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Joined: 31 Aug 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 May 2012
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From: USA

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12 Jun 2011
Life / The Polish Way to Ask Questions [41]

No, not those kind of questipons. But what annoys me, is when I meet Poles in Chicago their first question is "what part of Poland are you from", "how did you get to America" or "how long have you been in America"?

It really annoys me because I'm not from Poland and because to them those are the most important questions they wanna know.
11 Jun 2011
Life / How Safe Are the Polish Cities? [179]

Poland is one of the safest , children walk around the cities and towns on their own without any trouble. Never have i heard of a gun shooting or murder in poland

Where have you been all your life? Or are you blind.
7 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

Is this kinda reaction normal with polish girls or something going on there? A personality thing?

Generally speaking, yes, it is normal, because Polish women think they are superior and everyone has to bow before them. And this is particularly true when they go to a foreign country, where they lose their brain...If they ever had one..
2 Jun 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

Who cares nowadays

Some people do care about their morality and self worth. Some trash doesn't.

As far as I can tell there's never been any special idea in Poland of pre-marital sex being wrong.

yes there is, the catholic church teaches it and so does the bible. And many girls I know don't do it before marriage. Your girlfriend's mother has high moral standards and doesn't like her daughter being so loose.
1 Jun 2011
Life / Child Adoption in Poland? [138]

what's wrong with Mexican children?

Why are you attacking someone for just asking a question? Some people have their reasons why they want to raise a child of the same race. What's wrong with adopting Polish children? Why don't Polish people in Poland go and adopt black or Chinese children?
1 Jun 2011
Love / My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together [113]

My Polish girlfriend's mother called her a prostitute because we live together

I'm not surprised. Living together before marriage is considered a sin, and so is sex before marriage. Even though I've never done it, I have heard people call others prostitutes because of that reason.
29 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

Most likely you are bitter because the guy found a better looking wife once he got to the States

Lol. I'm not bitter, just stating the facts. And no, he was an ugly fucster, lot older than me, and no I am not not an ugly fat American. But I better go to McDonald's or I'll get blown away in a tornado.
27 May 2011
Off-Topic / How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick? [103]

How do Polish people operate? what makes them tick?

Havok, you couldn't have said this any better! I sooo agree with you on everything you said. I had the "pleasure" of living in Poland for a few years and once I got back to my country, I couldn't get rid of all those negative emotions and vibrations hanging over me, which I experienced in Poland. People in Poland are always mad at something, never smile, always looking for ways to cheat you, to get more money out of you. I swear, that is the Polish norm, how to cheat one another and lie.

Very depressing. People over 40 in Poland say they are too old to do anything, a 40 year old person in Poland looks like a 60 year old in America. The recent tornados we experience here were devastating as well as the floods, but when you look at the news, the people here are positive, they will rebuild, they even joke about it, but in Poland when they had floods, everyone was angry at the government, at their country and everybody else, they were so negative and complaining about everything. Polish men are pigs, the pee all over the buildings and it stinks so bad. Must be because they drink all the time. And why do they smoke so much in Poland? I thought they don't have money for bread, but they got enough for piwo and papierosy.

I can go on, but going to the circus now.
27 May 2011
Love / I met a Polish guy but wonder what his intention is.. [35]

Looks like things are well with you. My marriage to a Polish guy lasted only 4 months because once he got his green card, he got really mean, accused me of things I never did and became emotionally and verbally abusive. For example his dick got sores on it one day and he accused me of giving him aids. I was so mad, we went to the doctor, found out he has a yeast infection because he never washed himself. I got him a job, they call me from his work, that people are complaining that he has body odor. He never used the washing machine or the drier, instead he washed his clothes by hand and hung them over the bath tub. A,merican food was a "zaraza" and he never used a microwave. His cooking was horrible and tastless and he took everything apart and never put it back together right. I can go on and on.

But that was his plan from the begining, to get to America and get his green card, nothing else mattered. I hope your Polish guy isn't retarded like this, I'm sure there are some, very few, nice Polish guys somewhere out there.

But I'm not looking anymore.
6 Jan 2011
Genealogy / CIOCHOŃ from Brzeg Dolny [15]

i was adopted i was born in brezg donly

When you were adopted all the info was given to your adoptive parents. Did you ask them? You should have some documents with your name on them.
6 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / American Marrying Polish woman - visa question [41]

Don't try for the tourist visa because you will spend the money and most likely be denied and if she does get a tourist visa and comes here and you marry her, it is a fraud. After you marry her you will be questioned by the US embassy to see if your marriage is pro bono and ask you personal questions in seperate rooms. This is illegal, marrying on a tourist visa, but people still do it but I wouldn't recommend it.

You should apply for the fiancee visa, which she will get and it usually takes 4-6 months. She will need a medical checkup done in Poland and since this is in a sense an immigration visa everything will be done legally and you can marry her here in the states. You have 90 days to do so after her arrival. The documents have to be translated into english by a sworn translator. After marriage you can apply for a conditional green card valid for 2 years, after which you change the status.

For a marriage to take place, you need her birth certificate and proof that she is here legally, like the fiance visa, which has an expiration date.

Do things legally, then you won't have problems later on.
After you marry her, apply for a social security card for her and she can then work.
In order to marry in Poland, it will more difficult. You might need permission to marry from the Polish gov and the wait to marry is long.
6 Jan 2011
Love / Why are Polish women so sexy ? [390]

In fact, most women cannot get a good job these days without a made up face.

Depends what kind of job they're looking for. Always openings for prostitutes.
It's just the opposite in America, because women who have made up faces like in Poland, don't land those professional jobs because it throws off a negative image of a woman. Polish women use waaay tooo much makeup.
21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / PolAm style Thanksgiving? [35]

And the Poles get mad when they make shrimp pierogis in the US, while the American Thanksgiving Dinner gets polonized.
28 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polish Food - 40 flavors of pierogies in the US [113]

Maybe I'm alone on this one, but if you want to offer Polish food, it should be authentic.

But it's not Polish food, because it's called "pierogies". This is America not Poland. The Italians don't get mad when we put shrimp or anchovies on pizza. Polish people put ketchup on pizza.
14 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Do Polish guys like American girls? [103]

I met a polish guy online

Run as fast as you can.
I fell into this trap. I won't even start on the details but run! Do not believe anything he says. He only wants to come to the US, get a green card and once he accomplishes his goal you are a piece of shiit. They are manipulators, they say they love you and all this other crap.

So run and never look back!
10 Oct 2010

Why is it that other countries don't get pisssed about no monuments but the Poles do? All those Swedish, Scandinavian, Norwegian, Russian, Finnish, Danish, German etc. immigrants don't demand anything but Poles do and feel rejected that nobody listens to them. If Poles weren't so demanding, complaining and agressive maybe they would earn more respect?
10 Oct 2010
Language / Jestes moim najlepszym kumlpem... [18]

So the whole translation of Jestes moim najlepszym kumlpem I ciesze sie ze cie mam..!!3maj sie caluski would be:

You are my best friend and I am so glad that you are mine..!! Take care. Kisses.

You are my best buddy and I'm glad that I have you....!! Take care kisses
6 Oct 2010

Furious Polish-Americans

Lol, that is funny. Some people can't take rejection. Do Americans get mad that there aren't any American hero monuments in Poland? Who cares? Just proves how shallow minded some people are and think they are the best thing ever invented. Lol. How immature.
28 Sep 2010
Love / Polish Girl Doesn't Want To Touch. [240]

The girl is not married to you, why would she want to be touched? You are not in a close relationship, just friends and that's the way she wants it. Once you become all touchy and lovey dovey, the friendship you had is gone and a new type of friendship emerges, more serious and scary. She's not ready to be involved, don't know how long she's been in the US but Poles go through culture shock and some take years to get back on their feet and getting their minds to work properly. It's simple, she just wants to be friends with you. She might have had a bad experience before and vowed to herself that she will never get involved with another guy because she will get hurt by him again. So don't be mad at her because she doesn't like touching, it's just the way she is and you have to respect and accept her that way if you want to be friends with her. You won't change her, she is the only one who could do that. Maybe later as she gains more trust in you, she will open up more, but for now she doesn't want to be touched, she just wants a friend.
28 Sep 2010
Love / THE POLISH DISEASE, wanna marry a Polish girl ? read on... [197]

Polish guys are not much different. They keep stuff inside, aren't honest, only nice to you if you are American because they think you got money. So it's not just Polish women who are psycho, it's Poles themselves. Of course there are exceptions
10 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / Requirements for marriage in the US if not planning to stay [11]

Why do you ignorants even post since you know nothing? Marisa, to marry you in the US your fiance can be on ANY kind of visa or even WITHOUT one

Why ignorants like you even post anything? Sure he can marry on a tourist visa and when he leaves the country he won't be able to come back to the US for at least ten years because he defrauded the US gov. and didn't change his status to a conditional green card resident. Same if he come on a K1, B1 or any other kind of visa, even if it did expire what is the purpose to marry in the US if you don't follow up with the proper procedures. You will just have a marriage certificate issued in the US but he will not be a resident and if you ever want a divorce he is not a US citizen and the US will not grant a divorce to a person who can't stand trial in the US.

Grubas you are a prime example how to illegally defraud the US gov. by telling others to do so.
10 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / Requirements for marriage in the US if not planning to stay [11]

What's the sense of getting married in the US if you won't be living there? He will not be able to get US citizenship if he doesn't live in the US for 3 years after you marry. If after you marry you travel outside of the country he will need a special permit which allows him to return to the US and to leave for a limited time, if he does not obtain a permit or stays beyond the permitted time period he will not be able to return to the US. He can apply for a tourist visa AND might get lucky but then to marry him on such a visa is illegal AND THE us gov. frowns on this. A fiance visa is the answer but then again you have to be living in the US to apply for a fiance visa for him and live here if you want him to get US citizenship, otherwise why do you even want to marry in the US?