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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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12 Jan 2012
Law / Can prosecutors ask a judge to imprison a Pole over business taxes? [6]

Indeed they do. Kluska was on Poland's Rich List and Robinson is on remand for gross negligence leading to the deaths of 60 people. The OP is asking about non-payment of CIT - I'm sure they don't jail people on suspicion of that. It would have to be a huge amount and would be a very high profile case.
12 Jan 2012
Law / Can prosecutors ask a judge to imprison a Pole over business taxes? [6]

n imprisoned several times over the past six years on suspicion of

This alone sounds weird.

and then be released after posting a cash bond

This too.

This has gone on for six years.

Nothing special for the Polish legal system which is one of the least efficient in Europe.

In the latest incident, he's been held for six months, and was scheduled for release two days ago. The prosecutor went to the judge and was granted permission to hold him another 90 days. Does this really happen?


I'm told this is not uncommon.

It doesn't quite have the ring of truth. Are you sure he's actually been in prison and not elsewhere?
12 Jan 2012
Life / Funeral arrangements for a foreigner in Poland [28]

Why dont you just do nothing and let the powers that be worry about the after arrangements? you concerned about your relatives footing the bill i suppose...

Or just sign it over to a medical school. They pay for a memorial service and you help the next generation of doctors learn.
11 Jan 2012
Food / Where to go for the best steak in Warsaw? [77]

Adler on ul. Mokotowska. I have always had great steak there.

An excellent place. Deserves to have queues outside but doesn't. Das Elefant in pl. Bankowy (and the other one next to it too) was good but is now shut. U Szweika is disappointing - they tend to overcook them. I don't normally like shopping malls, but Courtepaille in Arkadia does a good steak. Lamb too.
9 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / English dad, Polish mum are parting. What about the child? [27]

thankyou i will try this.

Try to speak to the girl. Poland is only 2 hours away, there are cheap flights and Poland is an easy and friendly place to visit. Especially if you have a grandchild there. The future might turn out far better than you think!
8 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

I know one or two, and they all say similar things to you. Polish friends complain that things are getting harder again as well. Even I spend part of my time doing stuff abroad now.
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

hold on. having a student in the hospital is the best thing. they are being taught so the teacher will want to do everything by the book.

I wouldn't mind either - the next generation of doctors have to learn sometime.

I'd fully expect a hospital which would practice such shenanigans ( foreign medical students attending patients without a qualified translator present ) in the States to get sued for all they had.

Fortunately hospitals in Europe have a rather more sensible approach.
7 Jan 2012
News / New road taxes in Poland? [13]

it might be that the person who caused the accident is the victim.

I was thinking the same. If they did put the victim there it would certainly slow traffic down.
7 Jan 2012
Life / Life in Lomza - Is it a cheap place to live? [9]

Is it a cheap place to live


What kind of entertainment and shopping services does it have?

A nice town centre. A few (but only a few) bars. A supermarket. A Macdonalds. A few small restaurants.

Is there a hospital there?

A small one. Everything you need. Just don't expect them to speak English in a place that size.

how easy is it to get medical care as an EU citizen?

If you are living working in Poland as opposed to just being on holiday it is compulsory to pay ZUS. This covers healthcare.

a new school called Linguo,they seem a good place

Never heard of it, and in a place like £omźa it will be a small one. I would be careful. Have you checked them out on Dacve's or any of the blacklists?

You could clear up on private lessons in a town like that - provided you handle it right...
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

It has nothing to do with being arrogant.

So what is it to do with then? Laziness? Lack of respect? Or simple incompetence?

Learning enough of a language to get by isn't very hard. In KSA I knew people who couldn't even tell a taxi driver where they lived - couldn't even say their address, never mind their phone number in Arabic! None of them had a particularly pleasant time there. I have no doubt that such people exist in Poland. It isn't a surprise that the locals have unwavering contempt for them and their stay in the country is a fraction as good as it could be!

The OP would have a much richer time if he just bothered to pick some of the language up. And it would save him future embarrassment when he tells people he spend six years in Poland and can't hold a simple conversation.
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Even a four year stay in a country makes it very worthwhile picking a bit of the language up. Hard not to really - I was chattering away after a year and a half of not really trying very hard to learn. And you never know when it might come in useful later.

Poznan can be a bit frustrating though. I lived there with my Polish partner. We made some friends, but none of them actually Poznaniaks. Awkward people.
7 Jan 2012
History / Did Polish farmer Krzysztof Azninski chop his own head off? [36]

completely made up

The name of the guy might be, however I remember the story was fairly widely reported in the UK at the time. I've heard the story told in Poland too.

It might sound outrageous and hard to believe. But so would a story about Polish ambulance staff murdering hundreds of patients so they can get bribes from funeral homes, wouldn't it........
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

They are all acutely aware that their time in Poland is limited so there is very little use in learning detailed Polish.

How long, out of interest?
7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Bull!!! Our Polish friends here are wonderful people, but they don't learn Arabic because there is NO need.

Or just laziness - I managed to pick up a bit and my time there was much richer for it (and the locals disrespect you far less if you make the effort.) It came in very handy in Sudan where there aren't hordes of English-speaking Filipinos and Indians running around cleaning up after you and now in Doha, I'm very glad I can speak with the locals without expecting them to speak my language.

waste their time learning Polish.

When you're in Poland it isn't a waste - or especially difficult.

Would you rather know how to speak Polish or recognize the signs and symptoms of a myocardial infarction

Very different skills - and when in Poland the former is essential. What do you do if you want to buy something in a shop, talk to your neighbours or order a taxi?

Let's be honest - the real reason they don't learn is because they think they're better than the "stupid locals" who should all speak English anyway.

7 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

Why is it that NONE of my Polish friends here in Saudi Arabia, after being here for years, don't speak ANY Arabic? Why?!? Because they are morons?

Either that or a basic lack of respect. Arabic isn't the easiest language in the world, but ANYONE can manage to learn a few phrases so they can buy a coffee, get something from a Saudi shop where the assistants are Egyptian (and due to Saudiization there are now sometimes Saudis working on supermarket checkouts) etc, make simple conversation with Saudis, etc. Polish is even easier. And medical students can hardly claim they aren't any good at learning things...

This was a rant of mine while living in Europe; the insinuation that not learning a language is a sign of laziness.

It is rather. That and the aforementioned lack of respect for the people whose country one is in and for their culture.
6 Jan 2012

still have had no contact from the school to officially say that yes i am in fact fired

Don't touch them, hawk your CV around (lie - nobody cares about truth of the details providing you deliver the goods) and try Orange School.

Plus - spend a bit of cash (max 500) on ads in GW for korepetycja and use the free ads noticeboards in supermarkets in posh areas. Try Kabaty and Lomianki.


Gazeta Wyborcza, the Warsaw edition.
6 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]

A new survey finds that half
of Lithuanians would not like to have a Polish neighbor, in a new indicator

What a silly thing to say and a pointless thread. Stoking the fires of hatred where there isn't any. And you aren't Polish or even European, so you should stick to affairs of your own country and not cause hatred here. Keep your bias and prejudice to yourself.
5 Jan 2012
News / Poland being the powerhouse of Europe [40]

Chinese wages are rocketing. For instance, the pay for programmers in Poland is the same as china.

That's true for the good jobs. For the crap jobs they've still got a supply of workers from places where there's only one garment per village, to cover nudity if an official comes. Where people still starve.

Poland is a food exporter and if it used more intensive techniques it could produce triple the UK's production

Very true - this will keep Poland going for the foreseeable.
5 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

The Kresy. What is now Belarus and Ukraine. Mainly the places where Poles made up fewer than one in five of the population in 1931.

A fascinating place and one with a rich heritage of different communities living together.