Well, here the next one comes. First he says this:
Growing up a child of the sixties in America it was natural for me to abandon my ethnic roots in an attempt to fit in with the cultural and sexual revolution.
Then come the doubts:
As our nation proceeds toward revolution I try hard to understand what events and attitudes have precipitated our demise. Ironically, I look back to the sixties and recognize there that the seeds planted have sprouted into a jungle of corruption and vices against which I was warned as a child.
Then follows a lot of blahblah...Muslims bad...blahblahblah...US down the drain...And so forth. Then comes the redemption:
In Poland I felt as if I had returned to my childhood. There was evidence of an influential church everywhere I went. From seeing priests and nuns walking down the street to rosaries hanging next to the bus driver, evidence of a vibrant faith were indisputable. To me those were some of the most comforting experiences of the past decades of my life.
And now the evil lefties and progressives, which joys he claims to have enjoyed as a child, have turned into evil Golgothans and get their turn as they want to destroy the Church, but look at all the thing the Church has done for us:
I realize that in Poland, just as in every nation, there are those whose hatred toward the Church, and toward Christian faith is relentless as is their determination to destroy both.
I could respond to all this, but I get too much of a "
Touched By An Angel"-feeling with this post of yet another individual who wants to turn the clock back some 200 years. So I won't.
M-G (busy - afternoon coffee-break)