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What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]
very interesting sociological question pertaining to Polish who are no longer socialistic. major wave of Polish immigrant before WOrld War I up until WWII was when Poland was not very good socialisitic, Polish coming to USA were the most backward and illiterate of all Polish, they were the most miserable wretches - those who could read and write stay in Poland, the most rusticated only come to USA. because in USA then at this time was already huge German populations, these ethnic Germans, loyal to the descendent of the Huns told jokes about the Polish to make up for Hitler's stupidity. Very obvious!
Also famous incident of Polish cavalry charging German tanks on horseback is popular misconception - they were not attacking but try to break out of an area where they were surrounded, sword were still popular accessory of army offcier in the 1930s. But stupid Amerrican propaganda expanded on sterotype and this myth snowballs to this day. Very stupid!
This misconseptions is exactly why we North Koreans build monuments.
don't forget about American reputation for stupidity
reputation for terrible socialistics!