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Joined: 23 Jan 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
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6 Feb 2013
Polonia / What are qualites of Germans? [60]

From where are you?

Political extremism??

You know that Brits had the same problem during WW2?? The normal Tommy only had enough in his stomach, so he fought against the racist from the BUF in the riots of the Cable Street .. Germans were back then too weak, too hungry, too poor to fight .. they saw hope in the psychopaths of the Third Reich ..

Today is Germany one of the most open minded countries ..
6 Feb 2013
Study / Bachelor's in aerospace in Poland - how high is the level? [23]

especially Germany

You know that you dont have to pay any Euro when you want to study in Nordrhein-Westfalen? You even get BaföG, what means, every student gets +/- 400 Euros .. after your graduation you have 10 years time to pay 50% back .. so safe 200 to pay it immediately and 200 Euros are a gift from the government .. flats, sharing-flats etc. are very cheap down here .. and you can work part time, where you dont have to pay taxes .. the highest salary where you dont have to pay is 450 Euro .. thats part time down here ..
6 Feb 2013
Life / Moving to Wroclaw, Need Fly Threads [16]

Then why can you not speak Polish, when you lived there for two years?? Isnt it disrespectful? All those yankees here in Germany at least try to speak German .. and they are not bad!

Anyway .. about fashion in Poland .. Polish men dont care about fashion, you dont have Polish designer labels, you can not find stores with Hilfiger, Boss, True Religion etc. down there .. they have rather a casual style like sports dress or modest outfits .. they girls are rather more into fashion, the best brand in Poland for girls are Zara, H&M and Guess.
6 Feb 2013
Life / Moving to Wroclaw, Need Fly Threads [16]

Its not a joke, it is reality in Poland .. have you ever been there?? Especially in some Wroclaw neighbourhoods?? I hope for you, you will live in the inner city ..
6 Feb 2013
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

Poland is not really a Third World country .. but it is of course also not a emerging country .. and First World country I dont even dare to mention ..

Poland looks like North Korea, Poland is like a lower version of East Germany .. I would compare Poland today to East Germany in the 90 s.
4 Feb 2013
Work / MY SALARY in a Poland's private school. Is 1700 PLN netto too much? [11]

1700 Netto?? Zloty??

Thats 400 Euro .. you get 400 Euro in Germany from the government, when you are unemployed .. and they though pay you an whole flat till 50 qm ..

400 Euro students and pupils get, what is called "BaföG" ..

Do you really still want to work in Lodz, even full time??
4 Feb 2013
Life / Migration To Poland - cost of living, work, safe for a girl? [20]

And? What now? Are any of these companies you mentioned Polish? You really compare Decathlon to a world company like ThyssenKrupp or VW?

Anyway .. wichkramav =) You saw, even the Poles here admit that you should better go to France instead of Poland. :D

I say, check out Germany and you will be happy. =)
4 Feb 2013
Life / Migration To Poland - cost of living, work, safe for a girl? [20]

Well .. choose Germany instead of Poland, when you are looking for a job and future. ;D

Check out the thread about the Korean dude, who was looking for a job, I told him several things about the city Düsseldorf. You can also ask there something! =)

If you plan to study here, in the state NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen) is study for free! There are no costs .. you eve get as student some money called "BaföG" (more information , when you really plan to come here ).

I dont know if Poland have a economy crisis .. do they even have a economy?? All big companies there are German.

Please check out this thread.

4 Feb 2013
Life / Migration To Poland - cost of living, work, safe for a girl? [20]


Are you Tamil or Singhalese??

In Germany are many Tamils and instead of Poland, you should research about this country here! =) Cause if you plan to work, then you will not find a job in Poland .. you know that after their graduation many Poles go abroad, to work in part-time jobs in the western world? For example an IT student goes to the UK and works in a warehouse ..

Do yourslef a favour and research about other countries, like Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

And of course visit the country you want to live in first! =)
3 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Do Poles in the UK pretend to be uppity because they have an inferiority complex? [60]

I wouldnt say Poles in foreign countries have a inferiority complex .. rather the Poles in Poland, who act to be a western country are uppity .. they never saw anything in their life, but think their country is the centre of the earth cause Warsaw has some skylines.

Poles in the UK are different, they changed while seeing the western world!
3 Feb 2013
Travel / A good kebab place in Warsaw? [45]

Polish Kebab??

Do yourself a favour and drive to Berlin .. there is real Döner, it was founded there ..
2 Feb 2013
Love / Polish women and foreign men [76]

Polish girls are pretty,smart,and they are open minded

Isnt this xenophobic too .. ?
1 Feb 2013
Life / How can Polish people afford Polish candys?? [9]

The salary in Poland is 4 - 6 time smaller than in Germany.

In a big supermarket called "Rewe" costs "Michalki", "Ptasie Mleczko", "Malaga" and all the other ones, at least 3-5 Euro ..

I know, the same price is in Poland, for Ptasie Mleczko for example, like 12 Zloty ..

Even for German circumstances, this chocolate has a high price for the weight .. how can Poles afford it??
1 Feb 2013
Study / Moroccan dude wants to study in Poland [4]

Dont worry, you can learn something new about your country.

The Polish name is "wyższa szkoła zawodowa".

Related: I still have a chance to study this year in an university in Poland?

I want ask if it is possible to start study in university(even private) in wrocław since this month or the next month or i have to wait till next year. Hope you know some prevate universities give lessons in english or french language because i dont know good Polish.
1 Feb 2013
Love / Polish women and foreign men [76]

Most Polish women just want to get out of Poland, even if they have to go into poorer countries like Algeria or Tunesia. They need prestige and a husband, who will work for them, while they spending lazy times in the sun.

Polish women mostly need prestige, they want that their friends in the old country say: "Magda lives in Algeria now, she has a husband there .. he is doctor/engeneer/teacher/manager .. even if he only sell fake sunglasses to tourists.
1 Feb 2013
Study / Moroccan dude wants to study in Poland [4]

What do you want in Poland??

A Polish graduation from University or College is nothing worth in the most modern countries here in Europe, especially Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Or are you only searching Polish girls?? They are all over the world ..

Think really about it, if it is worth to spend so much time in Poland, when you also could have the opporutinty in a modern and multicultural country in Europe.