rankalee 2 | 56 20 Aug 2012 / #1It is known, that many foreigners come to Poland, because they married Polish woman ... if Germany, Spain, Arabian countries, Gaza, Antarktis or Swaziland .. Polish women are everywhere on this planet.But my question is, why only male singles are moving to Poland, for work or to "start a new life"? Where are foreign girls?? Have you ever seen a foreign girl from Europe, America, Africa or Asia in Poland?I saw once in Bytom a black woman, I heard she works in a theatre. In Czestochowa I saw many foreign women, but they came as pilgrims to Jasna Gora.
milky 13 | 1656 20 Aug 2012 / #2It is known, that many foreigners come to Poland, because they married Polish womanyou answered your own question. Polish women are the magnet.
beckski 12 | 1609 20 Aug 2012 / #6Why are only male foreigners moving to Poland?Is this a personal observation or a fact?
OP rankalee 2 | 56 20 Aug 2012 / #7Personal observation, one great example is this homepage here ...well he didn't come for the 4 times lower salary.Poor guy ...