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Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Feb 2014
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 409 / In This Archive: 332
From: UK, France and Poland
Speaks Polish?: mogę się porozumiewać

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21 Nov 2013
News / Emigration from Poland (2.1m Poles are living abroad, most within Europe) [37]

Merged: Skills shortage amongst Poland's technical workers due to emigration

Anna Kwiatkiewicz of the Lewiatan employers' confederation complains of a "skills drain" among technical workers. She says that if Polish workers can't be lured back, the government urgently needs a pro-active policy to encourage immigration to replace them.

The quote above is from the article below, exploring the fact that Poland will need immigrants to replace lost workers in the future.

This article is about the lose of Polish youth and skill to Belgium.
20 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / How to make my Polish friend's dad like me [25]

Turn up one evening with an ice cold half litre of vodka. Drink it 60/40 him/you. Pull a second bottle out of your bag and make sure he drinks at least 75% of it

This is exactly what I did the first night I met my missus' family, however, it all went a little pear shaped and I projectile vomited over the bathroom wall (thank God for tiles) before passing out. It was left to my brother in law to check on my breathing during the night.

I think the family all seemed so pleased to see me in the morning was because I was alive.... Perhaps my Father in law and brother in law were in fact expressing extreme relief as opposed to happiness.

Since then i have been to over 6 Polish weddings including my own (the only wedding where I was still upright after midnight) and out of all those crazy wedding there has only been 1 fatality. Not bad eh!

but still I would like him to accept me.

it isn't about accepting you, it is about accepting the fact you are banging his precious little daughter. He will only get over that if he thinks you are a man.

Solution: Buy him a decent bottle of vodka or whiskey, either really..... and get absolutely ********* with him, man to man and all that.
If you are still alive in the morning and haven't gone blind, you are in there.
2 Jul 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

The point of "skool" "edukayshone" is conditioning. In Huxley's Brave new World, people are caste conditioned in test tubes, well that is what education is, conditioning for the work place and class structure.
1 May 2013
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

I don't know where you live but let's not exaggerate Americans are not that stupid, you are going overboard.


hmmm...some people beg to differ.
28 Apr 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Harry: One of the people who makes the most noise in this thread is such an expert when it comes to property that he thinks it's a good idea to buy property and put it in the name of somebody else!

er...people do this all the time. Whether it is a good idea or not depends how much control you have over the other person with their name on the deeds.

It is usual when people launder money or wish to avoid certain taxes..... or so I am told.
17 Apr 2013
Life / Question about obnoxious drunks in some cities of Poland [15]

I know, rent the empty shop they drink outside. Then you can sell them alcohol, that way you have a win win situation.
Because eventually you'll earn enough money from their alcoholism to move.
16 Apr 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Poland: Discrimination against foreigners in the housing market (Unofficial translation)
22/03/2013 - Poland - Polish
Posted by : Country Coordinator Poland
Poles do not want to rent flats to foreigners - according to the study conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs. The findings show that people who have flats to rent are three times more likely to refuse to rent them to foreigners than to Poles.

Interviewers - both Poles and foreigners - called about renting more than 400 (the same) flats in Pruszków, Warsaw, Lublin and Białystok. The results of the test were surprising. Foreigners were informed that the offer was out of date in 113 conversations, while Poles - only in 43.

Has anyone experienced this?
16 Apr 2013
Life / Question about obnoxious drunks in some cities of Poland [15]

How old are they?

Read the link news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4154711.stm
It explains how playing classical music often stops people from loitering

If this fails. Go to your local nightclub, speak with the Main bouncer, explain your problem and offer him a one off payment of 1000zl to clean the area. However..... if you choose this route tread carefully and select your cleaner wisely.
16 Apr 2013
Travel / Poland Baltic Sea holiday [30]

I ran a stall one summer on the coast at a place called Debki it was one of my favourite summers ever.

Debki: domki.nad-morzem.info/EN_bungalows_debki_okolica.php

Agro tourist holidays ;)
15 Apr 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

I had a student a few years back ( teenager), who use to reply with, " No ja nie!". It was hilarious, he combined Kaszubski and Polish.

This lad stood out amongst his peers, he was the thickest or the thick. His mother use to attend the classes with him and hang her head in shame as he was SO dense. What made it all the funnier was she's an Speech Therapist, " taught kids to roll their Rs", yet he sounded like he had rolled out of a barn. His father is very wealthy and owns a huge prominent business in the area.

So the kid has lots of cash and no brains.......
15 Apr 2013
Life / 2300 PLN is enough for living in Krakow, Poland? [12]


2300zl a month. You will not have much fun. Minimum to enjoy life is Polska after tax and rent/credit is 4000zl.
I have lived in Poland and my wife and I spent about 5 to 6000zl a month.
11 Apr 2013
Classifieds / Free Beer Brewing lessons in Tri-city. [9]

A simple clip to illustrate some of the hazards of home brewing.... I never knew it could be so explosive.

10 Apr 2013
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

My 5 pence worth.

The so called luxury flats which are often the apartments which foreign investors buy in too are completely overpriced, they distort the market median price since they are over inflated by owners and lenders.

rank and file localised small developments in the towns (not cities) have been selling for roughly the same price since 2008.
The market is deflating slowly, the IMF with its huge credit line and the huge sums from the EU budget 2014 to 2020 will all help the Polish economy to remain stable and lets the residential market regulate itself. Like a whoopee cushion squeezed slowly.

Property prices will continue to fall until 2015 a year after the first EU monies really kick in, then they will slowly begin to pick up and rise, accelerating when the Polish government announces officially it will take up the Euro in 2017. From 2017 prices will rise again until 2020....after that humanity is wiped out by a virus...who knows...
9 Apr 2013
Classifieds / Free Beer Brewing lessons in Tri-city. [9]

ok understood.

oh my God i must have sort of selective blindness, i've never noticed the ads before..........weird.... must be beer goggles... :)

So people anyone else up for free beer and DIY beer lessons in the Tri-city area.

Just to clarify the beer course isn't a one off date. They are ongoing.
So if you fancy learning how to brew beer and drinking some home made beer, please pm me and I shall send you the email address.

The courses are being run in the Tri-city area (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot).
9 Apr 2013
Classifieds / Free Beer Brewing lessons in Tri-city. [9]

woah, why have I got an advert on my Post. Advertising a website which is not linked to me. That is misrepresentation and hijacking my f*cking thread. Not impressed.
5 Apr 2013
Life / New to Poland (Bydgoszcz) - cost of living there [46]

Realistically if you can get 3000zl to 4000zl a month after tax, life will be comfortable. The majority of Poles have an income around 2000zl to 2800zl a month. If a Pole earns more than 15,000zl a month after tax they are classed as wealthy.
5 Apr 2013
Life / New to Poland (Bydgoszcz) - cost of living there [46]

so Rent. 30sqm new build between 850-1100zl pm not including bills

Bills> heating, water, tv,internet, telephone around 300zl a month depending on the season

Ground rent >if you are in a block of flats monthly ground rent will be between 50-200zl a month

Petrol> depening on how much you drive around anywhere between 150-300zl a week

Food> depending where and how you shop food bill for 1 person. 100-200zl a week
4 Apr 2013
Classifieds / Free Beer Brewing lessons in Tri-city. [9]

If anyone is interested in FREE beer brewing day courses (with beer tasting) in the Tri-city area, please pm me and i shall ask the organisers to email the details.

The courses will be starting over the next month. The trainer speaks passable English and really enjoys his job.
The company has just started and they are offering these courses at the weekends, there is no catch, the company sells home brew kits and all the products and equipment needed to brew beer at home. I think I am correct in saying that for those people who don't have the space at home or would like to use the facilities the company offers storage space for brewing, or hiding it from the wife i suppose :)

The good thing is after attending the course, if you feel it is not for you then you are not obligated to buy anything. I spent an afternoon last week, learning about home brewing and to be honest I can't remember much, However, I had fun and a hangover the next day. No i didn't buy the kit yet....but maybe!