They follow law to the letter, not in the spirit. The transaction was legal, they have my money, GO AWAY man! It was probably your fault. You can't criticize my patriotic shop. It's slander. You're just a sore loser because our shop is very succesful. I bet you ran the competitive shop near the railway station that went bankrupt. Now WE run a shop near the railway station, and you will like it.
19 Dec 2015
News / Monthly Smolensk Commemorations in Poland! [34]

"Lech Kaczyński successfully worked for principal position of Poland. He actively participated in solving social conflicts. He served the country well." - senate

Apparently burying Lech Kaczyński at Wawel Castle wasn't enough. In new resolution, the senate is celebrating the 10th anniversary of his swearing-in.
19 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

The guy who coined the term "IV RP" is critical about Jarosław Kaczyński. Right winged publicists are having second thoughts. Law about Służba Cywilna is making things worse. They even point out Piotrowicz acts like opportunist. Kaczyński causes conflicts, but dialogue and teamwork is needed to make changes. His behaviour disrupts trust.

19 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

No-one is fuelling the Polish-Polish war more effectviely than the KOD gang and the "useful idiots" who support them.

Actually it's president Duda, Jarosław Kaczyński and kaczyści. Duda has said he will be president of all Poles. He doesn't act like one. Both him and Kaczyński call everyone who disagree with them traitors, commies, worst sort of Poles to name a few. Kaczyński has said stuff like criticizing Catholic Church is anti-Polish and he will force even atheists to admire the Church. They condemn Jews, gays, muslims.

You don't say stuff like that if you want to be president of all Poles. Or maybe if you love the True Scotsman fallacy:

- All Poles like PiS.
- Jacek doesn't like PiS.
- Yes, but he's not a true Pole.

That way you can change the rules as you go.
19 Dec 2015
Life / Snow in Poland, where is it? [22]

I find eco-doomsayers hilarious. They seem to actually believe that we, mankind, are any threat to the Planet's existance

If nearly everything dies and the only animals left are rats and cockroaches, the Planet will still exist, technically speaking. But the humanity will go to hell. Several thousands of people die each year in Poland because of our coal mines.

Weight-wise, 3% of land mammals are wild. Nearly 30% are humans, nearly 70% are livestock. I don't remember the exact numbers. There's hard data and methodology in books of Marcin Popkiewicz. Don't dismiss things you don't understand.

Even if you think it doesn't affect you because you don't live near coastline, you might change your mind when malaria shows up. Currently relatively cold climate is the only reason why malaria can't survive in Polish mosquitos.

It's normal in Poland that some winters are cold and have a lot of snow,

Check out polish sayings:

"W marcu jak w garncu." (meaning that march is alternatively warm and cold)
"Kwiecień, plecień wciąż przeplata trochę zimy trochę lata." (meaning that april used to be winter-like on many occasions !)
19 Dec 2015
Life / Snow in Poland, where is it? [22]

It's the climate change and global warming. Poland is one of the most polluted countries in EU. 19% of Poles think climate change is an important problem, only the Chinese care less than Poles. (source: Pew Research Center)

Poland is also actively removing wind farms.
19 Dec 2015
News / New law about Służba Cywilna (Civil Service) in Poland [11]

SC was infested by the previous regime (Bury/Kwiatkowski case ? just a tip of the ice berg) so it needs to be cleaned.

Cleaned ?

Don't you see it lowers the bar for all future officials, no matter what party they sympathize with (if any) ?

You seem to believe that any method is justified as long as it puts PiS politicians in power. But these changes will make civil service much more politicized, even if PZPR comes back from the dead, it will be able to stuff civil service with clueless people. PiS is causing lasting damage.

Yep, out with those useless pen pushers!

Now, they really will be useless, because PiS is removing requirements - to have job experience, and competency contests.

Phrase of the day:
"mierny, bierny ale wierny" (mediocre, passive but faithful)

Sure they are and they will but it doesn't mean that current boozes are independent

And how does the new law help ?
18 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

The source article is here:

Speaking of returning the Tupolev wreckage, Russia won't do that. They wouldn't do that even if there was ZERO proof of assassination. The reason is, keeping the wreck in Russia is fueling the Polish-Polish war.
18 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

The "Zmiana" party is not oficially registered, because prosecutor's office is still investigating claims Zmiana forged signatures required to register it. Now we know what "Dobra zmiana" Szydło spoke of is about.

I like reading comments by Russian trolls, because they basically tell you what Russian regime fears the most. Russian trolls don't criticize PiS because PiS is playing into their hand. Both groups share values and use the same language. The only thing dividing them is history. But your insistence that the second KOD facepage is real and Kijowski really wrote that stuff himself shows that you get along with russian trolls really well!
18 Dec 2015
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]

I just found out - there are also Sputnik News, lewica.pl but these are openly pro-Putin and want to join the Eurasian "Union". Mateusz Piskorski and company, those who set up the fake KOD facebook page. Thanks, but no thanks.
18 Dec 2015
News / "We will not hesitate to shoot Kaczyński dead" - KOD Facebook page [164]

Sorry to interrupt your mud slinging, but apparently the fake KOD facebook page has been set up by the Zmiana party. The openly pro-Putin party with stars like Mateusz Piskorski, who advocate joining the Eurasian Union.

One of admins of the fake KOD fpage is £ukasz Gajewski, a member of Zmiana council. Here's what he says about Polish media:

Na szczęście na Białorusi w przeciwieństwie do Polski są jeszcze wolne media.

Another admin is Tomasz Jankowski, a secretary in Zmiana. There are also Tomasza Trump , Jarosław Augustyniak etc.

A bunch of other people who are clearly pro-Putin but not directly tied to Zmiana: Mariusz Lorbiecki and Kamil £ugowski.

The bottom line is they claim to be THE real Komitet Obrony Demokracji, report the original KOD as impostors, etc. Facebook doesn't do anything about it. Those Russian trolls say what right-winged media want to hear, so right-winged media report it.
18 Dec 2015
News / New law about Służba Cywilna (Civil Service) in Poland [11]

Służba Cywilna are the high level administration. People working in ministries, departments, central offices. A new law is in works. Here's what it will do:

* Managers and high ranking officials will no longer be forbidden from being in a political party.
* Managers will no longer be selected through competence contests, but appointed.
* Higher positions will no longer require work experience.
* All high ranking officials will be fired.
* Chief of Służba Cywilna will no longer have to be selected among members of Służba Cywilna
* People who were in a political party in the last 5 years will no longer be forbidden from being the chief of Służba Cywilna.

* Civil Service Council, associated with prime minister, will be removed.