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Posts by jonni  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 2475 / In This Archive: 1607
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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1 Oct 2010
Food / No Vernor's ginger ale in Poland? [29]

almost every bar in Poland will serve you Jameson or JD

Yes. And usually Johnnie Walker too. AusieSheila is a kind of troll, who by her own admission has only spent a holiday here. In my experience, pretty well every bar in PL stocks whisky.
1 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Location of Berkynek in Poland (where my Kicki ancestors came from) [14]

"Berkynek" doesn't sound polish.

It certainly doesn't. The 'Berlinek' mentioned above is a possibility, but it is a small place and documents are more likely to have the name of the nearest sizeable place. My money would be on Barlinek, in what might have been called "German Poland", between Poznań and Szczeciń. Here's a link to the town's website: barlinek.pl
27 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterday [62]

And, if you did, it wouldn't be in Ireland, right?

Actually it might or equally might not. But I've done farming and dislike it.

Your diagnosis?

A doctor's presumably - I only go on what has been written on this forum.

Clue:exchange Jewish with "White" or "Anglo-Saxon"

But still there isn't much of a point there - worth remembering too that Tony Blair has talked quite a lot about his heritage.

Sure, every enlightened being knows the sun remains at a temperature devoid of variation.
Besides, a global climate tax scheme would have averted the last ice age some years ago.

Pure comedy!

Not at all. Now, show me your papers. You know, "regulations"...

You mean the kind of papers that Poles have to have? Fortunately, despite the US gov'ts best efforts, British people do not have to have papers.
27 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterday [62]

and it obviously made an impact on you.

Yes - it moved me to correct the deliberate untruths.

I'm for less govenrment, monocultural societies and restoring the old ways of honesty and integrity. It's what built up our great civilizations.

Apart from tme "monocultural" thing (in a country of 60 million people??!?) I largely agree with that statement.

I kind of put everything out there from a personal aspect

This is largely the point - you have accused the man of being a Marxist, you posted lies about his family, you impugned him on the grounds of his ethnic background - this seems par for the course, however some people reading your nonsense may actually believe it. This is how ugly rumours start.

You also claimed he held the political views of his ancestors (maybe transferred by some sort of osmosis), and when questioned, evaded the issue.

Get a fekking life and put your own words out there!

Plenty of my own words here!

More regulations, less freedom, you know...leftist, marxist, islam politics that you seem to adore

Can you back any of that up? No. It's obviously your "own words"!

You're the real hater, and you know it. Now bugger off.

To hate only hatred itself. Though I'll remind you of your comment

you see, I don't just go after muslims but other third worlders too

I just don't care what you think

This is clear - by the way, can you categorically state that you despise every point of Nazi ideology?
27 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterday [62]

And considering his family history....

And that is all you consider. Do you think a highly-educated career politician is limited to sharing the views of his or her ancestors, or are they perhaps capable of actually forming their own views?

"he is far from being a Marxist, but he respects his parents' values"

Your quote proves my point.

Sam Miliband is said to have left Poland after the First World War, which ended in November 1918. He supposedly became a leather worker in Belgium and then returned to Poland to join the Red Army under the command of Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in 1920.

What can this possibly have to do with someone born in a different country, fifty years later?

Dead corpse of Poland....what a nice grandfather.

Show me one piece of evidence - even half a piece, that proves or even suggest that his grandfather said that. By even your own admission, somebody else said it!!

That if Tony Blair said the same things Miliband said, just exchanges "Jewish" for "Anglo-Saxon", then he wouldn't have become the Prime-Minister of Britain.

How would you know? Pure idle speculation - and remember Britain had a Jewish Premier over a hundred years before, and the number of Jews holding high office in the UK proves that the public are not overly bothered about whether someone is Jewish or not.

the global warming brigades

What is a "global warming brigade"? Can you give evidence that a military brigade exists? No. And do you deny climate change, just as you deny the Holocaust?

Less regulations, less governement equals freedom, jonni

Freedom from what? Anarchy? Chaos? Lawlessness? By the same reductio ad absurdem, we may as well abolish the police.

But maybe it's hard for someone who admires more rules, more control

Show me one post out of the hundreds I have made here over the years that "admires more rules, more control".

I'm a diagnosed nutter

By your own admission, yes.

you defend your marxist hero.

Neither Marxist nor my hero, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your medication-induced, race-hate filled fantasy - if you did, it would be a first.
27 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Ed Miliband, new Labour leader, talking about Polish immigrants yesterday [62]

that surfaced time and again in the Miliband family in the past.

Don't know what someone's ancestors have to do with the price of fish. Mine were farmers in Ireland but I don't get sudden urges to plant potatoes in the garden.


Well, he is Labour rather than Conservative, so what do you expect.


Any proof of that? Thought not! Nonsense from a diagnosed nutter as usual.


And your point is?

global warming

And I'm very pleased to hear it - climate change is a serious matter.


Does it surprise anyone that a legislator should be involved with regulations?
24 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Struski/Malek - Can Anyone help me find out my ethnicity? [8]

i know im polish, im just wondering what sub ethnicity, like ruthenian,gypsy, white russian, jewish ( god forbid id kill myself if i was ) etc.

Forget killing yourself, better start Hebrew lessons and growing pejsy:

JRI-Poland Siedlce PSA Surname List 1 Gru 2001 ... The following is a list of all surnames contained in the Jewish registers ..... STRUSKI STRUSMAN STRUSZEWICZ SUBBOTA SUCHODOLSKA SUCHODOLSKI

Matzel Tov!
8 Sep 2010
Life / Newspaper ad-what is the major Polish newspaper, maybe similar to the New York Times? [13]

Gazeta Wyborcza is the biggest-selling serious newspaper (not a tabloid)

This is true. Fakt and SuperExpres sell quite well - they are closer to the New York Post in style.
Dziennik is popular, and Polska has the same owners as the NY Times. As Szwed w Polsce says, Rzeczpospolita is conservative, though paradoxically the newpaper of choice for many of the communist-era elite.
8 Sep 2010
Life / How to Politely Refuse a Drink in Poland [72]

How to Politely Refuse a Drink

1. No thanks, I'm a recovering alcoholic and after one sniff of shandy I won't stop until I've smashed the place up.
2. No thanks, I've got a dose of the clap and it'll interfere with my medication.
3. No thanks - maybe in a while.

You shouldn't worry. A lot of people in PL don't drink at all, or very little.
8 Sep 2010

selling off the organs of anyone they kill with this stuff.....!!

If they've already shot them dead, the only people who'd want to buy the organs are cannibals.
7 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

If I could remember I would. My local shop stocked it for a week or so, but didn't sell much. They were on TV not long ago - a young-ish couple run the farm, and they won a prize in France, but unfortunately I can't remember much more.

If anywhere in PL stocks their stuff, it would be Piotr i Paweł.
7 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

Poles tend to eat rather bland food generally and add a lot of salt.

Very true

hat is surprising as Polish dairy is some of the best in the world.

Not so sure about that - the Polish dairy industry is heavily industrialised.

Cheeses here cannot compete with Irish/British/French/German cheeses

One farm makes a range of real (i.e. not factory-made) cheeses. They have won prizes and their products are good, but mostly they export - there is little demand for good cheese in PL.
7 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

Most of them are not Poles; they are PolAms, which is not quite the same thing, and is something to be proud of in its own right.

My own roots are Irish and Scottish, surname included, but strong though my roots are, I am neither of those things and can't really be completely either without actually living there.
7 Sep 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

You would be surprised if you saw how many women let me touch them often intimate after half an hour of picking up.

Remember to take them out of the box and inflate them first making sure your fingernails aren't sharp.
7 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

he has admitted on this forum he is not a native speaker.

Nothing about his style of English suggests that.

anything else jonni?

Yes! How that or anything else would lessen the impact of anything he posts here?
7 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

So what does this have to do with people having the soul right to trace their ancestry?

Nothing. I'm not sure what you mean by "soul" right, but people always have the right to cherish their family history. The comment was about mediawatch saying that this forum is only for ("applies to") people of Polish descent; it is not. Some of us have a more direct connection than just ancestry - we live in PL and have made our lives there.

Delphiandomine lives in an apt. rent free, does not have a family here, works part time as an English teacher

How would you know that kind of stuff about someone?

He is not a native speaker of English

Everything about his textual style suggests your comment is untrue.
7 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

This is the PolishForum and it applies to issues and topics of people of Polish ancestry inside and outside Poland's borders.

Or equally it applies to matters concerning the European state called Poland and people who live there and wish to discuss it in English. Regardless of their ancestry.

As for Poland, I have relatives who live there and my parents have been there many times.

Some of us live there right now (like Delphiandomine), own homes, pay our taxes, raise families, own businesses and are either eligible for or have already taken permanent residence or even citizenship. But aren't of Polish descent. Others just sit in the New World harking back to their families' past, while some of us have a connection with PL stronger than mere ancestry.

You don't earn any money in Poland because you are a Russian American in America in his basement who is only putting on a phoney act about living in Poland.

That's just a nutty thing to say.
6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

There's 500 million in Europe.. what percentage is actually Muslim? Is it even 10 - 15%?

Far fewer than that.

two-gender role models


You keep on mentioning homosexuality - obviously it occupies your mind rather a lot...
6 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

Are you joking? There's plenty of research that shows that pickled and fermented foods are amazingly good for you.

And huge rates of stomach cancer in central and eastern Europe - basically in Europe's wędliny and ogórki belt.
6 Sep 2010
Food / Is Polish food still more natural than in the West? [142]

I think one of the ares where Polish meat excels is the amount of cured and marinated hams, you are truly spoiled for choice.

Yes and no. There's a huge choice, and the best of it is excellent. But the worst, and even the mid-market stuff is truly unhealthy.
3 Sep 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Gays also suffer from depression and anxiety and other mental/ emotional problems at higher rates than the general population.

And so what?

So there certainly would seem to be a clear link to mental illness.

People in cities also suffer from depression and anxiety and other mental/ emotional problems at higher rates than people in the countryside. Are you going to suggest treatment centres for city dwellers?
3 Sep 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

So educate me what is the fertility rate within homosexual unions?

Why do you think what you call "homosexual unions" are in any way relevant? Maybe something about the number of people who identify as homosexual but who are or have at some time in their life been in heterosexual relationships?

Any links to stats on naturally occurring male pregnancies?

Tell us, Derek, why you think "naturally occurring male pregnancies" are relevant to your point. Or do you think all homosexuals are male?
3 Sep 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Except, Derek, you failed to mention that neither homosexuality or heterosexualty have the slightest bearing on fertility or lack thereof.
3 Sep 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

You're too angry and shrill

Neither angry nor shrill :-)

You're just looking to fight. And you don't matter. Now run along.

And that statement says rather a lot about you.

In any case, you've made some pretty extreme claims, and when asked to justify them, you've refused to, since they are errant nonsense and can't be backed up with anything concrete.