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Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12

David_18  65 | 966  
23 Aug 2010 /  #1
I can't believe that I was only my daughter's age when I gave birth at 12. I was called cruel names but I had to prove them wrong


Three sisters who gave birth at 12, 14 and 16 recently hit the headlines
wildrover  98 | 4431  
23 Aug 2010 /  #2
Council estate trogs...
OP David_18  65 | 966  
23 Aug 2010 /  #3
Indeed they are trogs hahahah.

But seriously how come that the teen pregnancy is so high in the UK?

Makes me sick to even imagine a girl pregnant at 12. Don't the parents have the right to force the girl to make an abortion? i mean she is only twelve...
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 Aug 2010 /  #4
Council estate trogs...

Chavs too.

And the annoying thing is that the UK has first-class facilities for terminating pregnancies, but she obviously prefers social housing and benefits.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
23 Aug 2010 /  #5
Good on her! I see she has made the first step up the benefit ladder! Learning at such a young age, makes me proud :)
KateLouise  - | 50  
23 Aug 2010 /  #6
don't knock all british girls, i wouldn't even dream of getting pregnant at 21 (current age) never mind 12! I think my mum would've skinned me alive. The point is british children are having sex as lack of something enjoyable and fun to do. My mum is a youth worker, and since her funding was stopped, and she closed a whole region of youth clubs, 7 of the regular girls have had children. When asked why they thought it was on an outreach schools programme my mum also runs, they say it has been boring with nothing to do since the clubs were shut down that they went to house parties, parks etc drank, used drugs and as a result became pregnant. Two were intentionally done to get housing under the uk benefits system. Currently three kids are in foster care looking to be adopted. Its sad but its true. You don't see as much in other countries because of the fact there is more for youngsters etc to do. You also don't get similar benefits in many other european countries, so it not as publicly highlighted by the media. If kids were less bored i don't think there would be as many teenage pregnancies.

Also not fair to highlight this on council estates. My early to pree teenage years were spent on a council estate, and not one of us from that estate have ever had babies yet. (all a similar age to me) we spent our time building tree houses etc. The estate i live on now in a tiny village is also ex council, and being from a tiny village with nothing to do you would expect high rates of pregnancies, but again they all find things to do, with the youngest mum from the under 25s being 21.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
23 Aug 2010 /  #7
But seriously how come that the teen pregnancy is so high in the UK?

because they throw a house and money at you...its the way to go if you have nothing else going for you in life...
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #8
Comparing with that, the very expensive price per term private school i went to (on a scholarship i might add, not saying we're loaded etc or trying to show off) there were only 30 kids in the whole of my year. Off that 5 of us (girls) were on scholarships. Out of the other 25 there were another 5 girls and 20 boys. Out of them 5 girls, who's doctor parents and lawyer parents funded their education, 4 of them left before GCSEs due to being pregnant. The other 5 of the girls (the scholarship kids as we were known, majorly disliked for being clever and being from council estates) completed a-levels and university without a single child in sight.
OP David_18  65 | 966  
24 Aug 2010 /  #9
because they throw a house and money at you...its the way to go if you have nothing else going for you in life..

Not a bad deal at all!!!

The point is british children are having sex as lack of something enjoyable and fun to do.

Not reason enough to be stupid and get pregnant at that age...

they say it has been boring with nothing to do since the clubs were shut down that they went to house parties, parks etc drank, used drugs and as a result became pregnant.

Wow a country filled with Crack babies. Lets pray that noone of those babies will get voted into the parlament when they grow up...

Currently three kids are in foster care looking to be adopted. Its sad but its true.

Indeed it's sad...

You also don't get similar benefits in many other european countries

How can a government be so stupid to encourage their teenagers to get pregnant?

4 of them left before GCSEs due to being pregnant.

How old were they?
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Aug 2010 /  #10
How can a government be so stupid to encourage their teenagers to get pregnant?

you tell me, they're distributing those leaflets in schools saying that sex is not just for reproduction purposes, but that it's also fun, pleasurable and good for your health ;D. lets get it on! ;D
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #11
One at 13, two at 14/15 and one right before GCSE's.
As for being a country full of crack babies, nobody even mentioned crack now did they, as it is marijuana is an illegal drug, and common around most of the uk. Habitual users find ways to deal it very cheaply in the north of england, and that is the drug i was referring to.

There is absolutely nothing more that could be done to worsen the state of this country if you did put crack babies in charge of parliament so no valid point there. Personally it may lighten a bit of the debt if britain started using crack babies. We could do a bit of dealing at G8 etc. The government doesn't encourage children to get pregnant. It brought in benefits which were designed to help people. What they haven't done through Labour or the Coalition Government is learn how to control the use of these benefits, and how to prevent benefit fraud. If control over this was learnt, and it was made so that you were better of earning than sitting at home on benefits, then more people would be out looking for work.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Aug 2010 /  #12
If control over this was learnt, and it was made so that you were better of earning than sitting at home on benefits, then more people would be out looking for work.

you know this, i know this, everybody knows this but those do gooders in the UK government choose to ignore it because the benefit scroungers are a big voting group. and then of course they have their human rights! apparently if you're depressed and lose your job, sex is the best cure and your local job center will fund you a trip to Amsterdam to buy a few prostitutes and relieve the tension. true story! ;D and then you wonder why Britain is so broke. don't even start me off on the Nigerians and Afghanis who live in million ££ mansions in UK becuase they have 20 kids or because they are asylum seekers, despite the fact they never even worked here. if the system like that is in place, can you blame people who come to Britian tied up to lorries just to get in?
OP David_18  65 | 966  
24 Aug 2010 /  #13
Habitual users find ways to deal it very cheaply in the north of england

Ok so scotland is the place they deal the cheap weed?

As for being a country full of crack babies, nobody even mentioned crack now did they

I don't think alcohol and cannabis is healthy either for a baby in the stomach... And when i say Crack babie i mean a "Drug babie" :o

Personally it may lighten a bit of the debt if britain started using crack babies. We could do a bit of dealing at G8 etc.


The government doesn't encourage children to get pregnant. It brought in benefits which were designed to help people.

And yet it encourage children to get pregnant!!!

If control over this was learnt, and it was made so that you were better of earning than sitting at home on benefits, then more people would be out looking for work.

Believe me when you just cut the benefits people will start to look for a job. All you have to do is to kick the little bird out of the nest, some will make it and some wont!!!
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #14
no i don't blame them at all. i work for a popular ferry company, obv no names mentioned, and the amount of people i have discovered when found on the car deck and we've just had to send them straight back, some have babies and everything with them. Its horrible to see, but since my country is already so overpopulated its hard not to understand why they come here. there is a severe shortage of housing, and genuine asylum seekers are being turned away. I was also on ship when the jungle was turfed out in calais. Horrible sights to see, and the dock was overrun by people trying to get on the ships.

Since when did Scotland become England ;)
And i agree with the nest theory. I just think it'd be a shame for the people who genuinely need benefits.
Could just imagine it at the G8 summit now lol britain, the drug dealers, french providing the munchies, and everyone picking on the germans :D
OP David_18  65 | 966  
24 Aug 2010 /  #15
Since when did Scotland become England ;)

4 countries in a Union mashed into something called the UK. Makes me so confused and frustrated!!!

Seriously wtf you live in a small island and still you manage to have 3 countries in it!!! Amazing what the mankind are able too!!!

I just think it'd be a shame for the people who genuinely need benefits.

Well we live in a faggot Culture where we have to take care of everyone. 60 years ago we didn't have anything called wellfare...

Could just imagine it at the G8 summit now lol britain, the drug dealers, french providing the munchies, and everyone picking on the germans :D

yea those poor germs!!!
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Aug 2010 /  #16
60 years ago we didn't have anything called wellfare...

We had a form of welfare 60 years ago - even 160 years ago. It was just harder to get.
OP David_18  65 | 966  
24 Aug 2010 /  #17
Please enlight me :)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Aug 2010 /  #18
We had a form of welfare 60 years ago - even 160 years ago. It was just harder to get.

and it should've stayed that way
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Aug 2010 /  #19
A lot of people think that way. The reasoning behind not doing it is child poverty. Even if the parents who claim the money are pond life, the children still need feeding and clothing. Though dole claimants always seem to have huge televisions and often cars.

Please enlight me :)

It used to be borough-based, until (I think) the 1930s or late '40s. In the C19 it was parish based, since the Speenhamland system in the early C19. There was always great stigma attached to claiming, except in times of economic depression, which the old system could never cope with.
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #20
welfare has a form in every single country. What i mean by welfare, is social services. they are the people who provide homes for kids etc. they need the money to do this. it is still a form of benefits!
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Aug 2010 /  #21
it is still a form of benefits!

This is true - they used to be administratively the same.
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #22
exactly. i think state welfare is still needed, however you are right in saying the modern form of benefits as in jobseekers, disability etc need to be abolished. would make a big difference to the state of our economy. especially if we got rid off all the benefit wasting "asylum seekers". before i get lynch mobbed i think it is good for us to have a multi-ciltural country, as long as people enter the country legally and actually work.
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Aug 2010 /  #23
i think state welfare is still needed, however you are right in saying the modern form of benefits as in jobseekers, disability etc need to be abolished. would make a big difference to the state of our economy

Yes. I used to have a council flat in Leeds (very nice, newly refurbished, three bedrooms) and in the block of maybe 100 flats, I doubt that even ten of them were actually being paid for by the occupants; everybody else was on benefits.

especially if we got rid off all the benefit wasting "asylum seekers". before i get lynch mobbed i think it is good for us to have a multi-ciltural country, as long as people enter the country legally and actually work.

I know what you mean. I don't think asylum seekers get very much money though, and most would prefer to work. Nevertheless, our welfare services are very stretched, and it's a shame when cuts are made to services for people born and raised in the UK in order to fund asylum detention centres etc.
KateLouise  - | 50  
24 Aug 2010 /  #24
I don't mind genuine asylum seekers, who actually look for jobs. illegal immigrants or illegal asylum seekers is what i was really talking about. I think they are huge drain on our resources. Just shows the Department of Work and Pensions isn't that great at realising when someone is here illegally!!
plk123  8 | 4120  
24 Aug 2010 /  #25
I know this is normal in the middle east.

it is not.. not at all.. jeez man.. it is more common in UK or USA then in the ME..

Don't the parents have the right to force the girl to make an abortion? i mean she is only twelve...

probably not, let's hope anyway.. as that is a double edge sword, at the least..

drank, used drugs and as a result became pregnant.

that is NOT how this works.. jeez..

they're distributing those leaflets in schools saying that sex is not just for reproduction purposes, but that it's also fun, pleasurable and good for your health

that can't be true.. is it?

And yet it encourage children to get pregnant!!!

no but some people do abuse the system..

Believe me when you just cut the benefits people will start to look for a job. All you have to do is to kick the little bird out of the nest, some will make it and some wont!!!

and then what? what kind of solution is that?

I just think it'd be a shame for the people who genuinely need benefits.

and that is what would happen all the time..

60 years ago we didn't have anything called wellfare...

actually yes it's been around just a tad longer then that..

the modern form of benefits as in jobseekers, disability etc need to be abolished.

wtf, why?
Skrymcz  - | 30  
24 Aug 2010 /  #26
KateLouise - you are wonderful. At last an intelligent voice in a room full of babbling, hate-filled idiots.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Aug 2010 /  #27
Three sisters who gave birth at 12, 14 and 16 recently

The one on the left gave birth to a Kurd.
plk123  8 | 4120  
24 Aug 2010 /  #28
so? kurds are people too..
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Aug 2010 /  #29
I mean probably she mixed with a Black and the result is close to a Kurd.But moustache will develop later.Anyway what is this craziness?How nice it is in Balkans.
plk123  8 | 4120  
24 Aug 2010 /  #30
I mean probably she mixed with a Black and the result is close to a Kurd

you don't know that.. you're just talking out your arse again. nice..

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12Archived