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Posts by pierogi2000  

Joined: 2 May 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 226 / In This Archive: 156
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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18 Oct 2013
Life / Poland: The land of -isms [63]

but 99% just want to work

Even if you counted dealing drugs, your number is laughable. Why are there so many more blacks on welfare than other races? Let me guess, the system holding them down? The same system that seems to be working just fine for every other group of immigrants. Overwhelming majority of blacks in the USA were born & raised in the country....generations of roots in the country. Why are they continually over stepped by immigrants without the English language? Chance occurs once the excuses stop and that is not happening any time soon in the Land of Political Correctness.

I really don't gei it, why people coming here expect Poland to be just like the West or the US.

The majority of this globe is homogeneous. The nations that roamed the globe raping and murdering are no longer homogeneous. Go figure......

And actually Poland has less racists than Americans because logically there are less race issues in Poland....because it's homogeneous. How can a Pole be racist at something they've never met or encountered.

European homogeneous country that needs to progress in order to function better as a future multicultural nation.

Insisting that Poland needs to change into a multicultural nation is no different than me stating the USA needs to genocide their non Whites and return to being a homogenous country. Both are extremes.

It's been said before and will continue being said. If you don't like it....stay out.
17 Oct 2013
Life / Poland: The land of -isms [63]

The reason you aren't treated as an outsider in the UK is because the UK no longer has a heritage or culture. It's now a watered down version of many mixes. That's exactly what Poles are trying to avoid. Who cares how wealthy you are when you hate or can't communicate with your co worker, neighbor or everyday people on the street (Western Life).
12 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

So we are left with a situation where the program contained material from someone the BBC effectively said was unreliable yet you still think that it painted a realistic picture, I find that particularly odd.

I lost a significant amount of respect for BBC after that circus before the Euro Tournament. Didn't Sol warn about returning from Poland/Ukraine in a coffin?

Garbage. He had never even stepped foot in the country.
6 Oct 2013
Genealogy / 5'9" tall is a normal for Poland Male height? [17]

Well if we're using Wikipedia to judge Serbia, I guess we'll use Wikipedia to judge Poland. Says 1 inch difference in Poland than Serbia.

Unless you are going from Europe to Asia, or Europe to South America. I don't think you'll notice much of a difference although I have been told Dutch are the tallest Euros
5 Oct 2013
History / Why did Russia attack Poland in WW2? [178]

I remember reading that Churchill considered the "Miracle of Vistula" one of the 20 most important events of the century. But to your point I would confidently state 5% or less of the USA population is aware of this event or even know Poland has ever defeated Russia in a War.

Russia had massive defence lines and supply depos near its border with Poland.

Interesting point

they had returned the favour many times already, before 1939. Besides Poland fought one on one not 2 or 3 against 1

It was technically 4 vs 1

Invasion of Poland

Germany, Russia, Slovakia & Prussia

Great post.

I am not patronizing anyone here,I am asking a simple question which it appears, cannot be answered.When are you Eastern Europeans going to step out of the shadow of 1939?

"Elder generations"

Poland was under Communist dominance only 24 years ago. My parents would not have immigrated with my sister & I, if this were not the case. The overwhelming majority of Poles on the globe were/are directly effected by WW2. Atleast 50+ years til this changes.
2 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

My parents
- Learned the language
- Didn't reproduce
- Never sat on welfare

This is simply not the norm with current immigrants to Germany. I'll also go a step further and say my parents didn't try and force their social norms onto their new home, which is currently on going in Germany
2 Oct 2013
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

German punishment is long term & on going. They are being over run by immigrants, forever altering their culture and heritage. The native children are spoon fed self hate and guilt. This is much worse than any financial or territorial punishment.
1 Oct 2013

Western Germans have the same stereotype for us as Eastern Germans. We were both occupied for 50 years. It makes sense
1 Oct 2013

Clearly you haven't travelled very much in Germany.

How do you manage to be so contradictory and wrong in every thread

It's German engineering. Not Polish engineering, not Turkish engineering, not British engineering.
30 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

No one wonders why a large group of immigrants would be viewed negatively. That's human nature. But the Pole looks at English society (London no longer native Brit) and says you should be grateful you are getting European immigrants.
30 Sep 2013

Having spent time in all three nations (Poland, Germany, Turkey) the Germans are justified in their "lofty standards". As someone that has spent 2 decades in California, I was left blown away after my first visit to Germany. The efficiency, organization, and logic was quite impressive.

Unfortunately for Germany, they are forced to bring in immigrants because of the large dying/retiring generation in the next 10+ years. They have no choice and do not have the liberty of slowly allowing workers in. On one hand this is the bed that Hitler made but on the other hand it is discouraging to see such a culturally impressive nation decline to the level of the immigrants it is bringing in.
30 Sep 2013
Life / Does teetotalism even exist in Poland? [10]

I believe going from one extreme to the other isn't effective. Meaning going from frequent or massive drinking to complete soberness. But I understand the difficulty in "having just one".

Does teetotalism exist? Of course and it is increasing with the younger general and especially with more drugs available. My personal experience is that if you avoid alcohol completely, you will find yourself resenting those drinking or in general feeling out of place. Have you tried Non Alcoholic beer?

Having a hobby in mind: staying active with physical sports is great. I would recommend a web size such as 'MeetUp' to schedule hang outs
30 Sep 2013
Life / "You are 100 years behind Blacks" - this old Polish saying [29]

On the other hand, ALL Blacks do listen to rap, sag their pants to reveal their underwear, or constantly use curse words. Strangely, I know many Whites who do all these things.
And I know Blacks who are presidents, CEOs, teachers, researchers, etc.
I myself sometimes use bad words too, and I may enjoy some good rap music too.

Blacks are extremely stereotypical people. Cursed by their own culture. Most blacks have 2 choices: Accept black culture and turn into just another lazy, violent and ignorant individual OR go against black culture and be labeled an uncle tom/sell out. I recognize the difficult situation they are in but yet they continue to celebrate individuals like Jay Z and LeBron James as heroes.
30 Sep 2013
Life / "You are 100 years behind Blacks" - this old Polish saying [29]

Nobody ever heard this saying

Give the thread a few days. Native Poles don't usually post til the weekday

Seriously, how much related are you to such people like Thomas Edison? Apart from your skin colour?

I don't listen to Rap, sag my pants to reveal my underwear or constantly use curse words. That's enough for me
29 Sep 2013
Life / "You are 100 years behind Blacks" - this old Polish saying [29]

Perhaps when you achieve a shred of what black people have achieved, then you can laugh

Achieve what?

Over crowding of prisons
Biggest rate of rape
Biggest rate of murder
Biggest rate of broken families
Biggest rate of welfare
Biggest rate of drug use

Which is it?
29 Sep 2013
Life / "You are 100 years behind Blacks" - this old Polish saying [29]

Haha agreed. I started laughing hysterically and asked my mom where that was from. She was a bit embarrassed and then admitted when she was young it was still a popular saying. If someone is struggling or being lazy, then they are 100 years behind blacks
28 Sep 2013
Love / Do Polish guys not like kissing very much? [5]

Question: Is kissing more/kissing less a Polish cultural thing?

Answer: No.

Case by case situation. Why would you not just ask him?
28 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / 1.2% of scottish population born in Poland [37]

pierogi2000, does your idea of multicultural immigration include Polish people who are the topic of discussion? Or are you just racist? as all your 'arguments' can be used for any mass Immigration.

Immigration, of course. Multicultural immigration, no. I don't see Poles moving to Asia, South America, or Africa.