ma Polska pisarzy Koronnych i Litewskich
Good quote.
There was Poland - consisting of ziemie Korony Polskiej i ziemie litewskie,
similar to the situation today when we have Poland consisting of Pomerania,
Silesia and so on.
My grandparents, both from my mother's and my father's side are Górale Podhalańscy
(from Nowy Targ area) who have their own, very distinct culture, customs and dialect
that they speak, but they would never consider themselves "not-Polish" because of that.
Górale are Polish, just like Kaszubi, Wielkopolanie, Mazowszanie, Litwini, Białorusini
or Ukraińcy. They are all Polish.
The meaning of the words 'Polish' and 'Poland' is
much wider than the primitive,
troglodyte, 19th century nationalistic, limited sense that some people on this forum
are trying to promote. They have to give up their nazi-like, primitive, tribal thinking.
As for those Lithuanians who say that they are not Polish - I'd advise them to finally stop
living in denial and embrace their Polishness (in a wider cultural, historical and civilizational