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Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 May 2010
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26 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

There are over 40,000 muslims in Poland now, which doubled since 10 years ago.

me thinks this is going on in every country in the world including the USA, the bottom line is you need to try it to get it out of your system and you have to do it because you have to do it. I don't believe finding work in Poland is not as easy as some make out and opting for a low paid job will not bring in a good lifestyle, you need to think how you are going to pay the rent, food and heating costs etc. If you have it good now, I doubt moving to Poland will better things, but I could be wrong.
25 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Flat prices in Gdansk Old town? [21]

I just bought a really nice house in NC for $149K. I don't need to tell you what you get in Poland for that money.

you might get a run down apartment in the worst street in town, don't forget Poland is not the USA, only the rich can purchase in Poland.
20 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

beezebud, try to think outside the square, think about what I say and then make a rational comment without insults, the point being most Polish students prefer a local Pole that some person teaching with a accent which nobody can understand, lets face it you will never really pick up a language unless your using it full time away from your environs ie living in GB/Ireland etc. Sorry but thats life.

PS Most foreign teachers in Poland are just drop outs who couldn't find work in there own country.
20 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

I agree that Polish nationals are better teachers in the English language than those from the UK/ Ireland etc, the point being that Polish nationals are better able to link the Polish student into the English language, teachers who have come from Ireland/UK are arrogant and think they know everything, they are barely able to put two words of Polish together, further they knock and criticize everything Polish, I know of one school where the Irish teacher was given his marching orders and students threw rotten eggs at him when he left in a haste.

Sadly Polish nationals earn less that the imports. it should be the reverse.

Not saying there are some good Irish teachers etc.
16 Feb 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

Positive news...Shows that Kaczynski does something right, or at least stays out of way on certain economic matters...What is Polish foreign debt?

your comments may go down well with the village idiot, but you may want to explain what has this government done so right, just look at the state of the hospital system, low wages, and housing affordability, the list goes on.
8 Feb 2010
Australia / Finding work on Prospective marriage visa, Melbourne ( subclass 300 ) [30]

Its not easy to come to a foreign country and expect to find income support and employment right away, I guess your boy friend should have done the home work and you would have been more prepared, having said that once you get married and have permanent status all will be more easier.

There is a Polish organisation which helps people like yourself you may want to contact them they are, good luck.

Level 1, 44-56 Hampstead Road, Maidstone, Victoria, 3012
Tel: (03) 9689 9170
Fax: (03) 9687 7446
E-mail: info@apcs.org.au

Sometimes you have to be patient, ensure all your qualifications are translated and recognised, you might also want to contact the Department of Immigration
(I forgot there full name) who will assist in getting stuff translated and help getting language lessons, these are all free.)

Like I say patience is the name of the game, you are living in the best city and best country in the world... believe it.

Unemployent is pretty low at the moment and it shouldn't be too hard finding a job.

(then you can start sending money and parcels to folks back home lol, (just joking)
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Cultural differences are no different to any other indiffferences as to why people split up. People split up because they are no longer compatible, irrespective of age, finance, nationality or culture

Its obvious your not married or rather not married to somebody from a different culture, some people learn the hard way lol.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Many people marry into different cultures, and they last a lifetime. This is quite a silly naive remark

I was making a point that with a cultural difference it can be difficult. I know lots of people who have broken up for this reason, open your eyes santander!
27 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

part very much
Today's men don't bother with that either. After my car accident a few years ago which left me paralyzed my "nice" little husband served me divorce papers as soon as I got out of ICU and after 2 months in the hospital he got a court order to not allow me back into my house.

sorry to bring this up, but this tells me that there was no love in the first place if he did this in your hour of need, was he Polish?
27 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]

Highlights the fact that people who marry into a different culture and language etc soon realise that after the honeymoon period it can turn out to be not a bed of roses. I wonder what the divorce rate is amongst mixed couples? I wonder how happy these people will be in retirement?

The rule of thumb is that if you relocate to another country and your standard of living increases then you normally are happy. If your lifestyle goes down then you will not be happy, being homesick becomes the first symptom.
18 Jan 2010
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Guys try it LEZAJSK very good PIWO trust me

I agree, its a beer that you won't be disappointed with, although most Polish beers are pretty terrible, EB was good, and Carlsberg (brewed in Poland is ok) I sometimes wonder if Poles enjoy there beer or drink for the sake of getting drunk.
12 Jan 2010
Australia / Polish Culture in Melbourne, Australia [87]

A lot of the profits went to local polish organisations, keep in mind that food at venues are always very expensive, a meat pie at the MCG costs about 9$, etc, no one is going to sell food at cost price.
12 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

I'm not surprised he's struggling on 3,500 pounds a month!

Well, I hear what you are saying, perhaps living on 3000zl in Poland is a struggle, look in every country there are people who do well, but the majority of people struggle to make ends meet and have to have a budget.
11 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

If you just go over to bunker away some money for 6 months, seems like a deal.

I doubt if any money saved over 6 months will have do much for you in Poland.

I'm earning £3,500 a month and I can hardly save money...

You must be supporting a drug habit.
11 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

Don't feel sorry for me, I was only commenting on a previous post, The point I was trying to make is that people in Poland hearing that somebody earns 400 pounds is pretty well off, if you take away living costs etc, he would be better off living in Poland. agreed yes/no
11 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving back from Canada to Poland, yes or no? [39]

yeah, and these people are living in places that I would'nt go near and living off scraps, the fact remains that the cost of living eats into any money they have made.

This is old polish mentality thinking, arrh he lives in Ireland clears 400 pounds, calculator out that is 7360zl arrh he must be rich, mayby I should go to Ireland.

A beer cost 7 pound in Ireland, in Poland it is 7 zl, I prefer Polish beer.
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Excellent post, at long long last has somebody made a accurate statement about income in Poland... not forgetting that living in Poland is great because it is Poland.
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Jonni it seems you are a good man, many a many people have told me you are blessed living in Poland, all those negative thoughts about Poland mean nothing, to live in poland you are truly blessed.
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

"Arise ye workers from your struggle".

thanks for your honest imput, mate the majority of poles struggle week by week, I must say that living in Poland you get something which money cannot buy, thats the whole secret why people like living in Poland.
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

It isn't exactly the peak of a glittering career either.

There are lots of people with a very high standard of education and experience who don't get 3000zl a month.

Give the number of expensive restaurants and bars etc, probably plenty.

Sure, I'm talking about the majority of people who get average income. Lets agree that in every country there are people who enjoy the good life day in day out, but the majority struggle week by week. the percentages ary from country to country.

Some people certainly did. I was a special ed teacher in a state run secure unit, hardly hedge fund manager wages, and had a great deal more 'wine, women and song' than here.

Well what attracts you living in Poland, I'm sure your Polish partner would jump at the chance of living elsewhere? and enjoying a better lifestyle
10 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

@ Bolek, sorry I don't get your point.

3000zl a month in hand is not a bad wage, a lot of people own there own houses and apartments and have no rent costs, for some people earning 6000zl a month is not enough. How many people living in England or the US are able to live the good life, they probally go out once a week and rely on there last dollar at the end of the month, no different in Poland. Some people think living in Poland is a life full of the good times, wine women and song, followed by plenty fine food, the reality is that they never had that where they had come from, why suddenly expect that in Poland?
10 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

People who say they are earning 3000zł a month to hand and claiming this is enough in major cities are talking c**p.

A lot of people earn more than 3000zl and if partnered they could be getting around 6000zl per month. The question is then posed is that how can people afford living in the new estate and renovated buildings around Warsaw, and who is driving all the new cars packed around Warsaw.
10 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

You should also ask where they live. Wages and cost of living varies a lot in PL.

Sure...it would be interesting to find out the cost/wages living in a small country town etc..

Thanks everyone who contributed I think people interested in living in Poland may have a idea of what to expect if living in Poland.

We still need more input from folks working for foreign companies and local people working for a foreign company.

One thing I forgot to mention was hours of work, are you able to work flexi hours, sick and annual leave entitlements and how much does the employer contribute to your superannuation. Penalty rates when working week end, public holiday and night shift.
9 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Jan 10, 10, 22:37 - Thread attached on merging:
Wages in Poland

A lot has been posted as to what people earn in Poland, a lot of trolls for some unknown reason have either inflated or made earnings in Poland very low. This tread is not for people who have there own agenda but for those who wish to help people who may be interested in settling in Poland now or later on.

I ask for people who live in Poland and are employed to give there honest account in want they earn ie cash in hand per month and what they spend on ie rent, food etc.

People who wish to talk nonsense please go elsewhere.
I ask for what you earn, type of work and monthly costs etc. thanks
5 Jan 2010
Real Estate / Is there a Real Estate bubble in Krakow? [60]

Do not ask me how the Polish people will be able to afford housing, I have no idea, any more than I have any idea why nearly eveything here is dealt with in cash purchases.

Thanks for your worthy input Avalon, your comments make a lot of sense, the question is that how will Polish people be able to afford affordable housing, it seems to me that people with foreign cash/income still see buying real estate in Poland as cheap, apart from fuel, gas and electricity everything else in Poland is cheaper, food for example is 30/50 cheaper than most western countries. Just my owns pence worth, I don't think there will be a massive jump in wages and pensions in the foreseeable future, there will however be ongoing increases in fuel cost, ie petrol, gas and electricity.

Is investing in Polish real estate worth it, Yes if you live in Poland, No if your a outside investor, I say this because of the red tape involved in doing any business transaction in Poland is a hassle and secondly the uncertain position of the Polish zlote, (it has lost 20% of its value in the last 18 months)

Overseas Superannuation funds will still invest in commercial properties as any loses could be used as a tax deduction.
Finally I don't think the younger Polish generation will take too kind to the fact that real estate and owning a house is beyond their reach.