UK, Ireland /
The truth about the purchasing of cigarettes in the UK [11]
Yes, in theory, they cannot impede your passage if coming from an EU country and using the "blue lane".
Have you read the hoverspeed case? It set a precedent whereby random checks are not allowed. Hoverspeed sued HMRC for a vast amount and since then random checks have been outlawed. Please read up on this and you will see. This now overturns the earler act of 79.
In fact, if you fail to do so, you'll be arrested for obstructing an officer in the course of his duties. Incidentally, because the UKBA now do both immigration and Customs - it could simply be argued that it was a second immigration check.
They can't unless you are under arrest but they need a legal ground to arrest you on.
Being arrested isn't going to work in your favour when you consider that such things stay on an enhanced CRB check.
What when you were arrested illegally? They detained you against your will. The UKBA often arrest ppl when they know they wont cooperated to avoid the convoy being recorded - FACT
UKBA cannot detain you in any cells for bringing ho,me as many fgs as you want for personal use. And they are infact detaining you illegally.
I suggest you acquiaint yourself with what the law actually says (as opposed to what a few internet experts say).
Please tell me what powers they have in the face of illegal detention??
Please listen to this video:
It shows how one man stood up to the UKBA crooks and got away scot free. This guy knows the alw delhi.
Incidentally, this same man now never gets pulled by UKBA because they know they're in for a rough ride. He got bored at not being pulled any more so now he's fighting his local governmetn about double yellow lines and is likely to win that case too.