Law /
Accounting in Poland, business venture [44]
You dont need masters staff to do that work -
my own accounting team is
- 3 qualified - all paid PLN 10k plus
- 4 others with degrees - mostly doing treasury/forex type things - paid 4-8k
- 5 interns (paid about 2000 per month but you could get them for a bit less)
- 7 with only secondary education but most who have been on a bookkeepers course (which I think is a few months). These are the people that do most of the actual booking and those are the people I think you can get for less than 3k
15 women. Occasionally some of them get pregnant but thats life and no babies eventually means no customers for anyone. Of the others I would say that if you can provide flexible time for people with kids and are understandng when their kids are sick you would probably get people willing to work for a few hundred zlots left.
szczecin would be cheapest place of the ones you mentioned also for office space etc. I think you might find it more difficult to find people at the higher competency level however.
anyway, thats enough free advice ! good luck with your venture