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Posts by dtaylor5632  

Joined: 2 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1998 / In This Archive: 1422
From: Kraków/Poland
Speaks Polish?: Spytałem rodziców i mogę iść na dyskotekę
Interests: Everything and anything

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9 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

It seemed like inadvertent rape.

Its a strange one that, is it inadvertent rape if you both are fecked on drugs?

Moderation and balance, the key words here. I'm on the legal stuff tonight, Polish honey krupnik :) :)

It is untill your the poor sod whose body reacts badly, then its just you puking blood and having your bowels explode at the same time, let the doc pronounce you dead after that ;)
9 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Why Manchester rules over Warsaw :) [65]

Manchester has nothing against Krakow. Though Warsaw is a really crap city, you would have to compare it to Bristol.
9 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

''Just saying no to drugs'', with out any knowledge of what it means seems unrealistic to me. I would prefer to be informed about something and then make an informed decision rather than just blindly saying no.

What I mean is that if you "know" its illegal and it can have harmful effects, then its better just to say no. How many people really know what an E or some speed contains? They know enough to say that the drugs can give a certain high or much needed energy, but they also know that it can have more harmful effects. This is why I believe that all drugs should be legal, that way there can be some regulation on what is in them and takes away the power of the dealer. Who for profit would mix all kinds of stuff with them.

This to me would seem more of a warning about the impurity of street drugs and lack of discussion/education about the various forms of drugs than anything else.

Exactly, as a Psych nurse I've seen some fecked up cases.....did it stop me a year ago...no. But then again im a great nurse but a crap patient :D
9 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

but what's your attidute now?

As the old saying goes, "just say no!"

They aren't worth the risk to your health. You never know truly what you could be taking and the consequences could be fatal. (My professional head).

My normal head would say, its up to the individual if they want to take the risks.
9 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

Interesting thread. I'm against all illegal drug use professionally but when I was 14-17 I did try out many things. Much to my disappointed speed and cocaine had no affect on me. Apart from making my penis turn into a shrimp(the speed). Hash just made me sleepy and hungry (which at that age i was normally) but I took E's when clubbing. Last summer in Krakow at a rave festival I got hold of a bag of E's. I gave them out to friends who had begged for them. They all took one expecting to be mad with it. I found I had to take at least 5, so I think they are a lot softer than in the UK. Cocaine is mixed with all kinds of sh1t in Poland. I never tried it personally but tasted a bit on the tip of my tongue to see the effect. Wasn't much so i guess it was a waste of time :/
8 Oct 2010
News / Poland 2050? What will happen? [60]

muslims and Blacks in the big cities and Warsaw.

how did you know they were muslims?

I am sure Poland will get more technologically advanced.

Poland is more technologically advanced than the rest of Europe.
8 Oct 2010
Life / Can you buy de-icer in Poland? [11]

no, they love the ice on their cars in Poland, makes for faster driving...

Of course you can.
7 Oct 2010
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

she is not better or worse then any other man.

Well thats just bollox, she must be better or worse than some man, or else I'd be in the job!
7 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

Is this another one of Polonius3's threads about "lets have a bash at that religious group?"
I find it funny that his beliefs need to be backed up by poking his nose so much into other people's lives.

JWs are like anyone else, some are nice, some are not so nice (thanks Seanus I've been using that line quite a lot recently) but who really cares? Polonius3? why?
7 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

The Polish Princess wants poor "Misiu" to read her mind.

Hey, I would go as far as to say they also want you to be able to read the minds of random animals. My ex blamed me for not knowing that a seagull was about to swoop down and eat her hot dog :/

As for the rest, I would agree that a bit over the top and try to be controlling quite a lot, but hey, if you are a big enough man then you don't need to put up with it.
6 Oct 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]


They're not many movies with Krakusy in them...but the Krakowians are stingy as hell like. I always noticed how they like to show their wealth by buying themselves the most pointless sh1t...:D
5 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

Alcohol and tobacco bans? Caffeine bans? That's a bit insane.

Can't ban them, they will just go underground and that's much more harder to regulate.

I personally think all drugs should be legal. That way they can all be regulated and anyone stupid enough to experiment with them will pay the price. Plus it means that the crime aspect of drug-dealers ect will fade away.
5 Oct 2010
Life / How Long Before Poland Has Its 'Dumbest Generation'? [84]

Can be difficult, but its a job and my job is to make sure my patients have the best out of their circumstances. At the end of the day, with the money they spend to end their lives, they must have nothing but the best.
5 Oct 2010
Life / How Long Before Poland Has Its 'Dumbest Generation'? [84]

One of my friends is a Psy Nurse and I know its not easy.

I guess a lot depends on the team you have around you. I was lucky that I have a good team, who sometimes disagree with me, but in the end do what I say when the benefits show with the patients. Im inbetween 3 jobs at the moment. D/M at a hospice and also over-seeing 2 other places.