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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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10 Oct 2011
Language / Polish insult that sounds kinda like " e sha vees ta" ? [16]

Sounds like they spoke fluent Russian when they arrived TBH.

/\ cont' or maybe a touch of Ukrainian (?) ,were they from the east of Poland?
I love hearing all these old hidden dialects that seem to have largely disapeared in todays Poland :)
9 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

If she goes out with a guy from a different country, it is unusual and slightly exotic

Well, yes, it is, I certainly felt that way....remembering this was pre 04 and when I introduced her to people she was the first non British Pole many had ever met :)

I guess what Im trying to say is it works both ways really.
ps, it wasnt all that long ago btw :)
9 Oct 2011
Travel / Do I need an invitation to enter Poland as a tourist? [53]

you are not welcome here

WTF do you mean "here"? Your location is given is Sheffield,last time I checked that was a No78 bus ride away from me....not Poland,Yorkshire, easy mistake though these days with all the Skleps....
9 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

they have a inferiority complex and want to show friends and relatives that they have 'moved up' in the world,

Well that explains the Catholic daughter of minor nobility going out with me back when I was a penniless agnostic student then. Thanks for clearing that up, she was with me to look good in front of her highly educated middle class business owning family.... :)
6 Oct 2011
News / British man prosecuted for raping teenage girls in Kraków [47]

Poland has no checking system at all and is doing nothing at all to introduce one. This will have entirely predictable results.

is the key to this two words? The Church.....
Honestly,it puzzles me, in a nation where a friggin embryo is seen as some sacred form of life to be protected by draconian laws and outdated ideas of morality and pregnancy is an illness,where the kiddies are coddled beyond belief that,come a certain age they are just cast out to the wolves with parents turning a blind eye to dangers.

Is it a worry that if checks are carried out far to many people will be implicated in cover ups?
6 Oct 2011
Life / Can any young Poles can still speak Russian [25]

To a non native who speaks some Russian and some Polish it seems strange that Poles claim to be so bad at understanding Russian when it is clear to the non native that often there is only a slight difference in pronunciation.

But,I guess this ties in with Poles finding it difficult to understand non natives speaking Polish without a pitch perfect accent. In short, Poles dont really do accents/dialects.

A few years ago I was with some mates from the Warsaw area and put on a Gorale CD, they were convinced it was Slovakian ,claimed not to understand it untill they listened really carefully and read the CD case :)

Its funny though because give a reasonably inteligent Pole any non Slavic language and they usually master it pretty well .
I wonder how much of it is still a hang on of,frankly,choosing not to understand Russian?
6 Oct 2011
News / British man prosecuted for raping teenage girls in Kraków [47]

And while my fellow Britons are smugly touting Background checks as the answer may I remind them of the fully background checked women caught fiddling with young children in that Portsmouth Nursery? CRB only goes so far. All they really mean is you have a clean record,plenty of people dont get caught,no record.

To the tit who seems to think only expats are a threat, yes,of course,no Pole would ever do anything perverted would they......
3 Oct 2011
Travel / Early churches (built 700-1000 years ago) in Poland? [25]

Youve got to love early christian buildings.fascinating and gorgeous too.

All I can say is wow. It's sometimes not easy for me to grasp the idea of a building being over 700+ years in age. In the United States, we may consider existing buildings age 200+ years, as being extremely old and rare.

Nwah,thats so sweet :) My local church was completed in the 1090s on foundations of a church that had been there a couple of hundred years already :):)

  • St Nicks
2 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / Polish man's visit a nightmare - Welcome To Canada [65]

I wouldnt worry about legends criteque of American TV (seeing as most of the best stuff is made in Canada anyway...) as someone who isnt even a native of Canada who hates everything about the place but still doesnt move home to wonderfull Polska is obviously a couple of cans short of a 6 pack.....

and lols at making french the national language for all of Canada....get over it froggies, you lost in the 1750s FFS, enough already with you thinking you have some moral superiority over anglo canadians,all your ancestors did was invade and colonise the indians lands a few years before the english got there.....
1 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Culture shock (my neighbours in the UK are Polish and Slovak) [88]

Our slovak neighbours are tanned as is the czech guy and yes my dad paid him initially so he come back next day and waited by gates, so perhaps a chancer?

Roma.... they make Pikeys look like,well,not pikeys :)
From a country boy who has lived in the smoke.... seriously, sod your neighbours,dont bother about them, its a townie thing, no bugger knows anyone else on their street anymore,its sad but true.
1 Oct 2011
Travel / My trip to Krakow and its ups and downs. [70]

Ive only felt remotly meneced once in the Krakow area and that was when our group was the subject of a pathetic attempt at intimidation on the part of a large party of Star of David flag drapped youths who seemed to take exception to the 3 Asians in our group.......nice classy way to behave in Auschwitz I , tbh......
23 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Dakowicz tries to understand the British outrage,

What british outrage? Id say using this forum as a small sample section, British people with a wide range of views on other subjects are pretty united on this one, its funny and paints a true picture of a Saturday night out in certain parts of Britain......
23 Sep 2011
News / Hollywood's War with Poland. [150]

by David Duke

haha, LMAO...What,old Wiggy still at it? I guess his pointy haat is still at the dry cleaners.....creapy fekking lunatic that one,never trust a man with orange skin and nylon hair.....
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

But its not actually a Catholic guilt complex= universal thing......oh, minefield here, right, lets say Italy,erm pretty Catholic, do I need to say more than one word, Silvio?

And the Irish are not known for their reserve either,or the Spanish,so maybe its a Northern European/post Communist/Catholic thing?
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

And thanks for posting the thigh signing one twice- it is the most pleasing of the bunch.

I like the friend of Dorethy......erm, by that I mean not the bloke in a frock,ahem, erm, but the one with a girl dressed as Dorethy, her friend, uuummmm,wenchtastic :)
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Oh get a life you boring Git :)
Stop being so repressed,you'll give yourself a heartattack.

Ok, gloves off
You throw round Morally corrupt,well, sorry matey, easy counter;
"We" are up front,open people,if we like you,you know it,if we dont like you,you know it. We get ****ed and make fools of ourselves in public,so what?

"You" however are the opposite of the above, so called "morals" are a front for doing everything anyway,going to confesion later but woe begod anyone ever fund out.

Ive been to **** ups where Ive been the only non Pole and all the same behaviour goes on, puking,fighting,women getting over emotional etc, difference is,its been in someones house or large garden,so leave off with some high horse judgements yeah.

Its got a bit do with "Communism" but only because its mixed with its Catholic guilt complexes ,pure and simple.

or as Barney would say....Buuurrrrrrrrrrrrrp
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Right, Its not pretty,but it sure can be fun.
I laughed at the photos tbh, some very familiar scenes there.
Liked this one, couldnt decide whether it should be called ;
" We are deffo not in Kansas anymore look you"
or just simply
" Nice Toto's"

  • article118237304F2.jpg
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

The people of Briton have been known as wild drunken revellers since pre Roman invasion times, its hardly news and hardly likely to change because a few self righteous tits run a few TV campaigns or some bored troll in Poland or Paris wants a giggle ....
21 Sep 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Yes, but that`s obvious. What else? Look carefully at the he-goat.

Is he trying to stick that bit back on?
21 Sep 2011
Life / Ghost Bikes in Poland [11]

They are not good, but I said that because of the way of driving in here.

Ah, sorry, I was using a lazy english expression, by asking if the roads were that bad I meant with bad drivers :)
I imagine Isfahan has decent enough roads structuraly :)