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Posts by kaprys  

Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / In This Archive: 938
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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29 Oct 2017
History / Adam Mickiewicz. What is his motherland: Poland or Lithuania? [93]

To make things more interesting, he was born in what is now Belarus. ;)
But IMHO he was Polish.

That odd feeling when someone paraphrases Mickiewicz's words to 'f*** yourselves' :S

BTW, just two days left to Dziady - cicho wszędzie, głucho wszędzie ;)
29 Oct 2017
Life / Your favourite Polish Music Album [25]

I know the thread is really old but ... Do prostego człowieka is awesome. It always gives me chills. Hard to believe it was written over 80 years ago. And Akurat's interpretation is great.
28 Oct 2017
Love / How common or culturally accepted is divorce in Poland? [43]

@johnny reb
Sometimes there are no easy ways out. Call me whatever you like but if a spouse is abusive and has no intention of changing, divorce is a way out. And it's not selfish. Especially when children are involved.
28 Oct 2017
Love / How common or culturally accepted is divorce in Poland? [43]

Many of you seem to forget the social aspect of divorce. It's not only about the religion. In the past even non religious people would think a marriage is for life. Even if a spouse was abusive.

Being non religious in Poland is not a new thing anyway.
26 Oct 2017
Love / The age of consent in Poland is only 15 [147]

Judging by the photos you posted here you look like someone in their late 30s or early 40s who has had too much booze or drugs.

Your posts about young girls are creepy.
Do Poland a favour and tell no one you're Polish.
Do the world a favour and get castrated.

Do I get a warning now for abuse at pedo forums ?
26 Oct 2017
Genealogy / Possible error of Poland's town's name [3]


That place seems more possible as 'z Gieraszowic' translates to 'from Gieraszowice'.
My initial thought was Geraszowice but the only results are in English concerning old Jewish records so that might be a misspelling.
Anyway it's either Gieraszowice or Geraszowice.
24 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Have you thought of coming back for good?
I did suffer from it when I came back. For the first few days I was like: why?
And my stay there wasn't that long plus I would get home for Christmas/Easter.
A lot of things have changed here since joining the EU. I'm gonna be told off about it but I'll say it - some of these changes are due to the EU funds. Also it's much easier to travel now so we have a chance to experience other cultures. We have changed as a society, too.

As for right winged parties, well, they seem to have more and more supporters everywhere.
24 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Whole families? I know men who went to the UK to earn some extra money leaving their families here. Some did return later on. Some took their families to the UK.

I used to work in London for a while but had no intention of staying and came back home later on. But Polish people I knew there stayed.

I know people who moved to Norway, Sweden or even Iceland. They're still there. And it's been over 10 years since the first wave of immigration.
24 Oct 2017
Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on... [197]

Your girlfriend sounds like most Polish women I know. Although, very few are actually rebels. They make their own money, they're independent, yet most of them are also very close to their families.

Actually, that's what I have seen since I was a kid. All mothers worked. They do take the maternity leave and then come back to work. I could see stay-home mums (nothing wrong about it) only in American films.

The difference nowadays is that there's more partnership in housework duties nowadays.
However, there's a growing number of whole families dependent on the social welfare, but that applies to both sexes.
23 Oct 2017
Classifieds / Trying to learn Polish language in Bialystok [16]

If any students don't know about esperanto, they shouldn't be allowed into any university. I don't know if that's the matura-to-bzdura generation or what.

Interestingly enough, he came up with an idea of a universal language as he had witnessed divisions between people in a multilingual community.
19 Oct 2017
Work / Doctor in Poland refuses to give sick leave for day earlier [3]

Legally he could have given you sick leave up to three days before visiting him on condition it was clear you were unable to work. It's hard to prove in case of the flu, I think. Anyway, I think your L4 form has already been sent to ZUS so I'm not sure you can do anything about it now. Just explain the thing to your supervisor and check what you can do.
16 Oct 2017
Life / Fascination of Poles with German Laundry Detergent [16]

So I'll just dig out this old thread I came across.
There are more and more claims that products made for countries east of Germany are worse in terms of quality.
There was even an article about it in the Guardian several weeks ago.
16 Oct 2017
Genealogy / Help finding modern city name in Poland [7]

Quite possibly. I have been there.
I like such riddles so I googled the surname from the document and there's a Malgorzata Mienko running a business (selling furniture) in Slawacinek Stary, gmina Biała Podlaska. She (or someone with the exactly same name) takes photos for the local news portal. I don't think it's a very popular surname (never heard it before) so you might be her relative.
16 Oct 2017
Genealogy / Help finding modern city name in Poland [7]


Siedlce is also in the area so perhaps it's the place from the first document.
'From Siedlce' in Polish would be 'z Siedlec' which might have been spelled like that by a non-native speaker of Polish.
16 Oct 2017
Genealogy / Help finding modern city name in Poland [7]


There's a gmina Biała Podlaska in eastern Poland. In the link above check the list of villages. There are two villages called Sławacinek Stary and Sławacinek Nowy. It might be the name from the second link provided as it starts with 'Sł' not 'St'.

The first document is too blurred or perhaps it's just my mobile but perhaps Sitnik fits?
Other Białas are in western Poland so they were probably under the Prussian occupation.
These are just guesses.
16 Oct 2017
Food / Typical lunch in Poland? [50]

It depends on the place but the price is usually somewhere between 4-7 zł per meal.
15 Oct 2017
Language / What is the difference between jeść and jadać? [10]

'Kaczma' - what a nice name for a restaurant. The person behind the idea probably can't pronounce 'r' or doesn't know Polish :)))))))))

Jem/Jadam kolacje w domu - I eat dinner at home.
Jem kolację teraz - I'm having dinner now.
Jadam kolację teraz is incorrect.

a native speaker of Polish here :))))
15 Oct 2017
Language / What is the difference between jeść and jadać? [10]

Jadać - to eat something regularly or at the same place np Kolacje jadam w domu. (I have/eat dinner at home)
If compared to English it expresses the simple aspect.
14 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

So even if they're paid the minimal wage, the monthly cost is two million zł? With little chance of succeeding? Do you seriously think that should make me happy?
14 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I hope they're doing it as volunteers. If they're paid, they're paid from my taxes so in fact we're spending money-not making it.
14 Oct 2017
Love / Are Polish Women cold and aloof? [249]

One's personality doesn't depend on their sex. Women usually seem gentler because of their looks. Polish guys are not that bad either when you get to know them better.

Spot on.