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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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15 Sep 2011
Travel / Is panhandling a common sight in Poland? [24]

They have to pay a fee at city hall and get a license just to perform here.

You think you got it bad? :)

I dont live in a mad town really,honest.... ;)
15 Sep 2011
News / Are Polish newspapers causing problems for Rom? [35]

I heard that it is relatively common in both Irish traveller and English gypsy circles to keep so called "dossers"

Oddly enough,now you mention it "dosser" couldnt sound more Romany if it came wrapped in a bandana with a gold earing in.......

But re the OP, Surprise surprise a paper called "Fakt" got its facts wrong,all acounts say Irish "travellers" ,considering the only travelling most of those twats have done has been a one way trip accross the irish sea to soft touch Britain.........
14 Sep 2011
Travel / Is panhandling a common sight in Poland? [24]

Beckski...... Please,dont call that poor lass with the Violin a Panhandler .....she's is clearly a Busker/Street Entertainer, a fine European tradition that goes back hundreds of years BC :)

If you go to major cities a lot of the time the street musicians will be from top Orchestras basicaly practicing with an audience :)
On an early trip to Krakow I was bored in the enth synygogue we had been dragged round that morning,wandered outside and had a game of footie with some urchins,right laugh untill as our group were moving on they all stuck out their hands and said " Money,Money,Dollars,Dollars", maybe not my finest PC moment but I just walked off saying Im not jewish or american ;)
13 Sep 2011
Travel / Any Hooters in Poland? [28]

You may get much larger tips.

Did you mean "tips"?

As for your shooting and friendly fire stuff, I literally have no idea what you are talking about.Anyone??

Wild stab in the dark....In GW 1 more Brits were killed by American "friendly fire" than Iraqi " Unfriendly Fire" ,and yet,come GW 2 again "we" are the second largest force after the US????
13 Sep 2011
Travel / Any Hooters in Poland? [28]

roosters in the centre square rynek in krakow

Im not Catholic,or Polish or Gay,but thats just sad :(
Unesco world heritage site complete with Tittie Bar.......its enough to bring out the second wave femminist in Jez Clarkeson...
13 Sep 2011
Travel / Any Hooters in Poland? [28]

What is, or are 'Hooters'?

I think our colonial cousins sometimes refer to Lady Bumps as Hooters, from a study of USA popular culture(for much benifit great republic of yorkshire) there seems to be a bar chain where ladies with large breasts and small behinds serve drinks to over excited students and over weight men in implausable sports wear.
12 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Any Polish looking for work in Birmingham UK? [17]

Appears the satirists are all out today.

What else can you do when you find out 25 men have been held as slaves,some for 15 years in chuffin LEIGHTON BUZZARD!!!! 8 of them have already discharged themselves from Hospital and are refusing to press charges.........................damn right,at the mo' pres charges against pikeys and sorry,your house or your aunties house is going to get pretty warm pretty fast......
12 Sep 2011
History / How do Poles feel about 10th anniversary of 9/11 [40]

IMHO its about time "they" left those actually affected to greive in peace. For a fortnight now every news broadcast has had some reference to it,67 Britons died on 11/9, for their families it must be doubly awfull,of course they will never forget,but to actually see the moments their loved ones died over and over and over again ,I just cant comprehend that.....

I cant of course speak for the US,but reading between the lines it seems a lot share my view,leave the victims in peace and stop using it as a rallying cry for more young americans to be sent to die in far off dusty countries.
11 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Im probably not the only person on here to have gone to the funeral of a victim of a drunk driver,so Id hang back on the judge judy bollox.

So,what was your friends excuse then? Been drinking the night before,had to get to work...... or,been drinking,suddenly his wife goes into labour and the ambulances were on strike?
11 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / We live in the UK; my husband is not legal in England [47]

Dont get me wrong, on a human level I feel sorry for this lad. Ive stood on a hill in bedfodshire and looked down on YarlsWood ,well,lets face it,concentration camp.

The Border agency bastards slung a 15 year old Kurdish lass in there on her own a couple of years back,she'd lived here for over 10 years,did really well in high school....nah, fek her they thought,easy target,make up the numbers,heartless cnuts, them and bailifs,proof of the banality of evil.
11 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

brilliant, so there would be no space for other criminals.....anyway, if you knew the facts you would not call my friend a scumbag. Thanks.

screw "the facts", the only facts are there are these things called TAXIS...............Oh,and feet.
11 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / We live in the UK; my husband is not legal in England [47]

How does someone who is not legal in this country manage to get married in this country? Crazy stuff...........call me old fashioned,but,if I didnt have a pot to p!ss in or even the means or legal right to buy a pot I think the last thing on my mind would be getting married...must have been a kicking reception party...........brutal truth, you are well shot of him love.
7 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

Thats is the reason dear children and all not to take drugs they eat your brains out as above example shows....

Why should lithuanian kids be taught in Polish in Lithuania? If they are Polish why dont they move to Poland? Im sure there is room with all the Polish people that still live around here,and whose kids go to school and speak English,being in England.
6 Sep 2011
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Native American Genocide

Better not Google 10th US Cavalry then matey.....Oh no,wouldnt want you finding out that after the Indian Scouts (for proof of effectivness see modern US Army rangers insignia) the best people at wiping out Natives was ,again, Black fellas,with hair like "Buffalos" ,ring any bells woy oy oy woy woy yoy oy yet?

African Slave Trade

One tribe of Black fellas selling members of other tribes of Black fellas either to tan fellas or pinky/white fellas....your point?

Or how about the attemted genocide of one lot of Black Nigerians by another....come on, "Whitey" is not the only one to get the devil inside him now and again....

you would be far better attacking American, English,

WTF have I got to do with something my government outlawed in 1807 FFS?!?!?!? Why should I feel any guilt ? I aint got no nigra in a shed at the end of my garden...............
6 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Meet me tomorrow in BÅ‚onie grassfield opposite the Cracovia Stadium

He'll be the one in bandana and silly mid 90s looking crakovia fishing hat................oh,wait,that was Ross Kemp.....

Don't ever go to Nottingham or Sheffield then, they'll call you "me duck" there! lmao

Thats nothing flower, they still call you Petel in Donny :)
5 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

No, only those who choose to move to Poland and spend the rest of their lives in Poland should speak Polish,anyone outside Poland has absolutly no need to learn Polish in any formal way.Certainly should not be tax payer funded outside Poland outside of say one hour a week in school.
3 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

Isthatu - you with their mediocre comments about the city which do not know

A city I do know well Moania,and one I love, probably becaause I was lucky enough not to meet you....

However your personal campaign against me shows that you are a little man with a big mental problem .

Another trait of some city folk,like Moania is a highly inflated ego alongside which can run persecution complexes.I think its something to do with all those crowded trams and sharp elbows.

And finally you Pipa, you rule with your stupidity, I advise you to leave Warsaw

And that was the news from our Warsaw reporter Moania Vacheska, always a warm and friendly welcome from the locals will be extend to all.

Strange how all Moanias little paranoid personal attacks on people stay on this thread but all the counters by those IT has insulted end up in off topic...........as Moania would say ...." Its the jews wot done it" ,of course,she'd be bonkers as usual....
2 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

The grasping middle classes are always the first to try and hide or denegrate their roots.......its funny really because the genuine "upper classes" absolutly love finding scandles and skeletons in exquisite regency cupboards ;)
2 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

Lols, I wonder if he knows his neighbours names yet ????
Australias a funny place,you either seem to "get it"and the people "get you" or its just an epic fail and a long flight back to blighty ,sort of like one huge Yorkshire market town,but with sunnier weather and kangaroos....:)

But,back on topic, though it did sound a bit inflametory tbh..... again, the "rootless peasant" bit sounds harsh and judgemental,but,in reality ,from what I gathered its just a sad fact of post war life,the country side was drained of young people to re populate Warsaw :(
2 Sep 2011
Life / People living in Warsaw are rootless peasants! [41]

Sure about that? If so, you certainly don't show noblesse oblige.

Well said that man.
But......Warsawians I know,with pre war history in the city do often say that the heart of Warsaw was lost after the war and most people they now know are from further afield ( in the way I am considered an outsider in my small town for having been born else where and only arriving aged 18 months...).