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Joined: 2 Oct 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 12
Posts: Total: 101 / In This Archive: 74

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30 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I havent been in poland long enough to know, but it is my observation that here in australia things are getting worse. Try paying 45zl for a kilo of bananas, or even over 20zl for broccoli. Its cheaper to eat at fast food outlets than to buy fresh. Subjective opinion offcourse.
24 May 2011
Work / Some cold, hard facts about teaching in Poland for newbies [101]

Seanus: Pay peanuts and you'll get monkeys ;)
The reverse is also true

Pay Monkey's and you get Peanuts???

There's not a hope in hell of getting the same money in the countryside as in a major city. It will probably be easier to find work in a place of 25,000 people - but the money will be drastically less.

Well then the country seems easier to build a reputation in, less competition, less money but more potential maybe? I mean, you can make up by quantity. Charge 30zl/h working for a full time 40 hours a week over 1 month gets you 4800zl a month. Minus the 800zl tax you pay for just owning a business, minus the tax you pay on all profits (is it 20%??)...will get you 3200zl on hand, which is more than enough for a country or small town living...If you like that sort of thing.

Yeah, the drive for profits will result in breaches of contract. Newbies, take notice!!

I'm planning ahead for when I go to Poland next year. Will have CELTA. I'm more inclinded to offer private tutoring illegally to avoid all the Polish taxes. Is that bad? I mean, you actually have to pay 800zl a month in Poland JUST to have a business of your own PLUS all other taxes, I think its ridiculous compared to Australia. I've heard most businesses in Poland try to cheat the system anyway, so working on the side shouldn't be considered a terrible alternative....And it doesn't have to be for "beer money" or petty cash, I guess it would depend on your going rate and quality of lessons. Am I sounding logical here?
24 May 2011
Work / Some cold, hard facts about teaching in Poland for newbies [101]

So whats better?...

1) Private Tutoring
* Illegal (No Need to Pay Tax)
* Full Wages (No Brutto, just what you're paid for)
* Flexible Hours (for yourself and clients, you make the schedule)

2) Working for School
* Legal (but have to pay taxes)
* Stable Working Hours

(or does it depend on the City vs the Country?) Actually, I'm sure you'd get the same (roughly) wages in Warsaw to that of Puck. Country doesnt mean worse conditions right?
20 May 2011
Travel / What do you know about Torun, Poland? [30]

[Moved from]: Where is the drink/bar/club scene in Torun?

Anyone from torun? Can you tell me, where is the nightlife at? What parts of the city? Is it all in the stare miasto? All student bars? What location is the foot traffic nightlife at?

Many thanx!
11 May 2011
News / Juwenalia - holidays for students in Poland (updated) [20]

juwenalia in wroclaw doesn't seem to get the bigger names anymore.

Torun has got some popular figures this year... Myslovitz, Jamal, T-Love, Dzem etc.

For the next whole week there will be Juwenalia in Kraków. I live at AGH campus so propably I will share something with you. If I won't forgot:P

Will look forward to stories

Hey what happen to the stories?
11 May 2011
News / Juwenalia - holidays for students in Poland (updated) [20]

Juwenalia 2011 is Here! Its a shame I'm on the other side of the Globe :( Here in Australia we have "Schoolies" which is a Huge student party which takes place in a city by the beach. Police and Drugs everywhere because its more like a violent uncultured riot than a party.

Anyways I want to know more about Juwenalia. Who can share something? I'm particularly interested in the bad (for some reason, just to compare to our "schoolies").
8 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

how many times are posters going to repeat this ?

Lol I didn't even realize someone mentioned this before. I admit I skipped a few pages, because the topic is stale and repetitive and isn't going anywhere. I figure some (maybe most) people agree with this.

he was a political radical, of low social status, a heavy drinker and physically very unattractive.

Are you suggesting Kazik is the new messiah?

Yo not cool!
7 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Funny thing...

If Jesus was to come back to Earth, the last thing he would want to see is a Big Cross.
4 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

It IS embarrassing! The whole of Europe can laugh at Poland now. If I had any say in this, I would just throw in a gas bomb or two, so the crowd disperses, then move the cross somewhere to a cemetery. PLUS...to satisfy the rioters, give them all complementary crosses (i.e. rurzaniec). Problem Solved.
12 Jul 2010
Language / What does "TZN" mean? [6]

Hi after chatting with a girl she said this:

"może jakoś cię jeszcze spotkam. tzn musze."

What does tzn mean?

31 May 2010
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

people who settle for less than poverty wages and pretend to be happy

I know someone living in Australia who is early 20's, married, high paying job, brand new Mazda 6, and on the verge of buying a new home. In my opinion, he pretends to be happy. He lives the most BORING life as though he was in his 50's. Financially he is good, and I guess he is happy, but I could not live like that. I don't care about the car, money or house. When in your 20's you should LIVE!!! They're the best years of your life! Just like the previous guy who wrote about stealing potatoes to survive. On the other hand, thats an extreme.
31 May 2010
Work / What jobs pay 10,000 zlotych per month? and Where can i find one? :o) [101]

This topic has diverged from its initial opinions, however has caught my attention non the less. The issue at hand lies in whether someone will be happy with below minimal wage, or whether you need high salaries to be happy.

I recall someone mentioning materialistic mentalities, meaning something like "I won't even get out of bed for that amount". That's understandable, particularly for someone who has worked in high paying countries. I have the advantage of not-yet experiencing full time wages, as I've lived my life as a student so far.

I would summarize this thread like this: "If someone wants to make money, more money and only money, then work in UK, Australia, or US. However if someone wants adventure in life and to live in Poland, then they must sacrifice high salary". That's generally speaking. If I were to start a family, then I would rather earn higher salaries, though would not want for example my child to grow up with a Westernized mentality. Its really a trade-off I guess.
31 May 2010

that's from the west is the best

They certainly think that way. I'm actually trying to figure out why that is. It might just be psychological, in that anything foreign is better than domestic. However, 90% of the time this is false. Just people's perception I guess. I've personally had enough of western society, and need a change.

Incidentally, it sh*ts me whenever people refer to western society as developed, and the rest as developing. I can't stand the narrow minded perception that poland is a developing country, only westerners could have come up with that. no offense intended.
30 Apr 2010
Study / When is 'Matura Exam' in Poland this year? [6]

I want to wish good luck to a few friends of mine who are doing their Matura exams. Does anyone know when they start this year?

25 Apr 2010
Work / No English Speaking Jobs in Poland...At All? [34]

Sorry for late reply...

You speak English perfectly. What other skills that are useful outside of teaching/translating jobs do you possess?

I have software engineer background, BUT in reality I suck at it. My competencies include more business management attributes. Potentially marketing.

The only way you could do that is to be hired with an "expat contract" by an international company with headquarters abroad

Lwowska! that is precisely would I would love to do. I just find it difficult to find those companies, because they don't exactly market show themselves on praca.pl.

I know the software development lifecycle...thats quite technical, but I'm no programmer.

Additionally, chances are higher if Im focused on rare subject. Ive discussed the prospect of doing a PhD, with a lecturer friend of mine. Being a rare person who is specialized in a particular field COULD have its merits, when it comes to finding jobs in large compnies. Although Ive read on these forums, that they're a waste of time.
19 Apr 2010
Work / No English Speaking Jobs in Poland...At All? [34]

I'm fluent in speaking Polish, but I'm not confident enough to work 100% in Polish, because my vocab isn't as refined. I'm sure there must be some international companies in the Pomerania region./?
19 Apr 2010
Work / No English Speaking Jobs in Poland...At All? [34]


I need help and advice. I've been in Poland for the last 3 months, trying to find a job. I'm looking for an English speaking Job. Anything to do with the English Language, except teaching. I want to be in Pomorskie voivodeship. Ideally something in International Business field. There are no English speaking Jobs in Poland? how do you guys manage? help?

13 Mar 2010
Life / Food deliveries in Poland [18]

I'm kinda relieved to hear so many people disagree with me. I suppose its good news, because its always a business avenue to pursue. I was under the impression that people would rather eat-in then takeaway.

However I still think that (even with food insulators) the freezing cold would not make food last too long for deliveries. This would have to force deliveries to be fast I suppose.

But what about drivers...Give an employee a scooter and a pizza to deliver (within X km of base). This wouldn't work on highly snowy roads like we had recently. From a legal perspective, if a employee on a scooter slipped crashed and killed himself, then that would be the end of that business, and myself as a potential entrepreneur/owner.
12 Mar 2010
Life / Food deliveries in Poland [18]

So is Delivery or Pickup (say for Pizza) popular in Poland?

The way I see it, it isn't part of polish culture to takeaway or to have food (e.g. pizza) delivered. Its more of an Australian thing. Secondly, in winter the food would freeze before it got to the recipient.

3 Nov 2008
Life / "Londynczycy" - new Polish soap [62]

I thought it was gonna be a comedy. Still good though, and better than 'Tylko Milosc', 'Trzeci Oficer' and 'Twarza w Twarz'.