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Posts by dtaylor5632  

Joined: 2 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1998 / In This Archive: 1422
From: Kraków/Poland
Speaks Polish?: Spytałem rodziców i mogę iść na dyskotekę
Interests: Everything and anything

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30 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]

Do we Poles have any reasons not to be sad? Tygrys you claims that you are a member of polonia. How is it possible that you don't know the major polish cultural difference? We don't smile whithout reason and we can't comprehend why you do!

Well screw you all!!!!! :)

  • :):):)
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

If you have a problem with homosexuals showing the same level of affection as you would accept from a straight couple, you're a bigot.

Here here convex!
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

because some interest group of people decided that it wouldn't be an illness.

You mean every psychological body in the world?

Those who are flamboyant probably the worst type of gays since many of them are in fact not ones, but this is their "lifestyle" which gave them certain benefits.

Yes, in fact they are not gay, they just pretend to be in order to reap the benefits...

particularly considering that significant portion of the medical society still think it's a decease.

No they don't!

Money rules this world not the majority of people. You know it.

If money could "cure" gayness then you would see that a lot more investment would be poured into it. Unfortunately being gay is not a physical or mental condition that can be treated or cured. Any psychologist who says it can be, will only be attempting to brainwash over the fact and this will result in a lot more dangerous outcomes to the patient.

Ivan Petrovic from asylum thinks he's Napoleon and his roommate Boleslav Adamovic thinks he's Jozef Pilsudski...

Ivan might not know that there is something wrong, but a trained professional will still be able to diagnose him. A trained professional wont diagnose someone with being gay.

I think you're taking the P, you must be having a laugh:D

Yes, sir. :) I didn't say it brought stresses of their relatives to nought. But FYI one of its signs is apathy. Thinking processes are collapsing and patient stop to worry, slowly but surely turning to a "vegetable". Yes that's a nightmare for relatives but it can technically eliminate problems with blood pressure if there had been any before the decease.

Whatever medical journal you're reading from must have been written by someone smoking pot:D Wish you could come to my patients homes and tell them not to worry about their dementia cause im sure they wont be stressed about that!!! hahahahaha
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Or Alzheimer's dementia which on its early stages may even prolong life as it brings stresses to nought.

WTF! Early stage Alzheimers brings stresses to nought?! Maybe you ought to explain that to thousands of elderly who face day to day problems trying to cope, not to mention friends and family who must support them. Plus all the other outcomes that happen due to it.

On another point, Dementia is a recognised mental condition, being gay isn't.
30 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

just a tease and you know that I was referring to you kilt;). Wearing it actually showcases your Scottish legs quite well;), so I am all for it.

Hehe, well good thing its not icy outside then :D
30 Aug 2010
Life / Pictures of Poles [Everyday Life in Poland] [100]

you didn't like it? :)

Na, it was great :) I confused everybody on how to eat my langoustines though :D

Nice pics there, I might one day change my mind and visit Lodz...if you promise to keep the lodz girls from me :D
29 Aug 2010
History / When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed? [557]

I didn't know that...but great to hear! :)

Yep, it wasn't until "our" British king declared speaking it to be an offence punished by death that it died out. Nowadays its still spoken in the north west and is making a come back due to schools now having it as part of the language system.
29 Aug 2010
History / When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed? [557]

Which is why they don't speak English to this day.

Was in a local pub in Lewis the other day. They all turned to Scots Gaelic when they heard us talking English, many pints were had when I told them to stop being snobs in Gaelic :D

Sure they did...did they became part of Great Britain, speaking saxon instead of gaelic or whatever mainly or not? ;)

Not really. Gaelic only stopped being the number 1 language in Scotland about 300 years ago. It is still the first language of Wales and is now making a huge come back in Ireland too.
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Those interested in the problem of homosexual health risks and problems should read:

As I said before, you will find some sad individuals who will attempt to "scientifically" prove something is wrong about homosexuality. The one above is hardly anything inportant to read given its bias.

All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is NOT a mental disorder. Being unsure or uncomfortable about your feelings can cause anxiety and stress, which can sometimes cause physical problems like trouble sleeping, nausea and headache. Hardly sounds like anything to be worried about eh? a burden or strain on the health system eh?

Pol3....why are you so concerned?? If you have so much faith in your Catholic beliefs then why do you bother to even question others?
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Where is Davie ?

Im silently keeping quiet, waiting to see what u mean :P

Suppose a gay person comes across you and starts talking the whole godgiven time about the fact that you're straight? I at least would find that a huge nuisance after a while, wouldn't you agree?

I would find it rather a laugh. I know many gays, at work and some friends. The way I talk or behave with them is exactly the same as I would to anyone else. I still cant believe this thread is still going. Pol3 indeed sounds like a middle aged homophobe with a chip on his shoulder about something. He would be better just to come out and say exactly what he thinks. I'm sure no gay person or anyone else with a bit of sense could give a toss about his opinions though.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Don't forget taboo. Sth may not be the norm but not be taboo at the same time.

But taboo covers a whole new area. Just because people dont think its right to talk about gay people, that shouldnt interfere with what they think about the subject....i mean truly think.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I m just wondering why some people get offended by it - maybe its a case of "protesting too much " - maybe they are questioning their own sexuality ?

I hear the whole questioning their ow sexuality excuse a lot. But I don't buy it. Personaly I think its more to do with too things. 1.Being afraid of something which isnt the norm. 2. That it leaves questions unanswered in their own beliefs.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

For 1: The experts are still fighting over it what it is. I mean experts. ;-)

Not one bit of scientific proof. Plus anyone "expert" who says otherwise has most likely a hidden agenda.

You understand me in wrong way. Its the scientific research which provides that mothers hormonal abberation makes some fetus' brain parts develope in different way.

Not their sexuality.

Geeez did you folk do biology at school or did they not fit that into the school term cos they were too busy trying to rub sticks together?
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Never heard about "gene" of homosexualism. I rather heard about hormonal abberation during pregnancy which leads to homosexualism.

There is no homo gene neither is it a mental condition. If people gave as much effort to their own lives than they do sticking their noses into other peoples private lives the world would be a much more advance place.
27 Aug 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

must have something to do with finding the right shade of rajstopy to go with tartan.

Ah, though nothing goes on underneath ;) You're thinking of the English and that totally gay art of morris dancing ;)
27 Aug 2010
Life / You are Polish if... [433]

so Scottish men complain and wear skirts? OMG!

Hey, I know you love the auld kilt ;) :P

And trust me, I've seen what you Texans like to wear to wallmart!!!
26 Aug 2010
News / Poland's budget problems = Polish funerals [27]

They have been doing this cross (state) boarder stuff for a while, I just wonder if they have a better system?

I think if they are caught commiting any crime during that case all background checks can be done. If they are found not to have been paying, they can face a huge bill or lengthy jail term. Though my knowledge of this comes from watching too much Judge Judy....I love that woman!
26 Aug 2010
News / Poland's budget problems = Polish funerals [27]

What's the CSA?

Child Support Agency, those responsible for dealing with this kind of stuff. I would suppose the sensible thing would be for the Polish government to pay for the other parent, blacklist him with the amount he/she owed, then on their return force them to pay up. That would be sensible enough, though I doubt they would do it.